peat definition

peat means dead and partially decomposed plant remains that have accumulated in situ under waterlogged conditions;
peat means 35% or more peat, peat soil, peat bog, peat land, mire or any other form of sedentarily accumulated material consisting of decomposing and/or dead organic material, when burned produces dense smoke and offensive odors;
peat means as defined in The Peatlands Stewardship Act, or any future amendment thereof;

More Definitions of peat

peat means organic soil composed of partially decomposed plant material that accumulates in some wetlands under saturated conditions;
peat means partially decayed plant matter found in bogs, marshy or damp areas. “permit” means a permit issued under this Bylaw.
peat means a carbonaceous deposit composed of par- tially decayed vegetable matter capable of being used as a soil conditioner or a fuel when air-dried or proc- essed by other means. (“tourbe”)
peat means a carbonaceous deposit composed of partially decayed vegetable matter and capable of being used as a fuel when air-dried or processed by other means;
peat means a material composed almost entirely of organic matter from the partial decomposition of plants growing in wet conditions;
peat means a naturally occurring substance derived primarily from plant materials in a range of decomposing conditions and formed in a water-saturated environment.
peat means a soil that is rich in organic matter