Dependent adult definition

Dependent adult means a person 18 years of age or older who is unable to protect the person’s own interests or unable to adequately perform or obtain services necessary to meet essential human needs, as a result of a physical or mental condition which requires assistance from another.
Dependent adult means a person eighteen years of age or older whose ability to perform the normal activities of daily living or to provide for the person’s own care or protection is impaired, either temporarily or permanently.
Dependent adult means an individual 18 years old or older, who has a physical or mental impairment that restricts the individual's ability to carry out normal activities or to protect the individual's rights.

Examples of Dependent adult in a sentence

  • If the victim is a child as defined in Iowa Code section 232.2 and is reported to be a victim of child abuse, the department finds there is good cause to waive the 72-hour reporting requirement.9.29(6) Dependent adult victim.

  • A Dependent adult child is considered chiefly dependent for support and maintenance if he or she qualifies as a Dependent for federal income tax purposes.

  • Dependent adult includes any person between the ages of 18 and 64 who is admitted as an inpatient to a 24-hour health facility (defined in the Health and Safety Code Sections 1250, 1250.2, and 1250.3).

  • At a minimum the training includes the following:(1) Completion of the department-approved brain injury training modules.(2) Member rights.(3) Confidentiality and privacy.(4) Dependent adult and child abuse prevention and mandatory reporter training.(5) Individualized rehabilitation treatment plans.(6) Major mental health disorder basics.

  • Dependent adult includes any person between the ages of 18 and 64 who is admitted as an inpatient to a 24-hour health facility as defined in Sections 1250, 1250.2, and 1250.3 of the Health and Safety Code (H & S).

More Definitions of Dependent adult

Dependent adult means an individual 18 years of age or older
Dependent adult means a person who, because of physical or mental disability, or because of extreme advanced age, is dependent upon another person to provide the basic necessities of life. Homicide by abuse is a class A felony.
Dependent adult means any person between the ages of 18 and 64 years who resides in this state and who has physical or mental limitations that restrict his or her ability to carry out normal activities or to protect his or her rights, including, but not limited to, persons who have physical or developmental disabilities, or whose physical or mental abilities have diminished because of age.
Dependent adult means an individual 18 years of age or older who is unable to protect the individual's own interest. Such term shall include, but is not limited to, any:
Dependent adult means a person eighteen years of age or older who is unable to protect the person's own interests or unable to adequately perform or obtain services necessary to meet essential human needs, as a result of a physical or mental condition which requires assistance from another, or as defined by departmental rule.
Dependent adult means any individual eighteen (18) years of age, who has a
Dependent adult means any adult who is wholly or partially dependent upon one or more other persons for care or support, either emotional or physical, and who would be in danger if that care or support were withdrawn. [PL 2011, c. 542, Pt. A, §37 (AMD).]