INSPIRE Directive definition

INSPIRE Directive means Council Directive 2007/2/EC transposed by European Communities (Establishing an Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE)) Regulations, 2010;

Examples of INSPIRE Directive in a sentence

  • This data specification provides the basis for the drafting of Implementing Rules according to Article 7(1) of the INSPIRE Directive [Directive 2007/2/EC].

  • The INSPIRE Directive and Implementing Rules include legally binding requirements that describe, usually on an abstract level, what Member States must implement.

  • This data specification provides the basis for the drafting of Implementing Rules according to Article 7 (1) of the INSPIRE Directive [Directive 2007/2/EC].

  • NOTE 2 In addition to the requirements included in the Implementing Rules on interoperability of spatial data sets and services, the INSPIRE Directive includes further legally binding obligations that put additional requirements on data providers.

  • The INSPIRE Directive has set up the legal and technical framework for harmonisation of the existing data related to the themes in annexes I, II and III.

  • Chapter 5 of the INSPIRE Directive is concerned with data sharing.

  • Chapter 16, INSPIRE Directive: Specific requirements to monitor its implementation.

  • NOTE 2 Although the definition in the INSPIRE Directive is strictly seen restricted to spatial reference systems, temporal and parametric coordinate reference systems are nevertheless understood within INSPIRE as covered by the term coordinate reference systems as well, because temporal information has to be associated with a reference system just like spatial information.

  • The first two themes of Annex I of the INSPIRE Directive (coordinate reference systems and geographical grid systems) are special in that they are not represented by thematic spatial objects, but provide basic concepts so that spatial objects in the other themes can be referenced spatially.

  • Of these, 4/7 showed a higher score on iconic words during reading aloud, and 5/7 during repetition.

Related to INSPIRE Directive

  • CRD Directive means Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 June 2013 on access to the activity of credit institutions and the prudential supervision of credit institutions and investment firms, amending Directive 2002/87/EC and repealing Directives 2006/48/EC and 2006/49/EC (as amended from time to time, including by Directive (EU) 2019/878 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May 2019);

  • Change Directive means a written order signed by the procurement officer that

  • UCITS Directive means Directive 2009/65/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 July 2009 on the coordination of laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to undertakings for collective investment in transferable securities, as amended;

  • Advance health care directive means a power of attorney for health care or a record signed or authorized by a prospective donor containing the prospective donor’s direction concerning a health care decision for the prospective donor.

  • the Directive means Council Directive 2003/4/EC(d) on public access to environmental information and repealing Council Directive 90/313/EEC;

  • Council Directive means Council Directive 89/552/EEC of 3 October 1989 on the co-ordination of certain provisions laid down by law, regulation or administrative action in Member States concerning the pursuit of television broadcasting activities as amended by Directive 97/36/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 June 1997 and by Directive 2007/65/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2007. A simplified and codified version of these Directives was introduced in 2010: the Audiovisual Media Services Directive 2010/13/EU.

  • CRD IV Directive means Directive 2013/36/EU on access to the activity of credit institutions and the prudential supervision of credit institutions and investment firms of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 June 2013, as the same may be amended or replaced from time to time.

  • Directives means intergovernmental, interagency, or interdepartment administrative or procedural guidelines or instructions which do not affect the rights of, or procedures and practices available to, the public.

  • Usage directions means the text or graphics on the product's principal display panel, label, or accompanying literature which describes to the end user how and in what quantity the product is to be used.

  • Waste Framework Directive or “WFD” means Waste Framework Directive 2008/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on waste

  • Advance directive means a document that contains a health care instruction or a power of attorney for health care.

  • Technical Committee means the body established in accordance with article VII;

  • Mobile crisis outreach team means a crisis intervention service for minors or families of minors experiencing behavioral health or psychiatric emergencies.

  • Medical direction means direction, advice, or orders provided by a medical director, supervising physician, or physician designee (in accordance with written parameters and protocols) to emergency medical care personnel.

  • Airworthiness Directive or “AD” means any airworthiness directive issued by the Certificating Authority, in addition to any airworthiness directive issued by the Aeronautics Authority, each to the extent the same is applicable to the Aircraft and/or any Item of Equipment.

  • Uniform Grant Management Standards or “UGMS” means uniform grant and contract administration procedures, developed under the authority of Chapter 783 of the Texas

  • Ethics Committee means an independent body established in a Member State in accordance with the law of that Member State and empowered to give opinions for the purposes of this Regulation, taking into account the views of laypersons, in particular patients or patients' organisations;

  • Quality Assurance Program means the overall quality program and associated activities including the Department’s Quality Assurance, Design-Builder Quality Control, the Contract’s quality requirements for design and construction to assure compliance with Department Specifications and procedures.

  • College board means the state board for community and

  • Construction Change Directive means a written order prepared by Owner Parties and signed by Owner directing Contractor to perform a change in the Work prior to agreeing to a change, if any, to the Contract Time, schedule of performance of the Work, Contract Sum, or Contractor’s compensation.

  • standards committee (“pwyllgor safonau”) means the standards committee of the county or county borough council which has functions in relation to the community council for which it is responsible under section 56(1) and (2) of the Local Government Act 2000.

  • Air Standards Manager means the Manager, Human Toxicology and Air Standards Section, Standards Development Branch, or any other person who represents and carries out the duties of the Manager, Human Toxicology and Air Standards Section, Standards Development Branch, as those duties relate to the conditions of this Certificate.

  • Acquired Rights Directive means the European Council Directive 77/187/EEC on the approximation of laws of European member states relating to the safeguarding of employees’ rights in the event of transfers of undertakings, businesses or parts of undertakings or businesses, as amended or re-enacted from time to time;

  • Licensed clinical social worker means an individual who meets the licensed clinical social worker requirements established in KRS 335.100.

  • Medication administration means the direct application of medications by injection, inhalation, ingestion, or any other means to an individual receiving services by (i) persons legally permitted to administer medications or (ii) the individual at the direction and in the presence of persons legally permitted to administer medications.

  • supervisory body means a functionary or institution referred to in Schedule 2;