Minimum Qualification Requirements. Minimum qualification requirements will be those described or approved by OPM for the particular position involved, plus any mandatory (selective placement) factors. Qualification requirements are found in the OPM Operating Manual for Qualification Standards for GS positions.
Minimum Qualification Requirements. The National Climate Finance Specialists (sector- specific: Energy, Transport, Water, Urban Development, and Agriculture) should have at least 10 years relevant professional experience in the relevant identified sector, public finance management at the national level, public sector project development, institutional coordination and climate finance, In-depth knowledge of ADB sovereign and non-sovereign operations or other regional development financing institutions and experience in the Asia and Pacific region as well as public sector project development processes including private sector and institutional investment financing using different project modalities is highly preferred. Strong analytical skills. Excellent oral and written communication skills in English.
Minimum Qualification Requirements. The following minimum requirements normally will be met prior to a Flight Crew Member being eligible for upgrade.
Minimum Qualification Requirements. The proposer should prove to have at least 1 year of relevant experience. Litigation and arbitration history of the proposer does not bear any potential reputational or other risks for UNDP or other United Nations organizations and specialized agencies. Financial indicators prove proposer’s long term sustainability and possession of sufficient financial resources to ensure it can meet its financial commitments under the Agreement. Relevant knowledge and capacity for the provision of services. Previous experience relevant to provision of services similar to those requested by UNDP The Proposer should have a team of qualified personnel for contract management with the following minimum qualification: Senior Manager to directly coordinate with UNDP on all contractual issues - 5 years of relevant experience; Services coordinator to directly coordinate contract implementation on day to day basis with UNDP - 3 years of relevant experience; The Services Coordinator shall be representing the Contractor in attending all meetings with UNDP-Syria or performing the written communications with UNDP-Syria whenever required. Legally registered in Syria and authorized to provide required services to facilitate the implementation of the UNDP projects. The contractor should have previous procurement experience and qualified staff to arrange facilities and working environment for contracted individuals. Proposers are required to quote the percentage that will be charged (as management fixed fee %) as a service fee from the total invoiced monthly amounts of services provided to UNDP.
Minimum Qualification Requirements. The proposer should prove to have at least 1 year of relevant experience. Litigation and arbitration history of the proposer does not bear any potential reputational or other risks for UNDP or other United Nations organizations and specialized agencies. Financial indicators prove proposer’s long term sustainability and possession of sufficient financial resources to ensure it can meet its financial commitments under the Agreement. Relevant knowledge and capacity for the provision of services. Previous experience relevant to provision of services similar to those requested by UNDP The Proposer should have a team of qualified personnel for contract management with the following minimum qualification: Senior Manager to directly coordinate with UNDP on all contractual issues - 5 years of relevant experience; Services coordinator to directly coordinate contract implementation on day to day basis with UNDP - 3 years of relevant experience; The Services Coordinator shall be representing the Contractor in attending all meetings with UNDP-Syria or performing the written communications with UNDP-Syria whenever required. Legally registered in Syria and authorized to provide required services to facilitate the implementation of the UNDP projects. The contractor should have previous procurement experience and qualified staff to arrange facilities and working environment for contracted individuals.
Minimum Qualification Requirements. Certificate IV in Meat Processing (Meat Safety) is the minimum qualification for employment as an employee at the APS Meat Inspector Level 1 in the department. Where there is no Certificate IV qualified applicant for a vacancy, the Secretary may engage an employee with a Certificate III in Meat Processing (Meat Safety) to work at the APS Meat Inspector Level 1. The employee must attain the required Certificate IV qualification within 12 months of commencing employment in order to satisfy the conditions of their employment.
Minimum Qualification Requirements. At least 5 years of experience in the electric equipment market or providing services in this area of interest; • Proof of all necessary licenses and authorizations for electric works; • Minimum 5 projects implemented in the past 3 years rendering an investment of at least 75,000 USD or equivalent; • Proof of available locations for EV chargers installation (Contract, Partnership agreement, Intention letter, etc.). Failure of provision of such documents will lead to responsible party disqualification. • The responsible party can propose the installation of the required additional 10 EV charging stations together with 20 EV charging stations that should be installed in 2019.
Minimum Qualification Requirements. 1. Bidder shall provide three (3) references. These references must be from customers for whom the bidder has successfully provided preventative maintenance services similar in size and scope of services being requested. References shall be from a governmental agency or active residential Home Owners Association.
2. Bidder shall provide sufficient, competent, and physically capable personnel to perform all work in accordance with the conditions and specifications of the contract. All of the bidder’s maintenance personnel shall be in the employ of the bidder. The bidder shall provide phone numbers for at least two contact persons (one primary, one alternate) in a supervisory capacity able to provide information regarding work order status, and perform other supervisory tasks. One of these contact persons must be available between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. The bidder shall provide efficient communication including telephone and/or email to County personnel within twenty- four (24) hours of initial communication.
Minimum Qualification Requirements. At least 5 years of experience in the electric vehicle network management, renewable energy, IT, electric equipment market, services in electric installations or providing services in this area of interest; • Proof of all necessary licenses and authorizations for electric works, or proof of a contract for performing electric works with a licenced company; • Minimum 3 projects implemented in the past 3 years rendering an investment of at least 75,000 USD or equivalent; • At least a 3-year contract with a Renewable Energy Production Company for min. 30% renewable electricity purchasing for the EV chargers. • Proof of available locations for EV fast-chargers installation (Contract, Partnership agreement, etc.). Failure of provision of such documents will lead to applicant disqualification. • Proof of IEC 61851-1, IEC 61851-22, IEC 61851-23 certificates. Failure of provision of such documents will lead to applicant disqualification. • Project proposal The project proposal should contain the following minimum information: ● Company profile, history and Registration certificate, and other relevant certificates ● Detailed description of the methodology of work, collaboration between partners, opportunities and risks. ● Proof of available locations for EV charger’s installation (Contract, Partnership agreement, etc.). ● At least a 3-year contract with a Renewable Energy Production Company for min. 30% renewable electricity purchasing for the EV chargers ● Proof of all necessary licenses and authorizations for electric works; ● Technical description of the proposed equipment (including safety related equipment). ● Mandatory CE certification mark (IEC 61851-1, IEC 61851-22, IEC 61851-23). ● Quality certificates of the proposed equipment ● Description of the billing system operation. Responsible parties and distribution of responsibilities (e.g. if the billing system will be integrated in the existing billing system of any partners, then a proof of agreement between responsible party and location owner on integration of EC charger into its existing billing system (or similar) is requested). ● Changes in EV information board, station and parking lot design (if any). ● Proof of available financial resources to implement the project and deliver the results. ● A detailed estimated budget of works per 1 EV fast-charger. ● A detailed budget for the whole project. Technical parameters Value Input voltage according to the power supply network Min. 400 V (+ 10/-15%), 3-phase ...
Minimum Qualification Requirements. The consultant must have a university degree in economics, public policy, public relations, business administration, or any related discipline. The consultant must also have at least 10 years of relevant in-country experience and good track record in delivering high-level research reports and analytical briefs, and with excellent oral and written communication skills in English as well as excellent organizational skills.