The Jury definition

The Jury means the Jury approved by the Commissioner of the Competition consisting of:
The Jury means a jury established and approved by the Commissioner, which will professionally evaluate the submitted Sketch Designs. The composition of the Jury is specified in Clause 4 of the Brief.

Examples of The Jury in a sentence

  • The Jury may at its own discretion select additional Submissions as additional winning Submissions.

  • The Jury Service Program applies to both Contractors and their Subcontractors.

  • The Jury Service Program requires Contractors and their Subcontractors to have and adhere to a written policy that provides that its employees shall receive from the Contractor, on an annual basis, no less than five days of regular pay for actual jury service.

  • The Jury Service Program defines “Contractor” to mean a person, partnership, corporation of other entity which has a contract with the County or a Subcontract with a County Contractor and has received or will receive an aggregate sum of $50,000 or more in any 12-month period under one or more County contracts or subcontracts.

  • The Jury Service Program applies to both Contractors and their subcontractors.

  • The Jury Service Program provides exceptions to the Program if a company qualifies as a Small Business.

  • The Jury makes a decision by simple majority following an express procedure.

  • The Jury consists of the EHF Court of Appeal acting as an ad hoc body.

  • The Jury Panel shall complete a combined evaluation of qualifications and fee in accordance with the criteria as indicated in SECTION IV, B.

  • The Jury President shall not permit a competitor to start if they reasonably believe that a competitor’s harness is unsafe.

Related to The Jury

  • The judge means the judge or the substitute judge of the juvenile and domestic relations district

  • Base jurisdiction means the Member Jurisdiction, selected in accordance with Section 305, to which an Applicant applies for apportioned registration under the Plan or the Member Jurisdiction that issues apportioned registration to a Registrant under the Plan.

  • Non-Cooperative Jurisdiction means any foreign country that has been designated as non-cooperative with international anti-money laundering principles or procedures by an intergovernmental group or organization, such as the Financial Task Force on Money Laundering, of which the U.S. is a member and with which designation the U.S. representative to the group or organization continues to concur.

  • Home jurisdiction means the jurisdiction that issued the driver's license of the traffic violator.

  • Actions or Proceedings means any action, suit, proceeding, arbitration or Governmental or Regulatory Authority investigation or audit.

  • Alternative Judgment means a form of final judgment that may be entered by the Court but in a form other than the form of Judgment provided for in this Stipulation and where none of the Parties hereto elects to terminate this Settlement by reason of such variance.

  • Action or Proceeding means any lawsuit, proceeding, arbitration or other alternative resolution process, Governmental Authority investigation hearing, audit, appeal, administrative proceeding or judicial proceeding.

  • Reference Jurisdiction means, in respect of the Reference Currency, the country (or countries of the currency block) for which the Reference Currency is the lawful currency.

  • Execution Venue means the entity with which client orders, assets or securities are placed and/or to which the Company transmits Client’s orders for execution.

  • Venue means the premises as delineated and shown edged red in Annex A.

  • the City means the City and County of San Francisco, a municipal corporation, acting by and through both its Director of the Office of Contract Administration or the Director’s designated agent, hereinafter referred to as “Purchasing” and [insert name of department].

  • sitting means, in relation to a House, a period during which that House is sitting continuously without adjournment, and includes any period during which the House is in committee;

  • Restorative justice means practices, policies, and programs informed by and sensitive to the needs of crime victims that are designed to encourage offenders to accept responsibility for repairing the harm caused by their offense by providing safe and supportive opportunities for voluntary participation and communication between the victim, the offender, their families, and relevant community members;

  • Original Jurisdiction means, in relation to an Obligor, the jurisdiction under whose laws that Obligor is incorporated as at the date of this Agreement or, in the case of an Additional Obligor, as at the date on which that Additional Obligor becomes Party as a Borrower or a Guarantor (as the case may be).

  • subordinate court means a court of Ascension subordinate to the Supreme Court that has been established by Ordinance, and includes the exercise of any power or jurisdiction in relation to an inquiry conferred on a Coroner by the Coroners Ordinance or any Ordinance replacing or amending that Ordinance;

  • Exhibition Venue means the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre situated at 1 Expo Drive, Wan Chai, Hong Kong or such other venue designated by the Organiser and notified to the Exhibitor in writing prior to the commencement of the Exhibition.

  • Courts means the Ontario Court, the Quebec Court and the BC Court.

  • New York Courts shall have the meaning set forth in Section 9(d).

  • State Court means a judicial body of a state that is vested by law with responsibility for adjudicating cases involving abuse, neglect, deprivation, delinquency, or status offenses of individuals who have not attained the age of eighteen (18).

  • Member of the judge s family” means a spouse, domestic partner, child, grandchild, parent, grandparent, or other relative or person with whom the judge maintains a close familial relationship. See Rules 3.7, 3.8, 3.10, and 3.11.

  • Final Judgment means the Judgment Entered by the Court upon Granting Final Approval of the Settlement.

  • Waive means an eligible employee affirmatively declining en- rollment in PEBB medical because the employee is enrolled in other em- ployer-based group medical, a TRICARE plan, or medicare as allowed un- der WAC 182-12-128. An employee on approved educational leave who ob- tains another employer-based group health plan may waive enrollment as allowed under WAC 182-12-136. An employee may waive enrollment in PEBB medical to enroll in SEBB medical only if they are enrolled in SEBB dental and SEBB vision. An employee who waives enrollment in PEBB med- ical to enroll in SEBB medical also waives enrollment in PEBB dental.

  • Objection means any objection, application, motion, complaint or any other legal proceeding seeking, in whole or in part, to Disallow, determine, liquidate, classify, reclassify or establish the priority, expunge, subordinate or estimate any Claim (including the resolution of any request for payment of any Administrative Claim) or Interest other than a Claim or an Interest that is Allowed.

  • Applicable Jurisdiction means the jurisdiction or jurisdictions under which the Borrower is organized, domiciled or resident or from which any of its business activities are conducted or in which any of its properties are located and which has jurisdiction over the subject matter being addressed.

  • Official proceeding means any proceeding before a legislative, judicial, administrative, or other governmental agency or official authorized to take evidence under oath and includes any proceeding before a referee, hearing examiner, commissioner, notary, or other person taking testimony or a deposition in connection with an official proceeding.

  • Submit means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent to Us or our representatives, including but not limited to electronic mailing lists, source code control systems, and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, Us for the purpose of discussing and improving the Material, but excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise designated in writing by You as "Not a Contribution."