Authorized emergency vehicle definition

Authorized emergency vehicle means any of the following:
Authorized emergency vehicle means vehicles of the fire department (fire patrol), police vehicles, and the ambulances and emergency vehicles of municipal departments or public service corporations designated or authorized by the department or the chief of police of an incorporated municipality.
Authorized emergency vehicle means any one of the following vehicles:

Examples of Authorized emergency vehicle in a sentence

  • Authorized emergency vehicle means any vehicle that the Director shall designate, upon a finding that the vehicle is necessary for the preservation of life or property or to the execution of an emergency governmental function.

  • The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this chapter, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: Authorized emergency vehicle shall mean vehicles of the fire department, police vehicles and such ambulances and emergency vehicles as designated or authorized by the police chief.

  • Authorized emergency vehicle shall mean vehicles of the fire and police departments and such ambulances and emergency vehicles as are designated by state law or authorized by the city traffic engineer.

  • Authorized emergency vehicle means any vehicle that the director shall designate, upon a finding that the vehicle is necessary for the preservation of life or property or to the execution of an emergency governmental function.

  • Authorized emergency vehicle" means a vehicle of a governmental fire agency organized under Title 7, chapter 33, or [sections 1 through 20], an ambulance, and an emergency vehicle designated or authorized by the department.

More Definitions of Authorized emergency vehicle

Authorized emergency vehicle means a vehicle of a governmental fire agency organized under Title 7, chapter 33, or [sections 1 through 20], an ambulance, and an emergency vehicle designated or authorized by the department.
Authorized emergency vehicle means vehicles of the fire department, police vehicles, ambulances, and emergency vehicles owned by the United States, this state, any subdivision of this state, or any municipality of this state, and privately owned vehicles as are designated or authorized by the director of transportation under section 321.451.
Authorized emergency vehicle means any ambulance, police, fire, rescue, recovery, or towing vehicle authorized by this State, county, or municipality to respond to a traffic incident.
Authorized emergency vehicle means vehicles of the fire department, police vehicles, ambulances, and emergency vehicles owned by the United States, this state, any subdivision of this state, or any municipality of this state, and privately owned vehicles as are designated or authorized by the director of transportation under section 321.451.6A. “Bona fide business address” means the current street or highway address of a firm, association, or corporation.6B. “Bona fide residence” or “bona fide address” means the current street or highway address of an individual’s residence. The bona fide residence of a person with more than one dwelling is the dwelling for which the person claims a homestead tax credit under chapter 425, if applicable. The bona fide residence of a homeless person is a primary nighttime residence meeting one of the criteria listed in section 48A.2, subsection 2.
Authorized emergency vehicle means a vehicle of a fire department, a
Authorized emergency vehicle means any fire department vehicle, police vehicle, ambulance and any emergency vehicles of municipal departments or public utilities that are designated or authorized as emergency vehicles by the director of the New Mexico state police division of the department of public safety or local authorities.
Authorized emergency vehicle means an authorized emergency vehicle as defined in s.340.01 (3) (a), (c), (g), or (i).