Government lot definition

Government lot means a tract, within a section, which is normally described by a lot number as represented and identified on the township plat of the United States public land survey system.
Government lot means an irregular portion of a section formed by a meandered body of water, impassable object, a state or reservation or grant boundary or for other similar reasons as shown by U.S. government survey plat.
Government lot means an irregular portion of a section formed by a meandered body of water, impassable object, a state

Examples of Government lot in a sentence

  • The lot size, sample size, and Government lot number should be noted.

  • Levels of physical insecurity will differ for different types of value chain actors, depending on their location, size, asset base and so on.• How vulnerable is the chain to future conflict impacts?Note: Countries that have experienced violent conflict in the recent past are more exposed to the possibility that violence can break out again in the future.

  • Location of proposed subdivision by Government lot, quarter section, township, range, county and state.

  • Michael and Noreen Carlson- Parcel ID 43.032.0800, Part of Government lot 1, Section 32 T113N R13W, Formerly Lots 20, 22, 22, and 23 Block 6 Wacouta Beach, Goodhue County, are requesting a conditional use permit to elevate a structure by means other than fill in the special flood hazard area.

  • CONVEYANCE.—Not later than 120 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of the Interior, acting through the Director of the Bureau of Land Management, shall convey to the City of Carson City, Ne- vada, without consideration, all right, title, and interest of the United States in the prop- erty described as Government lot 1 in sec.

  • See Attachment 1.1 for an example location description.- Previous TPP- Subdivision plat including lots and blocks- Assessors plat including lots and blocks- Certified survey map including lots- Government lot- Recorded private claim- Vacated Roads- Quarter-quarter section- Section, township, range, and countySince many projects will have multiple plats, the department will include, as part of the project number, the page number to make each plat unique within the project.

  • The reported accidental fentanyl overdose deaths following the policy change (2020-2021) will serve as the non-random group of participants that is compared to the control group.

  • For items within FSCs 8345 and 8455 Government lot numbers shall only be stamped on the intermediate and exterior packs.

  • Due to the timing of the UK Autumn Statement, which took place in November 2022, the Provisional Settlement was not received until the 14th December 2022.

  • The meaning of symbols used to depict corners, roads, buildings, trails, streams, fences, etc.b. Shading or hatching symbols used to show the easement area.c. Line weight and style used to show road centerline, right-of-way limits, section lines, 1/4 section lines, etc.d. The photo symbols and place of filing if done photogrammetrically.The name of each grantor should appear on each parcel or 1/4 1/4 section or Government lot exactly as it will appear on the reservation.

More Definitions of Government lot

Government lot means a tract, within a section, that is normally described by a lot

Related to Government lot

  • Government List means any of (i) the two lists maintained by the United States Department of Commerce (Denied Persons and Entities), (ii) the list maintained by the United States Department of Treasury (Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons), and (iii) the two lists maintained by the United States Department of State (Terrorist Organizations and Debarred Parties).

  • Government Lists means, collectively, (i) the Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons Lists maintained by OFAC, (ii) any other list of terrorists, terrorist organizations or narcotics traffickers maintained pursuant to any of the Rules and Regulations of OFAC, and (iii) any similar lists maintained by the United States Department of State, the United States Department of Commerce or any other governmental authority or pursuant to any Executive Order.

  • Government data means any information, document, media, or machine readable material regardless of physical form or characteristics, that is created or obtained by the Government in the course of official Government business.

  • Government company means any company in which not less than fifty-one per cent. of the paid-up share capital is held by the Central Government, or by any State Government or Governments, or partly by the Central Government and partly by one or more State Governments, and includes a company which is a subsidiary company of such a Government company;

  • Government Body means any domestic or foreign federal, state, municipal or other governmental department, commission, board, bureau, agency or instrumentality, or other body exercising or entitled to exercise any administrative, executive, judicial, legislative, police, regulatory or taxing authority or power of any nature.

  • Government Property means all property owned or leased by the Government. Government property includes both Government-furnished and Contractor-acquired property. Government property includes material, equipment, special tooling, special test equipment, and real property. Government property does not include intellectual property and software.

  • Government school means a school established under section 5 of the Act, for the purpose of providing courses of instruction in pre-school, primary or secondary education.

  • Government of Sudan means the government in Khartoum, Sudan, which is led by the National Congress Party or any successor government formed on or after October 13, 2006, including the coalition National Unity Government agreed upon in the Comprehensive Peace Agreement for Sudan and does not include the regional government of southern Sudan.

  • Government Order means any administrative decision or award, decree, injunction, judgment, order, quasi-judicial decision or award, ruling or writ of any arbitrator, mediator, tribunal, administrative agency or Government Authority.

  • Government agreement has the meaning given in the Government Agreements Xxx 0000 (WA);

  • Government costs, as used in this clause, means those agency costs that result directly from developing and implementing the VECP, such as any net increases in the cost of testing, operations, maintenance, and logistics support. The term does not include the normal administrative costs of processing the VECP or any increase in this contract’s cost or price resulting from negative instant contract savings.

  • government department means any department of the Government of the United Kingdom;

  • government procurement means the process by which a government obtains the use of or acquires goods or services, or any combination thereof, for governmental purposes and not with a view to commercial sale or resale, or use in the production or supply of goods or services for commercial sale or resale;

  • Government aggregator means any government entity subject

  • Government Entity means (a) any federal, state, provincial or similar government, and any body, board, department, commission, court, tribunal, authority, agency or other instrumentality of any such government or otherwise exercising any executive, legislative, judicial, administrative or regulatory functions of such government or (b) any other government entity having jurisdiction over any matter contemplated by the Operative Agreements or relating to the observance or performance of the obligations of any of the parties to the Operative Agreements.

  • Government record or "record" means any paper, written or

  • Government Bid means any quotation, bid or proposal submitted to any Governmental Body or any proposed prime contractor or higher-tier subcontractor of any Governmental Body.

  • Government Security means any security issued or guaranteed as to principal or interest by the United States, or by a person controlled or supervised by and acting as an instrumentality of the Government of the United States pursuant to authority granted by the Congress of the United States; or any certificate of deposit for any of the foregoing.

  • Government servant means any person appointed by Government to any civil service or post in connection with the affairs of the Union & includes a civilian in a Defence service;