European Banking Authority definition

European Banking Authority means the European Banking Authority established by Regulation (EU) 1093/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24th November 2010 establishing a European Supervisory Authority (European Banking Authority) F21;
European Banking Authority means the European Banking Authority established by Regulation (EU) No 1093/2010;
European Banking Authority means the authority established pursuant to Regulation (EU) No 1093/2010;

Examples of European Banking Authority in a sentence

  • Regulation (EU) No 1093/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 November 2010 establishing a European Supervisory Authority (European Banking Authority), amending Decision No 716/2009/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2009/78/EC (OJ L 331, 15.12.2010, p.

  • This Regulation is based on the draft regulatory technical standards submitted by the European Banking Authority to the Commission.

  • Regulation (EU) No 1093/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 November 2010 establishing a European Supervisory Authority (European Banking Authority), amending Decision No 716/2009/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2009/78/EC, (OJ L 331, 15.12.2010, p.12).

  • This Regulation is based on the draft regulatory technical standards submitted to the Commission by the European Banking Authority.

  • However, the European Banking Authority has stated that Article 6 of the EU Securitization Regulation should apply only to originators, sponsors and original lenders established in the EU and, on the basis of that statement by analogy, Article 7 should apply only to originators, sponsors or SSPEs established in the EU.

  • It works closely with the national competent authorities who are members of the European System of Financial Supervision and the other European Supervisory Authorities – the European Banking Authority (EBA) responsible for banking and the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) responsible for insurance and occupational pensions.

  • This Regulation is based on the draft regulatory technical standards submitted by the European Banking Authority (EBA) to the Commission.

  • European Banking Authority – The Risk Factors Guidelines (26 June 2017).4.

  • Regulation (EU) No 1093/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 November 2010 establishing a European Supervisory Authority (European Banking Authority), amending Decision No 716/2009/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2009/78/EC (OJ L 331, 15.12.2020, p.

  • Article 16(2) of Regulation (EU) No 1093/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 November 2010 establishing a European Supervisory Authority (European Banking Authority) (EBA Regulation) provides that the EBA should carry out an analysis of ‘the potential related costs and benefits’ of any guidelines it develops.

More Definitions of European Banking Authority

European Banking Authority and “EBA” means the European Banking Authority established by Regulation (EU) No 1093/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 November 2010 establishing a European Supervisory Authority (European Banking Authority), amending Decision No 716/2009/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2009/78/EC;”;
European Banking Authority or ' EBA ' means the European Banking Authority established by Regulation 1093/2010;
European Banking Authority. (hereinafter: the Authority) means body referred to in Article 208 of the general Financial Regulation.
European Banking Authority or ‘EBA’ means the body established by Regulation (EU) No 1093/2010;

Related to European Banking Authority

  • Website of the European Central Bank means the website of the European Central Bank currently at or any successor website officially designated by the European Central Bank.

  • Relevant Banking Day means a day on which commercial banks are open for business (including dealings in foreign exchange and foreign currency deposits) in the place where the specified office of the Registrar is located and, in the case only of an exchange of a Bearer Note for a Registered Note where such request for exchange is made to the Principal Paying Agent, in the place where the specified office of the Principal Paying Agent is located;

  • London Banking Day means any day on which dealings in Dollar deposits are conducted by and between banks in the London interbank eurodollar market.

  • Local Banking Day means a day (other than a Saturday or Sunday) on which commercial banks are open for business (including dealings in foreign exchange and foreign currency deposits) in the place of presentation of the relevant Instrument or, as the case may be, Coupon.

  • Central Bank Regulations means the Central Bank (Supervision and Enforcement) Act 2013

  • Municipal Finance Management Act means the Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003 (Act No. 56 of 2003);

  • international application means an application filed under this Treaty;

  • Federal banking agencies means the board of governors of the federal reserve system, the comptroller of the currency, the director of the office of thrift supervision, the national credit union administration, and the federal deposit insurance corporation.

  • Foreign central authority means the entity designated by a foreign country described in section 102(e)(iv) to perform the functions specified in the Convention.

  • United States central authority means the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services.

  • Applicable Banking Regulations means at any time the laws, regulations, requirements, guidelines and policies relating to capital adequacy, resolution and/or solvency including, among others, those giving effect to the MREL and the TLAC or any equivalent or successor principles, then applicable to Banco Santander and/or the Group including, without limitation to the generality of the foregoing, the CRD IV, the BRRD, the SRM Regulation and those regulations, requirements, guidelines and policies relating to capital adequacy, resolution and/or solvency of the Regulator and/or the Relevant Resolution Authority then applicable to Banco Santander and/or the Group including, among others, those giving effect to the MREL and the TLAC or any equivalent or successor principles, in each case to the extent then in effect in the Kingdom of Spain (whether or not such regulations, requirements, guidelines or policies have the force of law and whether or not they are applied generally or specifically to Banco Santander and/or the Group).

  • New York Banking Day means any day except a Saturday, Sunday or a legal holiday in The City of New York on which banking institutions are authorized or required by law, regulation or executive order to close.

  • Issuing authority means the authorized representative of the department of the City who issued the solicitation.

  • Central Authority means the entity designated by the United States or a foreign country described in section 102(e)(iv) to perform the functions specified in the Convention.

  • foreign financial institution means an institution registered as a foreign financial institution with the Ministry of Finance in the Mexican Banking and Financial Institutions, Pensions, Retirement and Foreign Investment Funds Registry for purposes of Article 195, Section I of the Mexican Income Tax Law.

  • national authority means an approval authority or any other authority involved in and responsible for market surveillance, border control or registration in a Member State in respect of vehicles, systems, components, separate technical units, parts or equipment;