Modulates definition

Modulates means interacts directly with a target and activates, agonizes, antagonizes or inhibits such target, alone or together with its signaling partners or co-factors.

Examples of Modulates in a sentence

  • On a Target-by-Target basis, upon the earlier of (i) the JSC’s approval of the first Candidate that meets the applicable Success Criteria for the Target that such Candidate Modulates, or (ii) [***] with respect to such Candidate ((i) or (ii), the “Target Fee Trigger”), NVS will pay the Target Fee to HMI in accordance with Section 11.3 (Target Fee); [***].

  • During the Research Term, (a) NVS and the JSC will assess the results provided in each Interim Report; (b) the JSC will review and determine whether each Candidate identified in the Success Criteria Report has achieved the Success Criteria for the Target that such Candidate Modulates; and (c) NVS will determine whether it wishes to Develop any Candidate, regardless of whether such Candidate has achieved the applicable Success Criteria.

  • NVS may terminate this Agreement on a Target-by-Target basis at will, in its sole discretion, on not less than (a) [***] prior written notice to HMI, following the First Commercial Sale of a Product that Modulates such Target, and (b) [***] prior written notice to HMI, if prior to the First Commercial Sale of a Product that Modulates such Target.

  • As of the Effective Date, the Parties anticipate that the Target Research Activities will result in the identification, synthesis, and further advancement of at least [***] IND-ready Candidate that Modulates each Target, which Candidate(s) NVS may elect to take forward into Clinical Development.

  • For the avoidance of doubt, the Target Fee shall be payable (a) only once for each Target, regardless of the number of Candidates that meet the applicable Success Criteria for the Target that such Candidate Modulates, and (b) only if the Target Fee Trigger conditions are met.

  • Subject to Section 11.4.4 (Development Milestone Payment Terms), NVS will pay to HMI the corresponding milestone payment set forth in Table 11.4.3 (each an “In-Vivo [***] Development Milestone Payment”) upon achievement of each applicable milestone event listed in Table 11.4.3 below (each, an “In-Vivo [***] Development Milestone Event”) for solely the first In-Vivo [***] Product that Modulates the [***] Target.

  • Subject to Section 11.4.4 (Development Milestone Payment Terms), NVS will pay to HMI the corresponding milestone payment set forth in Table 11.4.2 (each an “Ex-Vivo [***] Development Milestone Payment”) upon achievement of each applicable milestone event listed in Table 11.4.2 below (each, an “Ex-Vivo [***] Development Milestone Event”) for solely the first [***] Product in the Ex-Vivo Field that Modulates the [***] Target.

  • Subject to Article 8 (Manufacturing and Technology Transfer), NVS will use Commercially Reasonable Efforts to Develop and obtain Marketing Approval for at least [***] Product in each of the In-Vivo Field and Ex-Vivo Field and for at least [***] Ophthalmic Product that Modulates each Ophthalmic Target.

  • The title of the publication is, "Neoadjuvant Immunotherapy of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Modulates Intratumoral CD4/CD8 Ratio and Tumor Microenvironment: A Multicenter Phase II Clinical Trial".

  • During the term of the Agreement, the Parties and their respective Affiliates shall not (other than in connection with the activities conducted pursuant to this Agreement), either on their own, or with or for the benefit of any Third Party, research, develop, make, have made, use, offer for sale, sell, have sold, import or otherwise exploit a product that Modulates the S1P1 receptor.

Related to Modulates

  • Opioid antagonist means a drug that binds to opioid

  • Cell means a single encased electrochemical unit containing one positive and one negative electrode which exhibits a voltage differential across its two terminals.

  • Cannabinoid means any of the chemical compounds that are the active constituents of marijuana.

  • Preceptor means an individual who provides, directs, or verifies training and experience required for an individual to become an authorized user, an authorized medical physicist, an authorized nuclear pharmacist, or a radiation safety officer.

  • Vector means a carrier that is capable of transmitting a pathogen from one organism to another including, but not limited to, flies and other insects, rodents, birds, and vermin.

  • Electrostatic spray means a method of applying a spray coating in which opposite electric charges are applied to the substrate and the coating. The coating is attracted to the substrate by the electrostatic potential between them.

  • Opioid means a drug that produces an agonist effect on opioid receptors and is indicated or used for the treatment of pain.

  • Microbusiness means a licensee that may act as a cannabis

  • Acute toxicity means concurrent and delayed adverse effects that result from an acute exposure and occur within any short observation period, which begins when the exposure begins, may extend beyond the exposure period, and usually does not constitute a substantial portion of the life span of the organism.

  • Corrosion inhibitor means a substance capable of reducing the corrosivity of water toward metal plumbing materials, especially lead and copper, by forming a protective film on the interior surface of those materials.

  • Pathogen means an organism that is capable of producing an infection or disease in a susceptible host.

  • Virus means any thing or device (including any software, code, file or programme) which may: prevent, impair or otherwise adversely affect the operation of any computer software, hardware or network, any telecommunications service, equipment or network or any other service or device; prevent, impair or otherwise adversely affect access to or the operation of any programme or data, including the reliability of any programme or data (whether by re-arranging, altering or erasing the programme or data in whole or part or otherwise); or adversely affect the user experience, including worms, trojan horses, viruses and other similar things or devices.

  • STEM means science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

  • Biological diversity means the variability among living organisms from all sources including, inter alia, terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they are part; this includes diversity within species, between species and of ecosystems.

  • Tissue means a portion of the human body other than an organ or an eye. The term does not include blood unless the blood is donated for the purpose of research or education.