INTERCOMPANY LOAN CONFIRMATION means a document substantially in the form set out in Schedule 2 (Form of Intercompany Loan Confirmation) to the Intercompany Loan Terms and Conditions confirming the principal terms of each Intercompany Loan Agreement between Funding, any Issuer, the Security Trustee and the Agent Bank;
INTERCOMPANY LOAN CONFIRMATION means this Current Issuer Intercompany Loan Confirmation;
INTERCOMPANY LOAN CONFIRMATION means the Eighth Issuer Intercompany Loan Confirmation;


INTERCOMPANY LOAN CONFIRMATION shall refer to the First Issuer Intercompany Loan Confirmation and any New Intercompany Loan Confirmation entered into from time to time.
INTERCOMPANY LOAN CONFIRMATION means the [{circle}] Issuer Intercompany Loan Confirmation;
INTERCOMPANY LOAN CONFIRMATION means a document substantially in the form set out in SCHEDULE 3 to the Intercompany Loan Terms and Conditions confirming the principal terms of each Intercompany Loan Agreement between Funding and the relevant Issuer;
INTERCOMPANY LOAN CONFIRMATION means a document substantially in the form set out in Schedule 2 (Form of Intercompany Loan Confirmation) to the Intercompany Loan Terms and Conditions
INTERCOMPANY LOAN CONFIRMATION means the agreement entered into on the Closing Date between, amongst others, Funding 1, the Issuer, the Funding 1 Security Trustee and the Issuer Security Trustee; Intercompany Loan Terms and Conditions means the terms and conditions signed for identification on the Initial Closing Date by Funding 1, the Funding 1 Security Trustee and the Agent Bank;
INTERCOMPANY LOAN CONFIRMATION means the Ninth Issuer Intercompany Loan Confirmation; ISSUER means the Ninth Issuer;
INTERCOMPANY LOAN CONFIRMATION means the [O] Issuer Intercompany Loan Confirmation;