Ishmael definition

Ishmael means “God hears”. There are at least two reasons why this name is appropriate. First, the Lord “heard” the cries of Xxxxx’x misery. Second, Xxxxxxx kept crying out to God about the loss of his inheritance and thus was in constant hostility with all his brothers. A brief review of Xxxxxxx’x life will help to understand his combative nature. For almost fourteen years he had every reason to believe he would inherit the wealth of his father. During this time, he was not only the firstborn son of Xxxxx, he was the only son. He was also much loved by his father. Note that when Xxxxxxx was informed that Xxxxx would have a son, he cried out to God: “0 that Xxxxxxx might live before thee!” (Gen. 17:18.) Such, however, was not to be. When Xxxxx was born, an incredible thing happened. Xxxxxxx, the firstborn and beloved son of Xxxxxxx, was driven out and disinherited. The Scriptures are clear in this regard: “Xxxxxxx left everything he owned to Xxxxx” (Gen 25:5). No wonder Xxxxxxx was angry. He must have “cried out” to God in his misery, just as his mother had cried out in her misery so many years before. This is, of course, an allegory that helps us to understand the nature of law. The very essence of law is litigious and quarrelsome, just like Xxxxxxx. That which is written in stone never changes. Our understanding, however, does change. Consequently, our understanding of law is in a constant state of flux. Human beings are seldom at the same level of knowledge and understanding. Sometimes we even learn new information that requires us to abandon previous positions about which we once felt confident. This is one reason why the Old Covenant, written in stone, will always be controversial.
Ishmael means “God hears”. “El Roi” means “the God who sees.” “Eliezer” means “Comforter”.
Ishmael s name means ‘God hears’ and ironically God hears the child’s cries after Sarah casts out Hagar, the Egyptian concubine, and her son from Abraham’s presence [Gen 21:9-21]. Why did Sarah cast her out? Because Ishmael was literally ‘laughing’ (i.e., scoffing) at Isaac and persecuting him (a foreshadowing of the persecution of Egypt against Israel). Although God

Examples of Ishmael in a sentence

  • William Hunter Olu "Ish" Ishmael Ildiko JonaJenny Lee Kawamura Michelle S.

  • Mayor Neil Johnson, Jr., Deputy Mayor Justin Evans, Councilmember Terry Carter, Councilmember Todd Dole, Councilmember Angela Ishmael, Councilmember J.

  • The following verse from the noble Quran emphasizes the fact that belief in all the previous scriptures sent by Allah is an integral part of the Islamic belief system:{Say [O believers]: We have believed in Allah and what has been revealed to us and what has been revealed to Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and the descendants and what was given to Moses and Jesus and what was given to the prophets from their Lord.

  • Brethren of Israelites (descendants of Abraham through Isaac) are Ishmaelites (descendants of Abraham through Ishmael).

  • The Judaic law, which still subsists, and that of the child of Ishmael, which, for ten centuries, has ruled half the world, still proclaim the great men who laid them down; and, while the pride of philosophy or the blind spirit of faction sees in them no more than lucky impostures, the true political theorist admires, in the institutions they set up, the great and powerful genius which presides over things made to endure.

  • Hanney WJ, Kolber MJ, Pabian PS, Cheatham S, Salamh P, Williams R, Ishmael, A.

  • There is no partner besides You." Isaiah 42 can never be applied to an Israelite prophet, as Kedar is the second son of Ishmael.

  • However, Christians and Jews trace their descent to Abraham, his wife Sarah, and their son Isaac; while Muslims trace theirs to Abraham and his Egyptian concubine, Hagar, and their son Ishmael.

  • Technical queries may be directed to Ishmael Khalaki Telegraphic, telephonic, telex, facsimile, e-mail, electronic and late bids will not be accepted.

  • There are actually nine named plaintiffs, all former National Collegiate Athletic Association (“NCAA”) football or basketball players: Keller, Edward O’Bannon, Jr. (UCLA), Byron Bishop (University of North Carolina), Michael Anderson (University of Memphis), Danny Wimprine (University of Memphis), Ishmael Thrower (Arizona State University), Craig Newsome (Arizona State University), Damien Rhodes (Syracuse University), and Samuel Jacobson (University of Minnesota).

Related to Ishmael

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