EPD Agreement definition

EPD Agreement means that certain contract titled "Exclusive License Agreement" entered into by and between CopyTele, Inc. and AU Optronics Corporation effective May 27, 2011. For the avoidance of doubt, the EPD Agreement was designated Hearing Exhibit 2 during the Arbitration, and bears control numbers COPYTELE-0000584-614.

Examples of EPD Agreement in a sentence

  • Notwithstanding the foregoing, the duties and obligations owed by, and any liabilities of, Officers and members of the Board of Directors of the Company to the MLP or its limited partners shall be limited as set forth in the EPE Agreement or the EPD Agreement, as applicable.

  • Each material contract between the Company or the MLP, on the one hand, and EPCO or Affiliates of EPCO (other than the Company or the MLP), on the other hand, shall be subject to the requirements of Section 7.9 of each of the EPE Agreement and the EPD Agreement, and must be (x) approved by Special Approval or (y) on terms objectively demonstrable to be no less favorable to the MLP than those generally being provided to or available from unrelated third parties, and in any event must be in writing.

  • EPD Agreement - the Sixth Amended and Restated Agreement of Limited Partnership of EPD, dated as of November 23, 2011, as amended, supplemented, amended and restated, or otherwise modified from time to time.

  • For the avoidance of doubt, each Party absolves the other of all Claims arising from the EPD Agreement and the nFED Agreement.

  • Notwithstanding the foregoing, the duties and obligations owed by, and any liabilities of, Officers and members of the Board of Directors of the Company to the MLP or its limited partners shall be limited as set forth in the EPD Agreement.

  • Special Approval - approval by a majority of the members of the Audit and Conflicts Committee in accordance with the EPD Agreement.

  • ITUS acknowledges and agrees that the termination of the EPD Agreement shall not impact or terminate any sub-licenses granted by AUO under the terms of the EPD Agreement, or any other rights that may have existed prior to such termination.

  • EPD Agreement - the Fifth Amended and Restated Agreement of Limited Partnership of EPD, dated as of August 8, 2005, as amended, supplemented, amended and restated, or otherwise modified from time to time.

  • This release includes without limitation Claims relating to the EPD Agreement and the nFED Agreement and any Claim either Party brought or could have brought in the Arbitration.

  • Special Approval - approval by a majority of the members of the Audit and Conflicts Committee in accordance with the EPE Agreement or the EPD Agreement, as applicable.

Related to EPD Agreement

  • Cross License Agreement means that certain Cross License Agreement between and among Medarex, Cell Genesys, Inc., Abgenix, Inc., Xenotech, L.P. and Japan Tobacco Inc., dated March 26, 1997.

  • Collaboration Agreement has the meaning set forth in the Recitals.

  • License Agreement means the agreement between SAP (or an SAP SE Affiliate, or an authorized reseller) under which Customer procured the rights to use SAP Software or a Cloud Service.

  • Connection Agreement means an agreement entered into between a distributor and a person connected to its distribution system that delineates the conditions of the connection and delivery of electricity to or from that connection;

  • Development Agreement has the meaning set forth in the Recitals.

  • Restated Agreement means the Original Facility Agreement, as amended by this Agreement, the terms of which are set out in Schedule 2 (Restated Agreement).

  • Transaction Agreement has the meaning set forth in the recitals.

  • Formation Agreement has the meaning attributed to it in Recital A;

  • Licence Agreement means an agreement (whether or not in writing) between the owner of student accommodation and a student giving a licence to the student;

  • Joint Agreement means a type of Fund Use Agreement between the Consortium and the Fund Council that sets forth an umbrella set of terms and conditions that govern principally the submission and approval of CRP proposals and the transfer and use of funds from the CGIAR Fund for implementation of CRPs.

  • PILOT Agreement means the Agreement for Payments in Lieu of Ad Valorem Taxes entered into by and among the Board, the Company, the City and the County.

  • TBT Agreement means the Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade, which is part of the WTO Agreement;

  • IP License Agreement means the Intellectual Property License agreement set forth as Exhibit E hereto.

  • Supply Agreement has the meaning set forth in Section 7.1.

  • Construction Agreement as used in this subsection means an agreement between Seller and any contractor or subcontractor to install the System;

  • Sponsor Letter Agreement has the meaning set forth in the recitals to this Agreement.

  • Foundation Agreement means the agreement dated the 20th February 1985 made between the Trustee, the Manager, Xxxxxxxx, Genting WA and Tileska providing for the subscription of Units and Options;

  • Main Agreement means the part of this Agreement that commences on the first page and ends with but includes Schedule A, excluding Section 3(d) (which incorporates this Schedule C into the Agreement).

  • Alliance Agreement has the meaning given to such term in paragraph 11.2 of Schedule 13 (Information and Industry Initiatives);

  • Sublicense Agreement means any agreement or arrangement pursuant to which Licensee (or an Affiliate or Sublicensee) grants to any third party any of the license rights granted to the Licensee under the Agreement.

  • Waiver Agreement means an agreement between