MACT determination definition

MACT determination means any combination of emission limitations, work practices, raw material specifications, throughput limitations, source design characteristics, and air pollution control devices that achieve the level of HAP control required by paragraph (E) of rule 3745-31-28 of the Administrative Code.
MACT determination means any combination of emission limitations, work practices, raw material specifications, throughput limitations, source design characteristics, and air pollution control devices that achieve the level of HAP control required by paragraph

Examples of MACT determination in a sentence

  • On and after the date of start-up, a constructed or reconstruct- ed major source which is subject to these requirements shall be in compliance with all applicable requirements specified in the MACT determination.

  • The permitting authority will noti- fy the owner or operator in writing, within thirty (30) days from the date the application is first received, as to whether the application for a MACT determination is complete or whether additional information is required.

  • When an application for a MACT determination is approved pursuant to section (9), the construction permit issued pursuant to this rule shall contain a MACT emission limitation (or a MACT work prac- tice standard if the permitting authority deter- mines it is not feasible to prescribe or enforce an emission standard) to control the emis- sions of HAP.

  • The EPA may include in the emis- sion standard established under section 112(d) or section 112(h) of the Clean Air Act a specific compliance date for those sources which have obtained a final and legally effec- tive MACT determination under section (9) and which have submitted the information required by section (9) to the EPA before the close of the public comment period for the standard established under section 112(d) of the Clean Air Act.

  • In addition to this paragraph, an application for a case-by-case MACT determination shall include the following information:1.

  • The owner or operator of an affected source shall apply for a construction permit as required in 567—paragraph 22.1(1) “b.” The construction permit application shall contain an application for a case-by-case MACT determination for the major source.

  • In accordance with 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart B (40 CFR Parts 63.50 through 63.56), the permittee shall submit an application to revise the permit to include equivalent emission limitations as a result of a case-by-case MACT determination.

  • This emissions unit is subject to a case-by-case MACT determination pursuant to section 112(j) of the Clean Air Act (CAA) due to the June 8, 2007 D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals decision to vacate the Boiler MACT (40 CFR Part 63, Subpart DDDDD).

  • The MACT standard or standards for the affected source categories included at the source are promulgated.(c) Notwithstanding paragraph (a), pursuant to 40 CFR 63.56(a), the Permittee shall comply with an applicable promulgated MACT standard in accordance with the schedule provided in the MACT standard if the MACT standard is promulgated prior to the Part 2 MACT Application deadline or prior to the issuance of permit with a case-by-case Section 112(j) MACT determination.

  • The Part II application for a MACT determination may, but is not required to, contain the following information: a.

Related to MACT determination

  • Reset Determination Date means, in respect of the First Reset Period, the second Business Day prior to the First Reset Date, in respect of the first Subsequent Reset Period, the second Business Day prior to the Second Reset Date and, in respect of each Subsequent Reset Period thereafter, the second Business Day prior to the first day of each such Subsequent Reset Period;

  • Interest Determination Date means, with respect to a Rate of Interest and Interest Accrual Period, the date specified as such hereon or, if none is so specified, (i) the first day of such Interest Accrual Period if the Specified Currency is Sterling or (ii) the day falling two Business Days in London for the Specified Currency prior to the first day of such Interest Accrual Period if the Specified Currency is neither Sterling nor euro or (iii) the day falling two TARGET Business Days prior to the first day of such Interest Accrual Period if the Specified Currency is euro.

  • Adverse determination shall have the meaning set forth in Section 19.7.

  • Initial determination means the first child custody determination concerning a particular child.

  • SOFR Determination Date has the meaning specified in the definition of “Daily Simple SOFR”.

  • Eligibility Determination means an approval or denial of eligibility and a renewal or termination of eligibility as set forth in OAR 410-200-0015;¶

  • Child custody determination means a judgment, decree, or other order of a court providing for the legal custody, physical custody, or visitation with respect to a child. The term includes a permanent, temporary, initial, and modification order. The term does not include an order relating to child support or other monetary obligation of an individual.

  • Index Determination Date means, in relation to any Index, a date on which such Indexfalls to be determined in accordance with the Conditions;

  • Reviewing Party means any appropriate person or body consisting of a member or members of the Company's Board of Directors or any other person or body appointed by the Board of Directors who is not a party to the particular Claim for which Indemnitee is seeking indemnification, or Independent Legal Counsel.

  • Rate Determination Date means two (2) Business Days prior to the commencement of such Interest Period (or such other day as is generally treated as the rate fixing day by market practice in such interbank market, as determined by the Administrative Agent; provided that to the extent such market practice is not administratively feasible for the Administrative Agent, such other day as otherwise reasonably determined by the Administrative Agent).