Cash Flow from Operations definition

Cash Flow from Operations means net cash funds provided from operations, exclusive of Cash from Sales or Refinancing, of the Company or investment of any Company funds, without deduction for depreciation, but after deducting cash funds used to pay or establish a reserve for expenses, debt payments, capital improvements, and replacements and for such other items as the Board of Directors reasonably determines to be necessary or appropriate and subject to Loan Conditions.
Cash Flow from Operations means, for a given period, the amount of cash received by the Company from the Company Subsidiary and/or Property Owner other than on account of a Capital Transaction, minus administrative expenses of the Company, all determined in accordance with cash basis accounting principles, consistently applied.
Cash Flow from Operations means net cash provided by operating activities as disclosed in the Company's annual reports to shareholders and quarterly reports on Form 10-Q.

Examples of Cash Flow from Operations in a sentence

  • Segment Information – continued By operating segmentCHEP Americas 1,239.6 1,140.8 1 Cash Flow from Operations is cash flow generated after net capital expenditure but excluding Significant Items that are outside the ordinary course of business.2 The comparative period does not include the impact of AASB 16 Leases .

  • We are also required to provide this Notice about our office’s privacy practices, our legal duties, and your rights regarding your health information.

  • Cash Flow from Operations Cash flow from operations measures the amount of cash generated by a plan’s normal business operations.

  • The question, then, is as follows: What is the shared meaningPremièrement, sur le plan individuel, il protège l’accusé en lui permettant d’être jugé par ses pairs.

  • Reconciliation of Cash Flow from Operating Activities to ACFOThe REIT calculates its ACFO in accordance with the Real Property Association of Canada’s White Paper on Adjusted Cash Flow from Operations (ACFO) for IFRS issued in February 2019.

More Definitions of Cash Flow from Operations

Cash Flow from Operations means as to any Fiscal Year, the Company’s cash generated from operating activities, or a business unit’s cash generated from operating activities, determined in accordance with generally acceptable accounting principles.
Cash Flow from Operations means for any Distribution Period, an amount equal to the excess, if any, of (i) the rents and all other revenues that are received by the Partnership during that Distribution Period and that the Partnership is entitled to retain and use for its own purposes, over (ii) the total amount paid or payable by the Partnership with respect to that Distribution Period for the following purposes: (A) to pay the Preferred Return, (B) to pay principal, interest or other amounts due in respect of indebtedness owed by the Partnership or secured by the Partnership's assets, including without limitation indebtedness to the General Partner or LTC, (C) for Capital Expenditures with respect to the Acquired Assets (excluding for purposes of this clause (ii) all Capital Expenditures paid for by incurring new indebtedness), and (D) to pay costs and expenses incurred in operating the Partnership and for Partnership general and administrative expenses as determined by the General Partner in accordance with GAAP.
Cash Flow from Operations means, for any particular period, the amount which would, in accordance with GAAP, be classified on the consolidated cash flow statement of the Borrower for such period as the cash flow from operations. The determination of Cash Flow from Operations for all purposes hereunder shall be determined exclusive of any Cash Flow from Operations attributable to the Non-Guaranteeing Subsidiaries.
Cash Flow from Operations means all cash derived from the operations of the Company, including, without limitation, (a) dividends, (b) interest, (c) rental income, (d) all other cash generated from operations, and (e) all other cash flow that does not constitute Cash Flow from Sales.
Cash Flow from Operations means, with respect to any Measurement Year, cash flow from operating activities as set forth in the Subtenant Financial Report and determined in accordance with GAAP, including, without limitation, the requirements of Financial Accounting Standards Board Statement No. 95, as amended, but adjusted to exclude any such cash flows arising from extraordinary or non-recurring items.
Cash Flow from Operations means the sum of the amounts for the period in question of (i) Net Income, (ii) Interest Expense, (iii) provisions for taxes based on income, (iv) depreciation, amortization and other non-cash charges to Net Income, minus non-cash credits to Net Income, of the Borrowers on a consolidated basis in accordance with GAAP, determined as of the end of each Fiscal Quarter, for the previous four Fiscal Quarters. The Borrowers may include in the calculation of "Cash Flow from Operations" the sum of (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) for the 12 months preceding the date of calculation for any entity that has been acquired in a Permitted Business Combination; provided, however, that:
Cash Flow from Operations means cash flow from operations as disclosed by the Company in periodic reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, excluding working capital investments in the Eaton, SRT and Mesa programs (or similar programs), special charges or unusual or infrequent items incurred during the performance period, and as adjusted for changes in generally accepted accounting principles.