Dockominium definition

Dockominium means slip space that is sold or leased by a lessee of submerged lands to a boat or vessel owner for more than one year.
Dockominium means slip space that is sold or leased by a lessee of submerged lands to a boat or vessel owner for more than one year.[1997, c. 678, §13 (NEW).]

Examples of Dockominium in a sentence

  • Every Solution is a Problem: The Dockominium “Solution” in Light of the Public’s Intertidal RightsAlthough the dockominium can serve as a market-based tool to ease the unmet demand for recreational water access, it is not without its own set of problems.

  • No sign of any kind shall be displayed to the public view on or from any Unit, Garageominium Unit, Dockominium Slip, Common Elements or the Limited Common Elements, without the prior consent of the Board of Directors.

  • Only two boats or other watercraft of any nature may be stored in Dockominium Slip in line, however, no boats or watercraft may extend beyond a total of 32 feet.

  • Lower level walks, patios and exterior portions of Units and Limited Common Elements, and all visible portions of Garageominium Units and Dockominium Slips shall be maintained in a neat and orderly condition.

  • Only one (1) boat or other watercraft of any nature may be stored in each Dockominium Slip.

  • No boats or other watercraft of any nature may be stored on Condominium property nor tied up to boat docking facilities, except within Dockominium Slips designated in this Condominium for boat docking and storage.

  • Owner of a Dockominium Slip will be allowed to store one conventional deck box for storage of boating equipment on the dock during the boating season.

  • An Owner may lease his Unit, Garageominium Unit, and Dockominium Slip collectively for periods of not less than one (1) year, and any such leases shall be subject to any further rules and regulations as are promulgated by the Board of Directors.

  • Maine’s Demand for Water Access,and the Dockominium Supply-Side SolutionMaine is a water-rich state.

  • The Dockominium Group, FAQs Part One, For example, § 103-3(c)(6)(b) of the Panama City, Florida Code of Ordinances sets a guideline of 1 boat ramp per 5,000 people, available at the local government’s financial reach.

Related to Dockominium

  • Water surface elevation means the height, in relation to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD) of 1929, the North American Vertical Datum (NAVD) of 1988, or other datum, where specified, of floods of various magnitudes and frequencies in the floodplains of riverine areas.

  • Condominium Plan means a plan described in Section 4285.

  • Condominium means a common interest community in which portions of the real estate are designated for separate ownership and the remainder of the real estate is designated for common ownership solely by the owners of those portions. A common interest community is not a condominium unless the undivided interests in the common elements are vested in the unit owners.

  • Ground water means water below the land surface in a zone of saturation.

  • Drywell means an unlined or partially lined underground pit (regardless of geometry) into which drainage from roofs, basement floors, water softeners or other non-wastewater sources is discharged and from which the liquid seeps into the surrounding soil.

  • apartment building means a residential use building, or the residential use portion of a mixed-use building, other than a townhouse or stacked townhouse containing four or more dwelling units each of which shall have access to above grade common halls, stairs, elevators, and yards;

  • Taximeter means any device for calculating the fare to be charged in respect of any journey in a hackney carriage or private hire vehicle by reference to the distance travelled or time elapsed since the start of the journey, or a combination of both; and

  • Uppermost aquifer means the geologic formation nearest the natural ground surface that is an aquifer, as well as lower aquifers that are hydraulically interconnected with this aquifer within the facility's property boundary.

  • Surface water means all water which is open to the atmosphere and subject to surface runoff.

  • Greywater means all liquid wastes from showers, baths, sinks, kitchens and domestic washing facilities, but does not include toilet wastes;

  • Condominium unit A Single Family Property within a Condominium Project.