Forced Outage Event definition

Forced Outage Event means the inability of a QFCP Generator to obtain from its Qualified Fuel Cell Provider or any other Persons a replacement component part or a service necessary for operation of one or more Energy Servers at its nameplate capacity.
Forced Outage Event is defined in the Tariff.
Forced Outage Event means the inability of a Qualified Fuel Cell Provider Project to obtain a replacement component part or a service necessary for operation of one or more Energy Servers at its nameplate capacity; and

Examples of Forced Outage Event in a sentence

  • During a Forced Outage Event, the Company will continue to receive the full reduction in renewable portfolio standards requirements that would have been provided but for the Forced Outage Event.

  • Following 90 days after the initiation of the Forced Outage Event, QFCP Generator shall be entitled to 70% of the disbursements per MWH of reduction in output to which the QFCP Generator would have been entitled but for the Forced Outage Event in the event that QFCP Generator has provided the Company with certification, pursuant to the PJM GATTS system or successor system, that it has acquired and retired Forced Outage Replacement RECs as set forth in Section K.

  • For each megawatt-hour of output which would have been generated but for a Forced Outage Event, QFCP Generator shall, at its sole expense, use commercially reasonable efforts to acquire and retire one Forced Outage Replacement REC.

  • With respect to a Force Majeure Event resulting from a Forced Outage Event that prevents the QFCP Generator from supplying output from the Facility, there shall be no disbursement to QFCP Generator for the first 90 days of such event and any such event shall no longer be considered to be a Force Majeure Event after the earlier of (i) the date of its remedy or (ii) 5:00 p.m. eastern standard time on July 1, 2025.

  • The duration of payments by the Company under Section K (2) above resulting from any Force Majeure Event other than a Forced Outage Event shall in no event exceed 178 days for each Force Majeure Event.

  • For all output for which QFCP Generator, despite using commercially reasonable efforts, is unable to acquire and retire Forced Outage Replacement RECs as set forth in Sections K (5) a and b above during a Forced Outage Event (hereinafter a “Replacement REC Shortfall”), the Company shall collect from its customers and disburse to the QFCP Generator 55% of the disbursements per MWH of reduction in output to which the QFCP Generator would have been entitled but for the Forced Outage Event.

  • Only one family never moved.As a result of these moves, juveniles had to live in bad neighborhoods where living conditions were very poor but housing was affordable.

  • There are no impacts arising from the proposed development which could affect the conservation status of Annex I habitats or Annex II species listed as qualifying interests of the SAC or SPA .

  • The PPA II tariff agreement provides for payments to DSGP in the event of a Forced Outage Event lasting in excess of 90 days.

  • CIGRE TB590 Dashboard: Q1Q2Q3Q4%EU6.979.6315.2515.79%FEU6.726.912.5113.65%SEU0.252.742.744.14%EA93.0390.3684.7582.21BFO0022 Legend:EU Equipment UnavailabilityFEU Forced Equipment Unavailability SEU Scheduled Equipment Unavailability EA Equipment AvailabilityBFO Bipole Forced Outage Event ReportingRoot Cause Analysis (RCA) is generally required to determine unique forced outages causes and types.

Related to Forced Outage Event

  • Forced Outage means any unplanned reduction or suspension of the electrical output from the Facility resulting in the unavailability of the Facility, in whole or in part, in response to a mechanical, electrical, or hydraulic control system trip or operator-initiated trip in response to an alarm or equipment malfunction and any other unavailability of the Facility for operation, in whole or in part, for maintenance or repair that is not a scheduled maintenance outage and not the result of Force Majeure.

  • Excused Outage means any disruption to or unavailability of Services caused by or due to (i) Scheduled Maintenance,

  • Planned Outage means the removal of equipment from service availability for inspection and/or general overhaul of one or more major equipment groups. To qualify as a Planned Outage, the maintenance (a) must actually be conducted during the Planned Outage, and in Seller’s sole discretion must be of the type that is necessary to reliably maintain the Project, (b) cannot be reasonably conducted during Project operations, and (c) causes the generation level of the Project to be reduced by at least ten percent (10%) of the Contract Capacity.

  • Unplanned Outage refers to the unavailable status of the units of the Power Plant other than Planned Outage. Based on the urgency of the needs of outage, the Unplanned Outage can be classified into five categories: (1) immediate outage; (2) the outage which could be delayed for a short while but the units must exit within six hours; (3) the outage which could be postponed over six hours but the units must exit within seventy-two hours; (4) the outage which could be deferred over seventy-two hours but the units must exit before the next Planned Outage; and (5) the prolonged outage which is beyond the period of the Planned Outage.

  • Scheduled Outage means the final outage plan as approved by the RPC as per the provisions of the Grid Code;

  • Interruption Period shall have the meaning set forth in Section 5 hereof.

  • SOFR Index Cessation Event means the occurrence of one or more of the following events:

  • Total Suspended Solids means measure of all suspended solids in a liquid; typically expressed in mg/L.

  • Outage means the state of a component when it is not available to perform its intended function due to some event directly associated with that component. An outage may or may not cause an interruption of service to customers, depending on system configuration.

  • Reference evapotranspiration or “ETo” means a standard measurement of environmental parameters which affect the water use of plants. ETo is given expressed in inches per day, month, or year as represented in Appendix C of these Guidelines, and is an estimate of the evapotranspiration of a large field of four to seven-inch tall, cool-season grass that is well watered. Reference evapotranspiration is used as the basis of determining the Maximum Applied Water Allowances.

  • Conversion Period means the period of time commencing on the eighth day after the Offer Date and terminating on the Expiry Date;

  • Total suspended particulate means particulate matter as measured by the method described in 40 CFR 50, Appendix B.

  • Barrier Event means that R (final) is lower than the Barrier.

  • OBFR Index Cessation Event means the occurrence of one or more of the following events: