Cumulative impacts definition

Cumulative impacts means the impact on the basin eco- system that results from incremental effects of all aspects of a withdrawal, diversion, or consumptive use in addition to other past, present, and reasonably foreseeable future withdrawals, diversions, and consumptive uses regardless of who undertakes the other withdrawals, diversions, and consumptive uses. Cumu- lative impacts can result from individually minor but collectively significant withdrawals, diversions, and consumptive uses taking place over a period of time.
Cumulative impacts means the combined and incremental impacts resulting from different activities, including known past and present and reasonably foreseeable activities, or from the repetition of similar activities over time, and the consequences of climate change, ocean acidification and related impacts.
Cumulative impacts means impacts on the same ecosystems resulting from different activities, including past, present or reasonably foreseeable activities, or from the repetition of similar activities over time, including climate change, ocean acidification and related impacts.]

Examples of Cumulative impacts in a sentence

  • Cumulative impacts, i.e., the effects of the Project in combination with other likely projects, shall be assessed.

More Definitions of Cumulative impacts

Cumulative impacts means the collective impacts on the human environment of the proposed action when considered in conjunction with other past, present, and future actions related to the proposed action by location or generic type.
Cumulative impacts mean the impact on the Great Lakes—St. Xxxxxxxx River Basin Ecosystem that results from incremental effects of all aspects of a Withdrawal, Diversion or Consumptive Use in addition to other past, present, and reasonably foreseeable future Withdrawals, Diversions and Consumptive Uses regardless of who undertakes the other Withdrawals, Diversions and Consumptive Uses. Cumulative Impacts can result from individually minor but collectively significant Withdrawals, Diversions and Consumptive Uses taking place over a period of time.
Cumulative impacts means an increase or enlarging of impact to the environment or community by the successive addition or accumulation of animal facilities in an area.
Cumulative impacts means the combined impacts upon the environment or the social or economic conditions resulting from construction and operation of the proposed industrial facility and from construction and operation of other on-going or proposed developments in the area of site influence. Proposed developments to be considered in cumulative impacts include those
Cumulative impacts means an exposure, public health or environmental risk, or other
Cumulative impacts means the combined, incremental effects of human activity on critical area functions and values. Cumulative impacts result when the effects of an action are added to or interact with the effects of other actions in a particular place and within a particular time.
Cumulative impacts means the impact on the