Chronic condition definition

Chronic condition means a condition that can be treated or managed, but not cured.
Chronic condition means a disease, illness, or injury that has one or more of the following characteristics:
Chronic condition means a disease or disorder which has existed for a minimum of six (6) months.

Examples of Chronic condition in a sentence

  • Chronic condition health homes are available for eligible individuals with certain chronic conditions.

More Definitions of Chronic condition

Chronic condition. A chronic condition is defined as a disease, illness, or injury that has one or more of the following characteristics –
Chronic condition means a medical condition that has persisted after reasonable efforts have been made to relieve or cure its cause and has continued, either continuously or episodically, for longer than six continuous months.
Chronic condition means a disease, illness, or injury that has one or more of the following characteristics:—it needs ongoing or long-term monitoring through consultations, examinations, check-ups, and / or tests—it needs ongoing or long-term control or relief of symptoms— it requires your rehabilitation or for you to be specially trained to cope with it—it continues indefinitely—it comes back or is likely to come back.
Chronic condition means a prolonged condition and includes, but is not limited to:
Chronic condition means a condition that can be treated or
Chronic condition means, for purposes of this rule, one of the conditions outlined in 441—subparagraph 78.53(3)“a”(1).
Chronic condition. Any ongoing physical, behavioral, or cognitive disorder, including chronic illnesses, impairments and disabilities. There is an expected duration of at least twelve (12) months with resulting functional limitations, reliance on compensatory mechanisms (medications, special diet, assistive device, etc) and service use or need beyond that which is normally considered routine. Claim: A xxxx for services, a line item of services, or all services for one recipient within a xxxx.