Existing Environmental Compliance Liability definition

Existing Environmental Compliance Liability means any or all claims and/or demands by and/or liabilities to third parties including, but not limited to, governmental entities arising from any and all Laws applicable to any Property or Option Property as of or prior to the First Closing Date for such Property or Option Property, including, without limitation, compliance with all Permits.
Existing Environmental Compliance Liability means any or all environmental permits, approvals, consents, stipulations, licenses, registrations, certificates and authorizations which are required under the Environmental, Health and Safety Requirements applicable to the operations or occupancy on the premises of Target and its Subsidiaries.
Existing Environmental Compliance Liability means any or all environmental permits, approvals, consents, stipulations, licenses, registrations, certificates and authorizations which are required by law, ordinance and regulation and any and all environmental regulatory compliance requirements applicable to the Project Property or the business operations occurring thereon, or originating therefrom, as of or prior to the Closing, which may result in claims and/or demands by and/or liabilities to third parties including, but not limited to, governmental entities.

Related to Existing Environmental Compliance Liability

  • Environmental Compliance means actions performed during or after Operations to comply with the requirements of all Environmental Laws or contractual commitments related to reclamation of the Properties or other compliance with Environmental Laws.

  • Adverse Environmental Condition means (i) the existence or the continuation of the existence, of an Environmental Contamination (including, without limitation, a sudden or non-sudden accidental or non-accidental Environmental Contamination), of, or exposure to, any substance, chemical, material, pollutant, Hazardous Substance, odor or audible noise or other release or emission in, into or onto the environment (including without limitation, the air, ground, water or any surface) at, in, by, from or related to any Equipment, (ii) the environmental aspect of the transportation, storage, treatment or disposal of materials in connection with the operation of any Equipment, or (iii) the violation, or alleged violation, of any Environmental Law, permits or licenses of, by or from any governmental authority, agency or court relating to environmental matters connected with any of the Equipment.

  • Environmental Compliance Reserve means any reserve which the Agent establishes in its reasonable discretion after prior written notice to the Borrower from time to time for amounts that are reasonably likely to be expended by the Borrower in order for the Borrower and its operations and property (a) to comply with any notice from a Governmental Authority asserting material non-compliance with Environmental Laws, or (b) to correct any such material non-compliance identified in a report delivered to the Agent and the Lenders pursuant to Section 7.7.

  • Environmental Conditions means the presence in the environment, including the soil, groundwater, surface water or ambient air, of any Hazardous Material at a level which exceeds any applicable standard or threshold under any Environmental Law or otherwise requires investigation or remediation (including, without limitation, investigation, study, health or risk assessment, monitoring, removal, treatment or transport) under any applicable Environmental Laws.

  • Environmental Condition means any condition or circumstance, including the presence of Hazardous Substances which does or would (i) require assessment, investigation, abatement, correction, removal or remediation under any Environmental Law, (ii) give rise to any civil or criminal Liability under any Environmental Law, (iii) create or constitute a public or private nuisance or (iv) constitute a violation of or non-compliance with any Environmental Law.

  • Lender’s Environmental Liability means any and all losses, liabilities, obligations, penalties, claims, litigation, demands, defenses, costs, judgments, suits, proceedings, damages (including consequential damages), disbursements or expenses of any kind or nature whatsoever (including reasonable attorneys’ fees at trial and appellate levels and experts’ fees and disbursements and expenses incurred in investigating, defending against or prosecuting any litigation, claim or proceeding) which may at any time be imposed upon, incurred by or asserted or awarded against the Administrative Agent, any Lender or any Issuer or any of such Person’s Affiliates, shareholders, directors, officers, employees, and agents in connection with or arising from:

  • Assumed Environmental Liabilities has the meaning specified in Section 7.4.

  • Retained Environmental Liabilities means all Environmental Liabilities of Seller or its Affiliates arising out of or relating to operations or activities that are not primarily related to the Business, whether arising or related to the period before or after Closing.

  • Phase I Environmental Site Assessment means a Phase I environmental property assessment of the Assets that satisfies the basic assessment requirements set forth under the current ASTM International Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments (Designation E1527-13) or any other visual site assessment or review of records, reports or documents.

  • Pre-Closing Environmental Liabilities means (i) any violation of Environmental Law arising in connection with the ownership or operation of the Properties prior to the Effective Time, (ii) any Release of Hazardous Substances onto or from the Properties prior to the Effective Time or relating to or arising from any activities conducted on such properties or from operation of such assets prior to the Effective Time and (iii) any claim, action, cause of action, inquiry, investigation, remediation, removal or restoration with respect to the matters set forth in subsection (i) or (ii) above

  • Phase I Environmental Report means a report by an Independent Person who regularly conducts environmental site assessments in accordance with then current standards imposed by institutional commercial mortgage lenders and who has a reasonable amount of experience conducting such assessments.

  • Environmental Complaint shall have the meaning set forth in Section 4.19(d) hereof.

  • Excluded Environmental Liabilities means any and all Environmental Liabilities whether arising before, at or after the Effective Time, to the extent relating to, resulting from, or arising out of the past, present or future operation, conduct or actions of Xxxxxxx Retained Business.

  • Material Environmental Liabilities means Environmental Liabilities exceeding $500,000 in the aggregate.

  • Covered Environmental Losses means all environmental losses, damages, liabilities, claims, demands, causes of action, judgments, settlements, fines, penalties, costs and expenses (including, without limitation, costs and expenses of any Environmental Activity, court costs and reasonable attorney’s and experts’ fees) of any and every kind or character, by reason of or arising out of:

  • Environmental Site Assessment means a Phase I environmental report meeting the requirements of the American Society for Testing and Materials, and, if in accordance with customary industry standards a reasonable lender would require it, a Phase II environmental report, each prepared by a licensed third party professional experienced in environmental matters.

  • Environmental Harm means serious or material environmental harm or environmental nuisance as defined in the Environmental Protection Xxx 0000 (Qld);

  • Environmental Requirement means any Environmental Law, agreement or restriction, as the same now exists or may be changed or amended or come into effect in the future, which pertains to health or safety (as they relate to natural resources or the environment), any Hazardous Material, or the environment, including ground, air, water or noise pollution or contamination, and underground or aboveground tanks.

  • Environmental covenant means a servitude arising under an environmental response project that imposes activity and use limitations.

  • Applicable Environmental Laws means any applicable federal, state, or local government law (including common law), statute, rule, regulation, ordinance, permit, license, requirement, agreement or approval, or any applicable determination, judgment, injunction, directive, prohibition or order of any governmental authority with jurisdiction at any level of federal, state, or local government, relating to pollution or protection of the environment, ecology, natural resources, or public health or safety.

  • Phase I Environmental Assessment A “Phase I assessment” as described in, and meeting the criteria of, the ASTM, plus a radon and asbestos inspection.

  • Applicable Environmental Law means all Applicable Laws pertaining to the protection of the environment (e.g., prevention of pollution and remediation of contamination) and human health and safety, including, without limitation, the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7401 et seq.; the Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. § 1251 et seq.; the Oil Pollution Act of 1990, 33 U.S.C. § 2702 et seq.; the Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act, 33 U.S.C. § 1401 et seq.; the National Environmental Policy Act, 42 U.S.C. § 4321 et seq.; the Noise Control Act, 42. U.S.C. § 4901 et seq.; the Occupational Safety and Health Act, 29 U.S.C. § 651 et seq.; the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (“RCRA”), 42 U.S.C. § 6901 et seq., as amended by the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments of 1984; the Safe Drinking Water Act, 42 U.S.C. § 300f et seq.; the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (“CERCLA”), 42 U.S.C. § 9601 et seq., as amended by the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act; the Emergency Planning and Community Xxxxx-xx-Xxxx Xxx, 00 X.X.X. § 00000 et seq.; the Toxic Substances Control Act, 15 U.S.C. § 2601 et seq.; the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act, 49 U.S.C. § 1801 et seq.; the Atomic Energy Act, 42 U.S.C. § 2011 et seq.; and the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982, 42 U.S.C. § 10101 et seq.; and all analogous applicable state and local Applicable Laws, including, without limitation, Tex. Nat. Res. Code, Title 3 (Oil and Gas) and 16 Tex. Admin. Code. pt. 1 (Railroad Commission of Texas).

  • Environmental Assessment Act means the Environmental Assessment Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.E.18.

  • Material Environmental Amount an amount payable by the Borrower and/or its Subsidiaries in excess of $5,000,000 for remedial costs, compliance costs, compensatory damages, punitive damages, fines, penalties or any combination thereof.

  • Environmental Violation means, with respect to the Property, any activity, occurrence or condition that violates or results in non-compliance with any Environmental Law.