Notification and Advertising. The invitation to prequalify or bid for each contract estimated to cost $10,000,000 equivalent or more shall be advertised in accordance with the procedures applicable to large contracts under paragraph 2.8 of the Guidelines. Part C: Other Procurement Procedures
Notification and Advertising. The international community should be notified in a timely manner of the opportunity to bid. This will be done by advertising invitations to apply for inclusion in a bidder’s invitation list, to apply for prequalification, or to bid; such advertisements should be placed in at least one newspaper of general circulation in the Borrower’s country and, in addition, in at least one of the following forms:
(i) a notice in the United Nations publication, Development Forum, Business Edition; or
(ii) an advertisement in a newspaper, periodical or technical journal of wide international circulation; or
(iii) a notice to local representatives of countries and territories referred to in the Guidelines, that are potential suppliers of the goods required."
(b) The following is added at the end of paragraph 2.21 of the Guidelines: "As a further alternative, bidding documents may require the bidder to state the bid price in a single currency widely used in international trade and specified in the bidding documents."
(c) Paragraphs 2.55 and 2.56 of the Guidelines are deleted.
2. Contracts for the procurement of goods estimated to cost the equivalent of less than $2,000,000 shall be awarded:
(a) by purchasers required to follow the Borrower’s public procurement procedures for the importation of goods, on the basis of such procedures, provided that such procedures shall have been found acceptable by the Association;
(b) by other purchasers, in accordance with established commercial practice, provided that, to the extent practicable, such contracts shall be awarded on the basis of evaluation and comparison of quotations obtained from suppliers from at least two countries, except that direct contracting procedures acceptable to the Association may be used where considered appropriate under paragraph 3.5 of the Guidelines; and
(c) by any purchasers, for the supply of commodities, on the basis of evaluation and comparison of quotations obtained from more than one supplier.
3. With respect to each contract referred to in paragraph 1 of this Schedule, the Borrower shall furnish to the Association, prior to the submission to the Association of the first applica- tion for withdrawal of funds from the Credit Account in respect of such contract, two conformed copies of such contract, together with the analysis of the respective bids and recommendations for award, a description of the advertising and tendering procedures followed and such other information as the Association shall rea-...
Notification and Advertising. The international community should be notified in a timely manner of the opportunity to bid. This will be done by advertising invitations to apply for inclusion in a bidder’s invitation list, to apply for prequalification, or to bid; such advertisements should be placed in at least one newspaper of general circulation in the Borrower’s country and, in addition, in at least one of the following forms:
(i) a notice in the United Nations publication, Development Forum, Business Edition; or
(ii) an advertisement in a newspaper, periodical or technical journal of wide international circulation; or
(iii) a notice to local representatives of countries and territories referred to in the Guidelines, that are potential suppliers of the goods required."
(b) The following is added at the end of paragraph 2.21 of the Guidelines: "As a further alternative, bidding documents may require the bidder to state the bid price in a single currency widely used in international trade and specified in the bidding documents."
(c) Paragraphs 2.55 and 2.56 of the Guidelines are deleted.
(d) For fixed-price contracts, the invitation to bid referred to in paragraph 2.13 of the Guidelines shall provide that, when contract award is delayed beyond the original bid validity period, the successful bidder’s bid price will be increased for each week of delay by two predisclosed correction factors acceptable to the Association, one to be applied to all foreign currency components and the other to the local currency component of the bid price. Such an increase shall not be taken into account in the bid evaluation.
(e) In the procurement of goods in accordance with this paragraph 1, the Borrower shall use the relevant standard bidding documents issued by the Bank, with such modifications thereto as the Association shall have agreed to be necessary for the purposes of the Project. Where no relevant standard bidding documents have been issued by the Bank, the Borrower shall use bidding documents based on other internationally recognized standard forms agreed with the Association.
2. Contracts for the procurement of goods estimated to cost the equivalent of less than $2,000,000 shall be awarded:
(a) by purchasers required to follow the Borrower’s public procurement procedures for the importation of goods, on the basis of such procedures, provided that such procedures shall have been found acceptable by the Association; and
(b) by other purchasers, in accordance with established commercial practice,...
Notification and Advertising. The invitation to bid for each contract estimated to cost $200,000 equivalent or more shall be advertised in accordance with the procedures applicable to large contracts under paragraph 2.8 of the Guidelines.
Notification and Advertising. The international community should be notified in a timely manner of the opportunity to bid. This will be done by advertising invitations to apply for inclusion in a bidder’s invitation list, to apply for prequalification, or to bid; such advertisements should be placed in at least one newspaper of general circulation in the Borrower’s country and, in addition, in at least one of the following forms:
(i) a notice in the United Nations publication, Development Forum, Business Edition; or
(ii) an advertisement in a newspaper, periodical or technical journal of wide international circulation; or
(iii) a notice to local representatives of countries and territories referred to in the Guidelines, that are potential suppliers of the goods required."
(b) The following is added at the end of paragraph
Notification and Advertising. The invitation to bid for each contract estimated to cost $10,000,000 equivalent or more shall be advertised in accordance with the procedures applicable to large contracts under paragraph 2.8 of the Guidelines. Part C: Other Procurement Procedures
1. National Competitive Bidding Goods estimated to cost less than $350,000 equivalent per contract may be procured under contracts awarded in accordance with the pro- visions of paragraphs 3.3 and 3.4 of the Guidelines.
Notification and Advertising. The invitation to prequalify or bid for each contract for goods shall be advertised in accordance with the procedures applicable to large contracts under paragraph 2.8 of the Guidelines. Part C: Review by the Bank of Procurement Decisions
Notification and Advertising. The invitation to prequalify or bid for each contract estimated to cost $10,000,000 equivalent or more shall be advertised in accordance with the procedures applicable to large contracts under paragraph 2.8 of the Guidelines. Part C: Other Procurement Procedures
1. National Competitive Bidding (a) (i) Furniture, and (ii) other goods estimated to cost less than $500,000 equivalent per contract, up to an aggregate amount not to exceed $1,000,000 equivalent for both, may be procured under con- tracts awarded in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 3.3 and 3.4 of the Guidelines.
Notification and Advertising. The invitation to pre-qualify or bid for each contract estimated to cost $500,000 equivalent or more shall be advertised in accordance with the procedures applicable to large contracts under paragraph 2.8 of the Guidelines.
Notification and Advertising. The invitation to prequalify or bid for each contract estimated to cost $200,000 equivalent or more shall be advertised in accordance with the procedures applicable to large contracts under paragraph 2.8 of the Guidelines. Part C: Other Procurement Procedures
1. National Competitive Bidding Goods estimated to cost less than $300,000 equivalent per contract, up to an aggregate amount not to exceed $6,000,000 equivalent, and works estimated to cost less than $300,000 equivalent per contract, up to an aggregate amount not to exceed $30,000,000 equivalent, may be procured under contracts awarded in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 3.3 and 3.4 of the Guidelines.