Handling Bureau definition

Handling Bureau means the National Bureau of the Country where a motor accident occurs.
Handling Bureau means UOS, KIB or any authorized member – insurance com- pany or any other legal entity, which is allowed to handle and settle claims under the provisions of this MOU and which requests reimbursement from an insurance com- pany member of UOS or KIB under the terms of this MOU.

Examples of Handling Bureau in a sentence

  • In case of disagreement by the Handling Bureau, the Handling Bureau will have to take the initiative for resolving the dispute by mediation or by arbitration.

  • Signature of Jobholder: Date signed: Approved by: Signature of the person with the authority to approve the job descriptionDate approved:Date upon which the job description was approvedReviewed:Date when the job description was last reviewed 70 Department of Health Services and Promotion of Health Investments KISUMU COUNTY1.

  • Any amount exceeding these conditions or limits shall remain to be borne by the Handling Bureau.

  • The (Handling) Bureau in the country of accident, on receipt of such notifications, should as soon as possible notify the Guaranteeing Bureau of all outstanding reimbursement demands to the liquidated Member of that Bureau and of all cases currently being handled.

  • If Articles 4.5, 4.6 or 4.7 of the IR have been applied by the Handling Bureau, the Guarantee Call to the Bureau of which the insurer in question is a member, is not valid if the latter was not preceded by a reimbursement demand to the Guaranteeing Bureau in accordance with the conditions set out in art.

  • Inter-American Institute For Cooperation On Agriculture, Postharvest Institute For Perishables, Asean Food Handling Bureau.

  • If the Handling Bureau can amend the guarantee call to correct or cover the qualified reasons for rejection, the Handling Bureau can publish it as a new guarantee call.

  • A Guarantee Call should be regarded as invalid in the event that the Guaranteeing Bureau proves that the demand for reimbursement has already been fully settled by itself, its member or by one of its agents.4. If Articles 4.5, 4.6 have been applied by the Handling Bureau, the Guarantee Call to the Bureau of which the insurer in question is a member, is not valid if the latter was not preceded by a reimbursement demand to the Guaranteeing Bureau in accordance with the conditions set out in art.

  • After three months since the close of a quarter or after the due date of an immediate payment, reimbursement has not been made to the Handling Bureau, an 8 % compound interest rate per annum calculated after the due date shall be added to the sum due.

  • The Handling Bureau shall not knowingly appoint, without written consent of the Issuing Bureau or cause or permit a claim to be handled by any member or person or organization who by virtue of any contractual obligation is financially interested in the accident giving rise to a claim.

Related to Handling Bureau

  • Service Bureau means a technology provider that offers and supplies technology and technology services to a trading firm that does not have its own proprietary system.

  • credit bureau means an entity specialised in the collection and sale of credit performance information for individuals and businesses and registered as a credit bureau;

  • Scavenging means the unauthorized removal of solid waste from a facility.

  • Wastewater Treatment Works means an arrangement of devices and structures for treating wastewater, industrial wastes, and sludge. Sometimes used as synonymous with "waste treatment plant" or "wastewater treatment plant" or "pollution control plant".

  • Surveillance means monitoring and observation of the disposal site for purposes of visual detection of need for maintenance, custodial care, evidence of intrusion, and compliance with other license and regulatory requirements.

  • Flying bug insecticide means any insecticide product that is designed for use against flying insects or other flying arthropods, including but not limited to flies, mosquitoes, moths, or gnats. Flying bug insecticide does not include wasp and hornet insecticide, products that are designed to be used exclusively on humans or animals, or any moth-proofing product. For the purposes of this definition only, moth-proofing product means a product whose label, packaging, or accompanying literature indicates that the product is designed to protect fabrics from damage by moths, but does not indicate that the product is suitable for use against flying insects or other flying arthropods.

  • Transport means the most efficient and available method of conveyance. In all cases, where practical, economy fare will be utilized. If possible, the Insured’s Common Carrier tickets will be used.

  • Credit Reference Bureau means a credit reference bureau duly licensed under the Banking Act pursuant to the Banking (Credit Reference Bureau) Regulations, 2013, as amended, revised or promulgated from time to time, to inter alia, collect and facilitate the sharing of customer credit information;

  • Monitoring means the measurement of radiation, radioactive material concentrations, surface area activities or quantities of radioactive material and the use of the results of these measurements to evaluate potential exposures and doses. For purposes of these regulations, "radiation monitoring" and "radiation protection monitoring" are equivalent terms.

  • Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater means the most recent edition of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater published jointly by the American Public Health Association, the American Waterworks Association and the Water Environment Federation;

  • market surveillance means the activities carried out and measures taken by public authorities to ensure that products comply with the requirements set out in the relevant Union harmonisation legislation and do not endanger health, safety or any other aspect of public interest protection;

  • Agency(ies) means any government regulatory authority or authorities in the world responsible for granting approval(s), clearance(s), qualification(s), license(s), or permit(s) for any aspect of the research, Development, manufacture, marketing, distribution, or sale of a Product. The term “Agency” includes, without limitation, the United States Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”).

  • Handler means a person who takes title to and is engaged in the operation of packing, cleaning, drying, packaging, sizing, hauling, grading, selling, offering for sale, or marketing a marketable agricultural commodity or an agricultural commodity input in commercial quantities as defined in a marketing program, who as owner, agent, or otherwise, ships or causes an agricultural commodity or agricultural commodity input to be shipped.

  • Cathodic protection means a technique designed to prevent the corrosion of a metal surface by making that surface the cathode of an electrochemical cell. For example, protection can be accomplished with an impressed current system or a galvanic anode system.

  • Crawling bug insecticide means any insecticide product that is designed for use against ants, cockroaches, or other household crawling arthropods, including, but not limited to, mites, silverfish or spiders. “Crawling Bug Insecticide” does not include products designed to be used exclusively on humans or animals, or any house dust mite product. For the purposes of this definition only:

  • CalRecycle means the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery.

  • SVO means the Securities Valuation Office of the NAIC or any successor to such Office.

  • Storage means any keeping or retention of tangible personal property for use, consumption or

  • International Bureau means the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization;

  • Sewage sludge means a solid, semi-solid, or liquid residue generated during the treatment of domestic sewage in a treatment works as defined in section 6111.01 of the Revised Code. "Sewage sludge" includes, but is not limited to, scum or solids removed in primary, secondary, or advanced wastewater treatment processes. "Sewage sludge" does not include ash generated during the firing of sewage sludge in a sewage sludge incinerator, grit and screenings generated during preliminary treatment of domestic sewage in a treatment works, animal manure, residue generated during treatment of animal manure, or domestic septage.

  • Disposal means a sale, lease, licence, transfer, loan or other disposal by a person of any asset, undertaking or business (whether by a voluntary or involuntary single transaction or series of transactions).

  • Handling means any installation, handling, generation, storage, treatment, use, disposal, discharge, release, manufacture, refinement, presence, migration, emission, abatement, removal, transportation, or any other activity of any type in connection with or involving Hazardous Materials.

  • market surveillance authority means an authority of a Member State responsible for carrying out market surveillance on its territory;

  • Bureau means the Enforcement Bureau of the Federal Communications Commission.

  • Solid insulator means the insulating coating of wiring harnesses, provided in order to cover and prevent the high voltage live parts from any direct contact. This includes covers for insulating the high voltage live parts of connectors; and varnish or paint for the purpose of insulation.

  • Recycling means the series of activities by which materials that are no longer useful to the generator are collected, sorted, processed, and converted into raw materials and used in the production of new products. This definition excludes the use of these materials as a fuel substitute or for energy production.