Examples of Accredited school in a sentence
An internship must be with a Texas Education Agency (TEA) Accredited school.
An Accredited school or college is one which has available the necessary resources to achieve its stated purposes through appropriate educational programs.GENERAL INFORMATION EMAIL & WEBSITEThe general email address for all OHS faculty is the person’s first initial, last name, followed by @rsu26.org.
When used in this Article these words and phrases shall be defined as follows:(1) "Accredited school of veterinary medicine" means any veterinary college or division of a university or college that offers the degree of doctor of veterinary medicine or its equivalent and that conforms to the standards required for accreditation by the American Veterinary Medical Association.
Going to a NALP Accredited school has provided me with extra tools and resources to help me with my career.” Elaina Blankenhagen, Horticulture Student “I had such a broad exposure due to the nature of this company.
Accredited school shall administer to its eligible students, for the applicable grade levels as provided under IC 20-32-5.1, the statewide assessment unless otherwise prescribed by the eligible student’s: (1) individualized education program; (2) service plan developed under 511 IAC 7-34; (3) choice special education plan developed under 511 IAC 7-49; or (4) plan developed under Section 504 of the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 29 U.S.C. 794.