Hypolimnion definition

Hypolimnion means the cold, relatively undisturbed lowermost layer of thermally stratified lakes.
Hypolimnion means the seasonally stratified layer of a lake or reservoir below the metalimnion; the bottom layer.
Hypolimnion means the lower, cooler layer of a lake during thermal stratification.

Examples of Hypolimnion in a sentence

  • Hypolimnion - The lowest layer in a thermally stratified lake or reservoir.

  • Draft Report for the First Year of the Nitrate Addition Pilot Test in the Hypolimnion of Onondaga Lake (2011).

  • Work Plan for Pilot Test to Add Nitrate to the Hypolimnion of Onondaga Lake.

  • Hypolimnion - The lower, colder water later of a stratified lake.

  • Hypolimnion: The dense bottom layer of a stratified lake that sits below the thermocline (Figure 1).

More Definitions of Hypolimnion

Hypolimnion means the bottommost (coolest and most dense) layer of water in a thermally stratified lake with relatively uniform temperature below the metalimnion. This layer is not subject to mixing by wind or convection currents.
Hypolimnion means the cold water present at the bottom of a lake or reservoir. "Late-run" means spring Chinook salmon that pass Gold Ray Dam after 30 June. "Lost Creek Dam" means the same as William Jess Dam.
Hypolimnion means the bottom and most dense layer of water in a thermally-stratified lake. It is the layer that lies below the thermocline. Typically the hypolimnion is the coldest layer in the summer and the warmest during winter. It is isolated from surface wind-mixing and is does not receive enough incoming light for photosynthesis to occur.
Hypolimnion means the lower region of the lake near the 10 sediment surface.
Hypolimnion means the lower layer of nearly uniform temperature in a thermally stratified man-made lake or reservoir listed in 9 VAC 25-260-187.B.
Hypolimnion means the lowest, (usually coldest) layer of a stratified lake and lies below the metalimnion and epilimnion.
Hypolimnion meansmeans the cold, relatively undisturbed lowermost layer of thermally stratified lakes.