forest resources definition

forest resources. ’ means all the benefits derived from Indian forest lands, including for- est products, soil productivity, water, fish- eries, wildlife, recreation, and aesthetic or other traditional values of Indian forest lands;
forest resources means all Non-timber Resources and Timber, including all biota, but does not include Wildlife, Migratory Birds, water, Groundwater, Fish, or Aquatic Plants;
forest resources means those products, uses, and values associated with forest land, including recreation and aesthetics, fish, forage, soil, timber, watershed, wilderness, and wildlife.

Examples of forest resources in a sentence

  • The Forest Resources Conservation Amendments Act of 1993 authorizes Oregon and other western states to prohibit the export of unprocessed timber from public lands.

  • PURCHASER must comply with the provisions of the Forest Resources Conservation and Shortage Relief Amendments Act of 1993, which authorizes Oregon and other western states to prohibit the export of unprocessed timber from public lands, and with ORS 526.801 through 526.831 and OAR 629-031-0005 through 629-031-0045, in disposing of timber from this timber sale.

  • Pursuant to the Forest Resources Conservation and Shortage Relief Act of 1990, as amended (16 USC 620, et seq.), the Offeror acknowledges that the Offeror is aware of the applicable export restrictions.

  • The Offeror certifies, by signing this offer form, that the Offeror is in compliance with applicable prohibitions against export and substitution prescribed in the Forest Resources Conservation and Shortage Relief Act of 1990, as amended (16 USC 620, et seq.).

  • This provision does not supersede any applicable penalties associated with the Alaska Forest Resources and Practices Act (AFR&PA) under AS 41.17, 11 AAC 95, nor does it supersede any remedies other landowners may have under applicable laws.

More Definitions of forest resources

forest resources means raw wood logs and material primarily made up of cellulose, hemicellulose, or lignin, or a combination of those ingredients.
forest resources means all the benefits derived from Indian forest lands, including forest products, soil productivity, water, fisheries, wildlife, recreation, and aesthetic or other traditional values of Indian forest lands;
forest resources means those uses and values associated with, attainable from, or closely tied to, forested landscapes, and includes but is not limited to aesthetics, fish, forage, recreation, soil, timber, water and watersheds, wilderness, and wildlife.
forest resources means resources and values associated with forests and range including, without limitation, timber, water, wildlife, fisheries, recreation, botanical forest products, forage and biological diversity;
forest resources means all the benefits derived from tribal forest land, including forest products, soil productivity, water, fisheries, wildlife, recreation and aesthetic or other traditional values of tribal forest land.
forest resources means all timber and non-timber forest resources, including all biota, but does not include wildlife, migratory birds, water or fish;
forest resources means amount of forest, expressed in area covered and volume of growing trees;