Regular School Year. For purposes of determining the number of sick leave days earned annually by unit members, 19.58 days will constitute a work month. Regular unit members whose work year is established to correlate with the beginning and ending dates of the approved school year for students shall be entitled to earn ten
Regular School Year. All regularly scheduled school year bus routes in the La Habra City School District shall be selected (i.e. bid) by bus drivers based on hire date seniority in the Transportation Department.
a. Annual bidding will take place at drivers' orientation prior to the start of the school year.
b. All routes shall be available for review by the drivers prior to the actual bid day.
c. Drivers on a leave of absence can submit a proxy bid to the Director of Transportation before bidding.
d. When a vacancy occurs, the route to be redesigned or reassigned will go out to bid.
e. Permanently redesigned routes that result in an increase in hours will go out to bid.
Regular School Year. 1. All bus drivers are to be employed for a minimum of six (6) hours per day or thirty (30) hours per week during the regular school year. Appointments shall be adjusted at the beginning of each quarter of the fiscal year based on a review of the number of hours worked per day in the previous quarter. Hours worked during a pay period beyond the hours that a driver is appointed shall be processed and paid as extra time.
2. Xxxx leave accrual for bus drivers shall be rounded to the next whole hour higher than the hours for which the driver is appointed to a maximum of eight (8) hours. For example, a driver appointed for six and one-quarter (6 ¼) hours will earn seven hours (7) leave during that month; a driver appointed for seven and one-quarter (7 ¼) hours will earn eight (8) hours; and a driver appointed for six (6) hours will earn seven (7) hours leave so long as such driver is in pay status an average of at least six (6) or more hours per day during that month. In the event that the driver is in pay status less than an average of six (6) hours per day during the month, the driver will earn six (6) hours leave during that month. Sick leave used by a driver shall be deducted from the driver’s accrued sick leave in the same manner (for example, a driver appointed for six and one-quarter (6 ¼) hours shall have seven (7) hours of leave deducted for one day’s absence due to illness).
3. A driver shall be paid for a holiday consistent with the hours to which the driver is appointed that quarter.
4. Bus driver assistants and student bus assistants paid for by the Transportation Department are to be appointed for a minimum of five
Regular School Year. The Regular School Year is defined as beginning September 1st or the seventh day past the fourth Sunday in August of each calendar year, whichever is later in the year, through June 30th of each regular school year, for the term of this Agreement.
Regular School Year. 1. The regular school year shall be one hundred eighty-four (184) days for the life of this contract for members.
2. Days missed due to calamity, shall not be “made up” until such time that the minimum number of state-required school year instructional hours is not met within the current school schedule and calendar, specifically:
a. 455 instructional hours for students in half- day kindergarten.
b. 910 instructional hours for all-day kindergarten through grade 6. c. 1,001 instructional hours for students in grades 7 through 12.
3. All wages, hours, terms, and other conditions of employment contained within the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Board and the Association requiring 184 contractual work days shall remain in effect, even if, or when, the District is closed due to calamity, and subsequently 184 contractual work days are not achieved, due to calamity closure.
4. There shall, in no circumstance, be a reduction in any salary, compensation, benefits, or other contractual rights due to calamity days and the subsequent reduction in number of work days to less than 184 days.
5. Association members shall not be required to report to work on any day that the District is closed to students due to calamity.
6. Seven (7) mandated days may be used for members’ staff development, instruction preparation, record keeping related to student progress, or other duties related to the instruction of students. Those seven (7) mandated days will be embedded in the board adopted calendar and will consist of the following:
a. One (1) member work day (seven [7] hours) at the beginning of the school year;
b. One (1) member work day (seven [7] hours) at the end of the school year;
c. One (1) professional development day (seven [7] hours) at the beginning of the school year consisting of one half (1/2) day district meeting/professional development and one half (1/2) day building meeting/professional development
d. One (1) professional development day (seven [7] hours) that may be accumulated any time before or during the school year during non-paid hours. Accumulation of hours for staff development or member workdays is subject to approval at the building level;
e. Three (3) member in-service days (seven [7] hours) throughout the school year.
7. A member may be eligible to check out three (3) hours early at the end of the member work day by attending one of the following:
a. Three (3) additional hours of approved professional development/in-service;
b. The High S...
Regular School Year. The District reserves the right to schedule and modify all days and hours of work. The Calendar for Transportation Employees can be found in Appendix D.
Regular School Year. As defined by the board approved district Calendar.
Regular School Year. The regular school year shall consist of one hundred eighty-four (184) days. The regular consecutive duty work day shall not exceed seven (7) hours and fifteen (15) minutes inclusive of the lunch period. Travel time during the school day shall not be considered lunch or conference time. Except in emergencies, the work day may only be extended twice per month by the administration to conduct faculty meetings up to a maximum of one (1) hour each. Attendance at faculty meetings is mandatory provided twenty-four
Regular School Year. The normal school year, as determined each year by the Committee in accordance with the regulations set forth by the Massachusetts Department of Education and normally consisting of the ten (10) month period from September to the following June.
Regular School Year. The regular school year shall consist of one hundred eighty-four (184) days. The regular consecutive duty work day shall not exceed seven (7) hours and fifteen (15) minutes inclusive of the lunch period. Travel time during the school day shall not be considered lunch or conference time. Except in emergencies, the work day may only be extended twice per month by the administration to conduct faculty meetings up to a maximum of one (1) hour each. Attendance at faculty meetings is mandatory provided twenty-four (24) hours' notice is given to the bargaining unit members. Faculty meetings within the work day shall be limited to one
(1) per week and shall not deprive bargaining unit members of their two hundred (200) minutes of planning/preparation time. Shared teachers (e.g., Art, Music, Physical Education, etc.) will be assigned to a building administrator who will be responsible for resolving conflicts in scheduling of shared teachers' attendance at mandatory faculty meetings.