Examples of Federal Student Loan Program in a sentence
Cloud & Richard Fossey, Facing the Student-Debt Crisis: Restoring the Integrity of the Federal Student Loan Program, 40 J.C. & U.L. 467, 497 (2014) (“First and foremost, we believe the ‘undue hardship’ provision in the Bankruptcy Code should be repealed, which would allow insolvent student-loan debtors to discharge their student loans in bankruptcy like any other non-secured debt.”).
The General Education Certificate (0985) program is not eligible for Federal Financial Aid including, but not limited to: Federal Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG), Federal Work-Study, Federal Student Loan Program and Federal Veteran Educational benefits.
Delisle, “Costs and Risks in the Federal Student Loan Program: How Accountability Policies Can Protect Taxpayers,” Statement Before the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions on Reauthorizing the Higher Education Act, American Enterprise Institute, Jan.
The Perkins Federal Student Loan Program, while authorized by entirely different acts, is also named after Carl D.
Federal Student Loan Program Student loans are funded by the Federal Government under the Federal Perkins Loan Program (CFDA #84.038) and are administered directly by the University.
Under the current Federal Student Loan Program (FSLP), students who participate cannot discharge on their student loans except in extreme circumstances.
Exit Interview All students participating in the Federal Student Loan Program must complete the exit counseling process once leaving the institution, graduating or reducing their course load to less than half time.
Both programs offer deferred repayment options and an extended repayment period of up to ten years depending on total amount borrowed.Any student in default on a Federal Student Loan Program (Direct, Stafford, Perkins, PLUS, ICL, or Consolidated Loan) is not eligible for federal grants or loans, and may not participate in the Tuition Management System (TMS) monthly payment option.
Stafford Federal Student Loan Program) as authorized by section 489A of the Higher Education Act of 1965.
Stafford Federal Student Loan Program), as authorized by section 489A of the Higher Education Act of 1965.