Counsel Fees and Expenses definition

Counsel Fees and Expenses means fees and expenses allowed by the Court that are sought and were incurred by Class Counsel, Liaison Counsel, or KTMC in the prosecution of the Action.
Counsel Fees and Expenses means fees and expenses allowed by the Court that are sought and were incurred by Lead Counsel in the prosecution of the Action.

Examples of Counsel Fees and Expenses in a sentence

  • Counsel Fees and Expenses -- Other Indigent Cases and Parental Notification Cases The provisions of this rule shall apply only to preparation for and proceedings in all courts in which counsel is appointed to represent indigent persons, other than criminal defendants, and indigent witnesses in appropriate circumstances, and minors (whether or not indigent) in parental notification cases under RSA 132:34.

  • Moreover, subject to the approval of the Court, any objecting Settlement Class Member may appear, in person or by counsel, at the Fairness Hearing to explain why the proposed settlement should not be approved as fair, reasonable, and adequate, or to object to any petitions for Class Counsel Fees and Expenses or Service Awards.

  • Gupta, Baexendale, and McNamara, (1997:23) associated the successful implementation of ABC with the theory of constraints (TOC); Olsen, (1998:5), who indicated that ABC is a complement to total quality management (TQM),while Roztocki and Needy, (2000:344) believed that ABC works better through the assistance of economic value added (EVA).

  • Subject to the approval of the Court, any objecting Settlement Class Member may appear, personally or by counsel, at the Fairness Hearing to explain why the proposed settlement should not be approved as fair, reasonable, and adequate, or to object to any motion for Class Counsel Fees and Expenses or incentive awards.

  • If the Court approves a Class Counsel Fees and Expenses Payment of less than the amount authorized to be sought under this Agreement, the remainder will be retained in the Net Settlement Amount.

  • This waiver of appeal also does not preclude Plaintiffs or Class Counsel from appealing from a refusal by the Court to award the full Class Representative Service Payments or the Class Counsel Fees and Expenses Payments sought by them.

  • Each party shall have the right to appeal to the extent the award for Class Counsel Fees and Expenses is inconsistent with this Agreement.

  • Any order or proceedings relating to the Class Counsel Fees and Expenses Award and/or Service Awards, or any appeal from any order related thereto or reversal or modification thereof, will not operate to terminate or cancel this Settlement Agreement, or effect or delay the Effective Date of this Settlement Agreement as it relates to benefits conferred to Settlement Class Members, provided that the Settlement Agreement is otherwise in all respects Final, except as otherwise set forth herein.

  • Upon the Motion for Approval of: (I) Administration Expenses; (II) Class Counsel Fees and Expenses; and (III) Class Representative Fees (the “Motion”) [Docket No. 182] by the ClassRepresentatives, Kyle Allan Taylor, Tony R.

  • Defendants will not oppose Class Counsel’s application for Class Counsel Fees and Expenses in the combined amount of and not exceeding $7,700,000, and Class Counsel shall not be awarded, and shall not accept, any amount of Class Counsel Fees and Expenses exceeding said combined amount.

Related to Counsel Fees and Expenses

  • Fees and Expenses means the fees and expenses, including Anticipated Fees, incurred by SongVest for its time and effort to place the Proceed Rights into the Offering and market the Units and Proceed Rights to the general public. Fees and Expenses include, without limitation, legal and other regulator costs related to completing the Offering memorandum and closing. Anticipated Fees are outlined in Schedule B, though actual Fees and Expenses may differ.

  • Attorneys’ Fees and Expenses means such funds as may be awarded to Class Counsel by the Court to compensate them (and all other attorneys for Plaintiff or the Settlement Class) for their fees and all expenses incurred by Plaintiff or Class Counsel in connection with the Litigation.

  • Costs and Expenses means any actual, provable, reasonable, customary and direct out-of-pocket costs and expenses incurred by such Fund. Costs and Expenses shall not include, and in no event shall BNY Mellon be liable under this Agreement for, any lift-out expenses or platform development costs for the successor service provider or any wind-down costs of the Fund or any Fund Affiliate, including, without limitation, non-cancelable payments or termination charges regarding hosting and/or any other subcontracted services. The Fund must provide BNY Mellon with written evidence of the Costs and Expenses before BNY Mellon is obligated to pay them. The Fund also has a duty to mitigate, and must exercise its duty to mitigate, such Costs and Expenses.

  • Trustee Fees and Expenses As compensation for and in payment of trust expenses related to its services hereunder other than Extraordinary Trust Expenses, the Trustee will receive Trustee Fees on each Distribution Date in the amount equal to $2,000. The Trustee Fee shall cease to accrue after termination of the Trust. The "Trigger Amount" with respect to Extraordinary Trust Expenses for the Trust is $25,000 and the Maximum Reimbursable Amount is $100,000. The Trustee Fee will be paid by the Expense Administrator. Expenses will be reimbursed by the Expense Administrator in accordance with the Expense Administration Agreement. Expense Administrator: The Trustee will act as Expense Administrator on behalf of the Trust pursuant to an Expense Administration Agreement, dated as of the date of the Trust Agreement (the "Expense Administration Agreement"), between the Trustee as Expense Administrator (the "Expense Administrator") and the Trust. The Expense Administrator will receive a fee equal to $5,500 payable on each Distribution Date. The Expense Administrator Make-Whole Amount, if any, shall also be considered part of the Expense Administrator's fee hereunder and under the Expense Administration Agreement. The Amounts specified in this paragraph are also referred to as the "Expense Administrator's Fee". The Expense Administrator will be responsible for paying the Trustee Fee and reimbursing certain other expenses of the Trust in accordance with the Expense Administration Agreement.

  • Expenses shall include all direct and indirect costs, fees and expenses of any type or nature whatsoever, including, without limitation, all reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs, retainers, court costs, transcript costs, fees of experts, witness fees, travel expenses, fees of private investigators and professional advisors, duplicating costs, printing and binding costs, telephone charges, postage, delivery service fees, fax transmission charges, secretarial services and all other disbursements, obligations or expenses in connection with prosecuting, defending, preparing to prosecute or defend, investigating, being or preparing to be a witness in, settlement or appeal of, or otherwise participating in, a Proceeding (as defined below), including reasonable compensation for time spent by Indemnitee for which he or she is not otherwise compensated by the Company or any third party. Expenses also shall include Expenses incurred in connection with any appeal resulting from any Proceeding (as defined below), including without limitation the principal, premium, security for, and other costs relating to any cost bond, supersedeas bond, or other appeal bond or its equivalent. Expenses, however, shall not include amounts paid in settlement by Indemnitee or the amount of judgments or fines against Indemnitee.

  • Class Counsel Fees means the fees of Class Counsel, and any applicable taxes or charges thereon, including any amounts payable as a result of the Settlement Agreement by Class Counsel or the Settlement Class Members to any other body or Person, including the Fonds d’aide aux actions collectives in Quebec.

  • Legal Fees shall have the meaning set forth in Section 8(b) of the Subscription Agreement;

  • Litigation Expenses means costs and expenses incurred in connection with commencing, prosecuting and settling the Action (which may include the costs and expenses of Plaintiffs directly related to their representation of the Settlement Class), for which Lead Counsel intends to apply to the Court for reimbursement from the Settlement Fund.

  • Fees means all amounts payable pursuant to, or referred to in, Section 4.1.

  • Costs For any Person, any claims, losses, damages, penalties, fines, forfeitures, reasonable and necessary legal fees and related costs, judgments, and other costs and expenses of such Person.

  • Attorneys’ Fees and Costs means: (i) fees and out of pocket costs of Lender’s and Loan Servicer’s attorneys, as applicable, including costs of Lender’s and Loan Servicer’s in-house counsel, support staff costs, costs of preparing for litigation, computerized research, telephone and facsimile transmission expenses, mileage, deposition costs, postage, duplicating, process service, videotaping and similar costs and expenses; (ii) costs and fees of expert witnesses, including appraisers; (iii) investigatory fees; and (iv) costs for any opinion required by Lender pursuant to the terms of the Loan Documents.

  • Attorneys means the Attorneys stipulated in clause 4 of the Covering Schedule;

  • Disbursements shall include, but not be limited to, costs of travel, telephone, copying, fax transmission, depositions, investigators, messengers, mediation expenses, computer research fees, court fees, expert fees, other consultation fees and paralegal expenses. Any recovery in the Litigation shall first be used to reimburse disbursements.

  • Legal Costs of a person means legal costs incurred by that person in defending an action for a Liability of that person.

  • Costs and fees means all reasonable pre-award expenses of the arbitration, including the arbitrators' fees, administrative fees, travel expenses, out-of-pocket expenses such as copying and telephone, court costs, witness fees and attorney's fees. Upon the request of a party, the arbitrators' award shall include findings of fact and conclusion of law. The arbitrators shall provide copies of such award to the parties. Any award may be entered by the prevailing party in any court of competent jurisdiction.

  • Indemnification Expenses shall have the meaning set forth in Section 6.11(a).

  • Legal Expenses means the fees, costs and expenses of any kind incurred by any Person indemnified herein and its counsel in investigating, preparing for, defending against or providing evidence, producing documents or taking other action with respect to any threatened or asserted Claim.

  • Professional Fees means amounts billed or to be billed to a client for legal services provided or to be provided to the client by the lawyer or the lawyer’s firm;

  • Administration Expenses means all fees, disbursements, expenses, costs, taxes and any other amounts incurred or payable by the Plaintiffs, Class Counsel or otherwise for the approval, implementation and operation of this Settlement Agreement, including the costs of notices, but excluding Class Counsel Fees and Class Counsel Disbursements.

  • Notice and Administration Expenses means all costs, fees, and expenses incurred in connection with providing notice to the Settlement Class and the administration of the Settlement, including but not limited to: (i) providing notice of the proposed Settlement by mail, publication, and other means to Settlement Class Members; (ii) receiving and reviewing claims; (iii) applying the Plan of Allocation; (iv) communicating with Persons regarding the proposed Settlement and claims administration process; (v) distributing the proceeds of the Settlement; and (vi) fees related to the Escrow Account and investment of the Settlement Fund.

  • Litigation Costs means all reasonable costs, charges, expenses, including attorneys', accountants' and expert witnesses' fees, and obligations paid or incurred in connection with investigating, defending (including affirmative defenses and counterclaims), obtaining or attempting to obtain a settlement, being a witness in, or participating in or preparing to defend, be a witness in, or participate in, any Proceeding and any appeal therefrom and the cost of appeal, attachment and similar bonds.

  • Settlement Administration Expenses means the Settlement Administrator’s fee, and the expenses incurred by the Settlement Administrator in providing Notice, processing claims, exclusions, and objections, responding to inquiries from members of the Settlement Class, mailing checks for Approved Claims, and related services, paying taxes and tax expenses related to the Settlement Fund (including all federal, state or local taxes of any kind and interest or penalties thereon, as well as expenses incurred in connection with determining the amount of and paying any taxes owed and expenses related to any tax attorneys and accountants).

  • Attorneys’ Fees means the full and actual cost of any legal services actually performed in connection with the matter involved calculated on the basis of the usual fee charged by the attorney performing such services and shall not be limited to "reasonable attorneys' fees" as defined in any statute or rule of court.

  • Related Expenses means any and all costs, liabilities, and expenses (including, without limitation, losses, damages, penalties, claims, actions, reasonable attorney's fees, legal expenses, judgments, suits and disbursements) reasonably incurred by, or imposed upon, or asserted against, Lender in any attempt by Lender:

  • Litigation Expense means any expenses reasonably incurred in connection with investigating, defending or asserting any claim, action, suit or proceeding incident to any matter indemnified against under this Agreement, including, without limitation, court filing fees, court costs, arbitration fees or costs, witness fees, and fees and disbursements of legal counsel, investigators, expert witnesses, accountants and other professionals.