BATS definition

BATS is a registered trade xxxx of BATS Trading Limited a company with registered number 6547680 whose registered address is 0xx Xxxxx, 00 Xxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxxx, XX0X 0XX, and ““Chi-X®” is a registered trade xxxx of Chi-X Europe Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of BATS Trading Limited, with registered number 1651728 whose registered address is 0xx Xxxxx, 00 Xxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxxx, XX0X 0XX, and may only be used under licence from BATS Trading Limited. Data is the property of BATS Trading Limited”. BATS shall own any and all rights including without limitation Intellectual Property rights and any and all goodwill arising directly or indirectly out of the Recipient’s use of the “BATS®” and “Chi-X®” trade marks.
BATS or the “School”), a California nonprofit public benefit corporation operating a charter school approved by Oakland Unified School District (“District”). The Board desires to hire employees who will assist the Board in achieving the goals and meeting the requirements of BATS’s charter. The parties recognize that the provisions of the California Education Code do not govern BATS, except as expressly set forth in the Charter Schools Act of 1992 and its successors.
BATS means European populations of CHIROPTERA (Rhinolophidae and Vespertilionidae) occurring in Europe and non-European Range States;

Examples of BATS in a sentence

  • BATS shall in no way be responsible for any expenses attendant to the performance of such outside activities.

  • Subject to Section 13, “Termination of Contract” herein, BATS hereby employs the Employee to serve as the Executive Director/Principal for a pro-rated term of three (3) years commencing on January 7, 2019 and ending June 30, 2021.

  • Regardless of the term of this Agreement, if the Agreement is terminated, the Employee must reimburse BATS for any cash settlement he receives in relation to his termination if he is convicted of a crime involving the abuse of his office/position.

  • The Employee shall take holiday days according to the calendar of holidays observed by BATS annually.

  • The Employee shall be required to reimburse BATS for any salary or fees he receives from BATS in relation to his placement on paid administrative leave pending criminal charges if he is convicted of a crime involving the abuse of his office/position.

More Definitions of BATS

BATS or the “School”) as follows:
BATS means, collectively, BATS Global Markets Holdings, Inc., a Delaware corporation, with its principal offices at 8050 Marshall Drive, Suite 120, Lenexa, Kansas 66214, and its subsidiaries and affiliates, including, without limitation, the Exchanges.
BATS means, collectively, BATS Global Markets, Inc., a Delaware corporation, with its principal offices at 0000 Xxxxxxxx Xxxxx, Suite 120, Lenexa, Kansas 66214, and its subsidiaries and affiliates, including, without limitation, the Exchanges.
BATS means Bond Automated Trading System introduced by the Exchange, which is governed under the Bond Automated Trading System Regulations of the Exchange (BATS Regulations), as amended from time to time;
BATS means European populations of CHIROPTERA (Rhinolophidae and Vespertilionidae) occurring in Europe and non- European Range States; ,הפוריאב םיפלטע לע הרימש רבדב םכסה EUROBATS ,םירשקתמה םידדצה תויח לש םידדונ םינימ לע הרימש רבדב הנמאב םרכזיהב ;1979 ינויב 23-ב ןובב המיתחל החתפנש רב הפוריאב םיפלטעה לש יתייעבה רומישה בצמב םריכהב יניצרה םויאב רקיעבו תויפוריא-אל חווט תונידמבו ןכשמ ירתאל הערפה ,לודיג יתב ןווינמ םהל ףקשנה ;םימיוסמ הרבדה ירמוחו םיפלטעל םיפקשנה םימויאהש ךכל םיעדומ םתויהב ןה םיפתושמ תויפוריא-אל חווט תונידמבו הפוריאב םינקה תאש ךכלו םידדונ-אל םינימל ןהו םידדונ םינימל ;םידדונ-אלו םידדונ םינימ תובורק םיתעל םיקלוח םידדצה תדיעו לש ןושארה שגפמהש ךכב םרכזיהב רב תויח לש םידדונ םינימ רומיש רבדב הנמאל םינימ ףיסוהל םיכסה 1985 רבוטקואב ןובב םייקתהש CHIROPTERA (Rhinoliphidae לש םייפוריא תוריכזמל הרוהו הנמאל II ףסומל (Vespertilionidae-ו יבגל םכסה חותיפל םימיאתמ םידעצב טוקנל הנמאה ;הלא םינימ איבת הלא םינימ יבגל םכסה תריציש םיענכושמ םתויהב ;הפוריאב םיפלטעה רומישל הבר תלעות :רומאל ומיכסה 1 ףיעס הלחהו ףקיה :הז םכסה תורטמל םינימ לע הרימש רבדב הנמאה ושוריפ ”הנמא“ (א( ;(1979 ,ןוב( רב תויח לש םידדונ תויפוריא תויסולכוא ושוריפ ”םיפלטע“ (ב( CHIROPTERA (Rhinoliphidae לש חווט תונידמב תומייקה (Vespertilionidae-ו ;תויפוריא-אלו תויפוריא
BATS means European populations of MICROCHIROPTERA Molossidae, Rhinolophidae and Vespertilionidae) occurring in Europe and non- European Range States”. Amendment To the agreement on the conservation of populations of European Bats Adopted Bristol 24-26 July 2000 THIRD SESSION OF THE MEETING OF THE PARTIES TO THE AGREEMENT ON THE CONSERVATION OF BATS IN EUROPE1 BRISTOL, 24 – 26 JULY 2000 Resolution 3.7 Amendment of the agreement The Meeting of the Parties to the Agreement on the Conservation of Bats in Europe (hereafter “the Agreement”), Recognizing the need for conservation measures to protect all populations of Chiroptera species in Europe and in their non-European Range States; Guided by a common will to further strengthen the Agreement and its scope; Agrees:
BATS means populations of CHIROPTERA species as listed in Annex 1 to this Agreement occurring in Europe and in their non-European Range States”;