Accredited school definition

Accredited school means a school that is accredited by an accrediting agency, recognized according to Minn. Stat. § 123B.445 or recognized by the Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE).
Accredited school means a dental, dental hygiene, or dental assisting education program accredited by the American Dental Association Commission on Dental Accreditation.
Accredited school means a public or private school that:

Examples of Accredited school in a sentence

  • Payment must be made within 30 days of receipt of this letter unless Reclamation extends this deadline in writing.

  • An internship must be with a Texas Education Agency (TEA) Accredited school.

  • Accredited school of medicine defined; rules and regulations establishing criteria; questionnaire developed by board; authority to contract for assistance in obtaining information about schools.

  • Accredited school or college of osteopathic medicine, defined.An accredited school or college of osteopathic medicine means one approved by the board.

  • Accredited school or college of medicine, defined.An accredited school or college of medicine means one approved by the board, and such school or college shall meet and maintain generally minimum standards approved by the board.

More Definitions of Accredited school

Accredited school for purposes of this rule, means public or private school that meets standards essential for the operation of a quality school program and has received formal approval through a regional accrediting association.
Accredited school means a state accredited institution of higher learning, including but not limited to a college, university, trade school or vocational school.
Accredited school means a school or course of instruction
Accredited school means a school that is accredited by an accrediting agency, recognized according to Minnesota Statutes section 123B.445 or recognized by the Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Education (Commissioner).
Accredited school means a school or course of instruction which is:
Accredited school for purposes of this rule, means a public or private school that has met standards considered to be essential for the operation of a quality school program and has received formal approval by the Northwest Accreditation Commission.
Accredited school means a college or university in which