Demand Bid definition

Demand Bid means a bid, submitted by a Load Serving Entity in the Day-ahead Energy Market, to purchase energy at its contracted load location, for a specified timeframe and megawatt quantity, that if cleared will result in energy being scheduled at the specified location in the Day-ahead Energy Market and in the physical transfer of energy during the relevant Operating Day.
Demand Bid means a bid, submitted by a Load Serving Entity in the Day-ahead Energy Market, to purchase energy at its contracted load location, for a specified timeframe and megawatt quantity, that if cleared will result in energy being scheduled at the specified location
Demand Bid means a bid, submitted by a Load Serving Entity in the Day-ahead Energy Market, to purchase energy at its contracted load location, for a specified timeframe and megawatt quantity, that if cleared will result in energy being scheduled at the specified location in the Day-ahead Energy Market and in the physical transfer of energy during the relevant

Examples of Demand Bid in a sentence

  • It is the product of voltage and the in-phase component of alternating current measured in units of watts or standard multiples thereof, e.g., 1,000W=1kW, 1,000kW=1MW, etc.- Demand Bid The Bid component in a Bid submitted in the DAM that indicates the MWh of Energy the Scheduling Coordinator is willing to purchase, the price at which it is willing to purchase the specified Energy and the applicable Trading Hours for the next day.- Demand Forecast An estimate of Demand over a designated period of time.

  • The Demand Response Provider's Demand Response Services for Proxy Demand Resources will be bid separately and independently from the LSE's underlying Demand Bid.

  • Demand Bids must have the following components: Scheduling Coordinator ID Code; a Demand Bid curve that is a monotonically decreasing staircase function of no more than ten (10) segments defined by eleven (11) ordered pairs of MW and $/MWh; Location Code for the LAP, Custom LAP or PNode, as applicable; and hourly scheduled MWh within the range of the Bid curve, including any zero values, for each Settlement Period of the Trading Day.

  • Each Virtual Bid must have the following components: an indicator that identifies the Virtual Bid as a Virtual Supply Bid or a Virtual Demand Bid; Scheduling Coordinator ID Code; Eligible PNode or Eligible Aggregated PNode as applicable; Virtual Bid Curve; and the Trading Hour or Trading Day to which the Virtual Bid applies.

  • A Load Serving Entity may submit a written exception request to the Office of Interconnection for a higher Demand Bid Limit for an affected Operating Day.

  • An Export Bid or a Self-Schedule to provide exports included in a binding Schedule accepted in the IFM or RTM will not be distinguished from a Demand Bid or Self-Schedule to serve Load within the CAISO Balancing Authority Area included in a binding Schedule accepted in the IFM or RTM for purposes of curtailment under this Section, except as consistent with Good Utility Practice.

  • Set LMP values equal to the highest price-sensitive Demand Bid or Decrement Bid that was cut in this step.

  • A Virtual Bid submitted in the Day-Ahead Market and cleared in the IFM represents a commitment to liquidate a Day-Ahead award in the Real-Time Market at the price determined for the applicable Eligible PNode or Eligible Aggregated PNode as set forth in Section 11.3. For each SCID associated with a Convergence Bidding Entity, there may be only one Virtual Supply Bid and one Virtual Demand Bid per each Eligible PNode or Eligible Aggregated PNode in the Day-Ahead Market.

  • Hourly overrides of a Supply Offer, a Demand Reduction Offer, or a Demand Bid shall remain in effect only for the applicable Operating Day.

  • The Demand Response Provider’s Demand Response Services for Reliability Demand Response Resources will be bid separately and independently from the LSE’s underlying Demand Bid.

More Definitions of Demand Bid

Demand Bid. A proposal by a Participant to receive and pay for Energy, at a specified Location and at a specified Demand Bid Price, that is submitted to the System Operator pursuant to the Agreement and applicable Market Rules, and includes information with respect to the quantity to be received and paid for and other matters complying with the Market Rules.
Demand Bid means a bid, submitted by a Load Serving Entity in the Day-ahead Energy Market, to purchase energy at its contracted load location, for a specified timeframe and
Demand Bid means a request to purchase an amount of energy, at a specified Location, or an amount of energy at a specified price, that is associated with a physical load. A cleared Demand Bid in the Day-Ahead Energy Market results in scheduled load at the specified Location. Demand Bids submitted for use in the Real-Time Energy Market are specific to Dispatchable Asset Related Demands only.

Related to Demand Bid

  • Demand Bid Screening means the process by which Demand Bids are reviewed against the applicable Demand Bid Limit, and rejected if they would exceed that limit, as determined pursuant to Operating Agreement, Schedule 1, section 1.10.1B, and the parallel provisions of Tariff, Attachment K-Appendix.

  • Demand Bid Limit means the largest MW volume of Demand Bids that may be submitted by a Load Serving Entity for any hour of an Operating Day, as determined pursuant to Operating Agreement, Schedule 1, section 1.10.1B, and the parallel provisions of Tariff, Attachment K- Appendix. Demand Bid Screening:

  • Demand Request shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.1.

  • Proposal / Bid means the technical proposal and the commercial/financial proposal.

  • Demand Registration Request shall have the meaning set forth in Section 3.1.1(a).

  • Demand Period has the meaning set forth in Section 2.01(c).

  • Selected Bidder or “Successful Bidder” shall mean the Bidder selected pursuant to this RfS to set up the Project and supply electrical output as per the terms of standard PPA.

  • Permitted Bid means a Take-over Bid made by an Offeror by way of take-over bid circular which also complies with the following additional provisions:

  • Unsolicited proposal means a written proposal for a public-private initiative that is submitted by a private entity for the purpose of entering into an agreement with the department but that is not in response to a formal solicitation or request issued by the department.

  • Lowest Evaluated Bid means a bid for goods, works and services having the lowest evaluated cost among the substantially responsive bids

  • Qualified Bidder As defined in Section 7.01(c).

  • Piggyback Request has the meaning set forth in Section 2(c)(i).

  • Takedown Requesting Holder shall have the meaning given in subsection 2.3.3.

  • Qualified Bidder(s means a Bidder who fulfills the eligibility criteria listed out in the E-Auction Process Information Document.

  • Demand Registration shall have the meaning given in subsection 2.1.1.

  • Shelf Takedown means an Underwritten Shelf Takedown or any proposed transfer or sale using a Registration Statement, including a Piggyback Registration.

  • Designated Bidder means (a) an Eligible Assignee or (b) a special purpose corporation that is engaged in making, purchasing or otherwise investing in commercial loans in the ordinary course of its business and that issues (or the parent of which issues) commercial paper rated at least "Prime-1" (or the then equivalent grade) by Xxxxx'x or "A-1" (or the then equivalent grade) by S&P that, in the case of either clause (a) or (b), (i) is organized under the laws of the United States or any State thereof, (ii) shall have become a party hereto pursuant to Section 8.07(d), (e) and (f) and (iii) is not otherwise a Lender.

  • Bid Request means a written request for one or more Bid Loans substantially in the form of Exhibit B-1.