Cost of use definition

Cost of use means the cost per ton to the person or business processing or end-using the waste tires in an acceptable application. Cost of use includes the purchase price of the material, and all fixed and variable costs related to the processing or end use of the waste tires.
Cost of use means the equipment, leasehold improvements, buildings, land, engineering, transportation, operating, taxes, interest, and depreciation or replacement costs of using waste tire materials incurred by the end user after deducting any tipping fee received by the end user.

Examples of Cost of use in a sentence

  • A charge may be levied in order to cover the following: • Cost of services (heating and lighting);• Cost of staffing (additional security, caretaking and cleaning) - including “on-costs”;• Cost of administration;• Cost of “wear and tear”;• Cost of insurance (if the school has arranged its own public liability insurance – see terms and conditions p 5)• Cost of use of school equipment (if applicable);• Profit element (if appropriate).

  • A charge may be levied in order to cover the following: ♦ Cost of services (heating, water, gas and lighting);♦ Cost of staffing (additional security, caretaking and cleaning) - including “on costs”;♦ Cost of administration;♦ Cost of “wear and tear”;♦ Cost of use of Academy equipment (if applicable);♦ Profit element (if appropriate).Where there are multiple lettings taking place at the same time, the costs for services and staffing will normally be shared between the organisations/partners involved.

  • Cost of services (heating, lighting & catering); Cost of staffing (additional security, caretaking and cleaning) - including “on-costs”; Cost of administration; Cost of “wear and tear”; Cost of use of school equipment (if applicable); Fee in lieu of use of premises, i.e. a rental value.

  • Use Charges: Cost of use charges for temporary facilities are not chargeable to the Owner or Architect, and will not be acceptable as a basis of claims for a Change Order.

  • Cost of use Access to and use of the Forum by Registered Users is free, although the Registered User’s telecom service provider’s rates may apply.

  • Cost of use permits, occupancy permits, and related fees, if any required by Governing Authorities for temporary construction facilities, shall be paid by Contractor.

  • A charge may be levied in order to cover the following:• Cost of services (heating and lighting);• Cost of staffing (additional security, caretaking and cleaning) - including “on- costs”;• Cost of administration;• Cost of “wear and tear”;• Cost of insurance (if the school has arranged its own public liability insurance– see terms and conditions p 5)• Cost of use of school equipment (if applicable);• Profit element (if appropriate).

  • Cost of use of all fire apparatus and response vehicles from the city fire department at a rate of $350.00 per hour, per vehicle.

  • A charge will be levied which covers the following: • Cost of services (heating and lighting)• Cost of staffing (additional security, caretaking and cleaning) including ‘on costs• Cost of administration• Cost of ‘wear and tear’• Cost of use of school equipment (if applicable)• Profit element (if appropriate) The following activities fall within the corporate life of the school.

  • When a MeV projectile collides with a target atom, energy is elastically transferred from the projectile to the target.

Related to Cost of use

  • Cost of materials means the cost of components, parts or materials which are intended for the production, manufacturing or assembling of the goods bid for and which are not produced, manufactured or assembled in the factory where the production, manufacture or assembly of such goods occurs, including freight, landing costs, port charges, import duties and other import costs of such components, parts or materials and all costs in connection with the handling and transport thereof prior to delivery at that factory;

  • Fully Burdened Manufacturing Cost means, with respect to any Licensed Product supplied by or on behalf of NVCR to Zai hereunder if such Licensed Product (or any precursor or intermediate thereof) is manufactured by a Third Party manufacturer [***].

  • Cost of the Work means costs necessarily incurred by the Construction Manager in the proper performance of the Work. Such costs shall be at rates not higher than those customarily paid at the place of the Project except with prior consent of the Owner. The Cost of the Work shall include only the items set forth in this Article 6.

  • Cost of Sales means any costs incurred of the type included in the “Cost of sales (excluding depreciation expense)” line item in the consolidated statement of operations of the Partnership prepared in accordance with GAAP, as presently applied.

  • Cost of work , in table above, shall mean the agreement amount of the work.

  • Certified Remanufacture System or Verified Engine Upgrade means engine upgrades certified or verified by EPA or CARB to achieve a reduction in emissions.

  • Bondable stranded costs rate order means one or more

  • Furniture maintenance product means a wax, polish, conditioner, or any other product designed for the purpose of polishing, protecting or enhancing finished wood surfaces other than floors. “Furniture Maintenance Product” does not include dusting aids, products designed solely for the purpose of cleaning, and products designed to leave a permanent finish such as stains, sanding sealers and lacquers.

  • Manufacturing Costs means the costs of Processing that generate Manufacturing Proceeds received by Grantor.

  • Runtime Product means the version specific files and application program interfaces (APIs) specified in the RUNTIME.TXT file provided with SAP Crystal Reports 2008, SAP Crystal Reports for Eclipse 2.0, and SAP Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2010.

  • Manufacturing Cost means [***].

  • Net Cost of New Entry means the Cost of New Entry minus the Net Energy and Ancillary Service Revenue Offset.

  • Usable marijuana means the dried leaves and flowers of marijuana, and any mixture or preparation thereof, and does not include the seeds, stalks, and roots of the plant.

  • Cost of idle facilities or idle capacity means costs such as maintenance, repair, housing, rent, and other related costs, e.g., insurance, interest, property taxes and depreciation or use allowances.

  • Cost of Services is FASC’s total Operating Costs incurred in providing the applicable Category of Services during the month to all investment advisers for which FASC provides that Category of Services. “Adviser’s Assets under Management” is the total average assets under management for the month for all Accounts or portions thereof for which the Adviser acts as investment adviser or subadvisor and which utilize the Category of Services.

  • System Revenues means all rates, rents, fees, charges,

  • Cost of the Project means and embraces the cost of construction; the cost of all

  • Rental application means the written application or similar document used by a landlord to

  • Fluoroscopic imaging assembly means a subsystem in which X-ray photons produce a visual image. It includes the image receptor(s) such as the image intensifier and spot-film device, electrical interlocks, if any, and structural material providing linkage between the image receptor and diagnostic source assembly.

  • Cost of Goods Sold means [ * ].

  • Roll-on product means any antiperspirant or deodorant that dispenses active ingredients by rolling a wetted ball or wetted cylinder on the affected area.

  • Analytical x-ray equipment means equipment used for x-ray diffraction or fluorescence analysis.

  • CREFC® Intellectual Property Royalty License Fee Rate With respect to each Mortgage Loan, a rate equal to 0.0005% per annum.

  • Single tomogram system means a CT x-ray system which obtains x-ray transmission data during a scan to produce a single tomogram.

  • Licensed System means, collectively:

  • Cost data means factual information concerning the cost of labor, material, overhead, and other cost elements which are expected to be incurred or which have been actually incurred by the contractor in performing the contract.