Confidentiality and Use of Names Sample Clauses

Confidentiality and Use of Names. 15.1 The Seller shall not at any time after the date of Completion disclose or knowingly permit there to be disclosed any Confidential Business Information which it has or acquires PROVIDED THAT this clause shall not apply if and to the extent that:
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Confidentiality and Use of Names. (a) The Sub-Adviser shall treat all records and other information relative to the Trust, the Series and the Adviser and their prior, present or potential shareholders and clients (as applicable), including the list of portfolio securities, instruments and assets and liabilities of the Series, which it shall receive or have access to in the performance of its duties confidentially and as proprietary information of the Trust and the Adviser. The Sub-Adviser shall not disclose such records or information to any third party or use such records or information for any purpose other than performance of its responsibilities and duties hereunder (except after prior notification to and approval in writing by the Trust and the Adviser, which shall not be unreasonably withheld, or as otherwise provided below).
Confidentiality and Use of Names. 9.1 Each Warrantor shall not at any time after the date of Completion use or disclose or permit there to be disclosed any Confidential Business Information which it has or acquires PROVIDED THAT this clause shall not apply if and to the extent that:
Confidentiality and Use of Names. The following Section 9.4 supersedes and replaces Section 9.4 of the RCLA.
Confidentiality and Use of Names. 19 9 OPTION POOL...........................................................................................19
Confidentiality and Use of Names 

Related to Confidentiality and Use of Names

  • Confidentiality; Use of Name Portfolio Manager and the Trust acknowledge and agree that during the term of this Agreement the parties may have access to certain information that is proprietary to the Trust or Portfolio Manager, respectively (or to their affiliates and/or service providers). The parties agree that their respective officers and employees shall treat all such proprietary information as confidential and will not use or disclose information contained in, or derived from such material for any purpose other than in connection with the carrying out of their responsibilities under this Agreement and the management of the Trust’s assets, provided, however, that this shall not apply in the case of: (i) information that is publicly available; and (ii) disclosures required by law or requested by any regulatory authority that may have jurisdiction over Portfolio Manager or the Trust, as the case may be, in which case such party shall request such confidential treatment of such information as may be reasonably available. In addition, each party shall use its reasonable efforts to ensure that its agents or affiliates who may gain access to such proprietary information shall be made aware of the proprietary nature and shall likewise treat such materials as confidential. It is acknowledged and agreed that the names “Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx,” “Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Chief Investment Officers” (which is a registered trademark of Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx & Co., Inc. (“HCCI”)), “HC Capital” and derivatives of each, as well as any logo that is now or shall later become associated with either name (“Marks”) are valuable property of HCCI and that the use of the Marks, or any one of them, by the Trust or its agents is subject to the license granted to the Trust by HCCI. Portfolio Manager agrees that it will not use any Xxxx without the prior written consent of the Trust. Portfolio Manager consents to use of its name, performance data, biographical data and other pertinent data, and the Parametric Marks (as defined below), by the Trust for use in marketing and sales literature, provided that any such marketing and sales literature shall not be used by the Trust without the prior written consent of Portfolio Manager, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. The Trust shall have full responsibility for the compliance by any such marketing and sales literature with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations, and Portfolio Manager will have no responsibility or liability therefor. The provisions of this Section 8 shall survive termination of this Agreement. It is acknowledged and agreed that the names “Parametric Portfolio Associates” and “Parametric Xxxxxxx” and any portions or derivatives thereof, as well as any logo that is now or shall later become associated with such name (“Parametric Marks”), are valuable property of Portfolio Manager and that the use of the Parametric Marks by the Trust or its agents is permitted only so long as this Agreement is in place. The provisions of this Section 8 shall survive termination of this Agreement.

  • Confidentiality and Proprietary Rights Executive agrees to read, sign and abide by Company’s Employee Innovations and Proprietary Rights Assignment Agreement, which is provided with this Agreement and incorporated herein by reference.

  • Confidentiality and Trade Secrets Employee agrees that the Company has a proprietary interest in (1) its relationships with its customers, clients, associates and agents and (2) its business methods, systems, plans, business plans, policies, technologies, algorithms, advancements, innovations, trouble-shooting practices, designs, drawings, illustrations, graphics, photographs, estimates, blueprints, employee manuals, purchase order forms, price lists, memoranda, notes, proprietary information, business information, technical data, trade secrets, know-how, ways of doing business, research, requirements, supplier lists, customer lists, prospect lists, markets, developments, inventions, processes, formulae, technologies, techniques, procedures, hardware configuration, website design information, software, object code, source code, marketing material, forecasts, business strategy, finances, accounting, records or other proprietary documents (hereinafter all of which shall collectively be referred to as the “confidential information”). Employee agrees that said information may constitute a trade secret and that a violation of this provision may constitute an unfair business practice. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, confidential information would also include, but not be limited to, any materials, information or documents marked with the word “confidential.” Therefore, Employee agrees that during all times that he is or has been employed by the Company and after employment by the Company, he shall not (other than pursuant to his duties hereunder or with the prior written consent of a duly authorized representative of the Company) disclose, deliver, disseminate, reproduce, make any use of (except for the benefit of the Company), or allow any use of by a third party, any confidential information to any person, firm, corporation or other entity. Employee agrees that all promotional literature, printed material, internal and external correspondence, and other documents made or compiled by Employee containing any and all confidential information, as defined above, or made available to Employee concerning the Company’s business, shall be the Company’s exclusive property and shall be delivered by Employee to the Company upon expiration or termination of this Agreement or at any other time upon request of the Company. The provisions of this Section shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement, or any part thereof without regard, to the reason therefore. Employee hereby acknowledges that the services to be rendered by him are of a special, unique and extraordinary character and, in connection with such services; he will have access to said confidential information concerning the Company’s business. Employee agrees that in the event of a breach of this Section of the Agreement, the Company shall, in addition to injunctive relief, be entitled to seek to recover the greater of either: (1) any amount of damages awarded to the Company in a civil action for damages arising from said breach, or (2) liquidated damages in the amount equal to Employee’s base salary. The Company agrees the Company has no proprietary interest in the following information:

  • Confidentiality and Publicity 9.1 Supplier will keep the existence, nature and the content of the Agreement, Accenture Data (as defined in Section 14.1), and any other information of Accenture, confidential and not disclose it to any other person. Supplier will ensure that its personnel, contractors and agents (collectively, “Personnel”) are aware of, and have committed to, confidentiality and legal obligations with respect to such information. Supplier will not make any reference to the Agreement, its terms, business information, or use Accenture’s name, logo or trademark in any public announcements, promotions or any other communication without Accenture’s prior written consent.

  • Confidentiality and Non-Use The recipient of a disclosing Party’s Confidential Information shall maintain such Confidential Information in confidence, and shall disclose such Confidential Information only to its employees, agents, consultants, Affiliates, licensors, sublicensees, attorneys, accountants, investors, potential acquirors and advisors who have a reasonable need to know such Confidential Information and who are bound by obligations of confidentiality and non-use no less restrictive than those set forth herein and for whom each Party shall be responsible for any breach of this Section 6. The recipient of the disclosing Party’s Confidential Information shall use such Confidential Information solely to exercise its rights and perform its obligations under this Agreement (including, without limitation, the right to use and disclose such Confidential Information in regulatory applications and filings), unless otherwise mutually agreed in writing. The recipient of the other Party’s Confidential Information shall take the same degree of care that it uses to protect its own confidential and proprietary information of a similar nature and importance (but in any event no less than reasonable care).

  • Confidentiality and Privacy The Training Provider must not, without the prior written approval of the Department, disclose (or permit the disclosure of) information regarding this VET Funding Contract (including details of the Funds being provided by the Department in respect of any individual) or any Confidential Information of the Department or the State, except: to the extent required under this VET Funding Contract; to the extent required by Law; to its solicitors, barristers and/or other professional advisors in order to obtain advice in relation to its rights under this VET Funding Contract, the Training Services or the Funds and provided such advisors are under a duty of confidentiality; to the extent necessary for the registration or recording of documents where required; and/or to the extent required in connection with legal proceedings, and then only to the extent strictly necessary for that purpose. The Training Provider acknowledges and agrees that: the Department may disclose or otherwise make available (whether to the public generally or to any particular person or group of persons) any and all information relating to the Training Provider and this VET Funding Contract (including Confidential Information of the Training Provider), including: course and qualification details; government subsidised fee information; details of the Funds paid; the contents of any surveys in which the Training Provider participates pursuant to Clause 4.5(j)(ii) or any employer surveys; any information that the Training Provider is required to publish on its website or otherwise make publicly available under this VET Funding Contract; details of any non-compliance by the Training Provider with this VET Funding Contract; any action taken by the Department under this VET Funding Contract; and findings and outcomes of any audits or reviews undertaken pursuant to this VET Funding Contract, as it considers reasonably appropriate to facilitate the proper operation of the Skills First Program, including as contemplated by Clause 12.3 of Schedule 1; the Department may disclose information referred to in paragraph (a), and any information regarding any suspected non-compliance by the Training Provider with this VET Funding Contract, for the purpose of satisfying its obligations under: the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Vic); the Ombudsman Act 1973 (Vic); or the Audit Act 1994 (Vic); or the requirements of Parliamentary accountability or a Minister's obligations to fulfil their duties of office; and the Department may disclose information referred to in paragraph (a) or paragraph (b) to the counterparty to any Other VET Funding Arrangement, any regulator who has responsibility for issuing or monitoring compliance with the applicable registration referred to in Clause 4.1(a), or other government entity in any jurisdiction that has an interest in the regulation and funding of the VET sector. The Training Provider must take all steps and make all efforts to assist the Department in complying with any of the obligations referred to in Clause 13.2(b). The Training Provider acknowledges that it will be bound by the Information Privacy Principles and any applicable Code of Practice with respect to any act done or practice engaged in by the Training Provider under or in connection with this VET Funding Contract in the same way and to the same extent as the Department would have been bound had it been directly done or engaged in by the Department. The Training Provider must include a standard privacy notice in all enrolment forms, in accordance with the Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines, which advises Eligible Individuals how their data may be supplied to and used by the Department and Commonwealth VET Student Loan agencies. The Training Provider must, in collecting any Personal Information for the purposes of this VET Funding Contract, ensure that it has obtained all necessary consents for: the Training Provider to collect, use, hold and disclose that Personal Information, including by disclosing it to the Department as contemplated by this VET Funding Contract (including by way of the submission of reports under Clause 12 of Schedule 1, for the purposes of complying with Record disclosure obligations under Clause 10 and in the course of any audit, review or investigation under Clause 11); and the Department to collect, use, hold and disclose that Personal Information for the purposes of this VET Funding Contract and its operation and management of the Skills First Program, in accordance with all applicable Laws, including the PDP Act, the Health Records Act and (if applicable to the Training Provider) the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). The Training Provider must cooperate with, and provide any assistance requested by, the Department in relation to: resolving any complaint made to the Department alleging a breach of the PDP Act or the Health Records Act in relation to any Personal Information collected, used, held or disclosed by the Department that was provided to it by the Training Provider in connection with this VET Funding Contract; and providing access to or amendment of any record of Personal Information collected, used, held or disclosed in connection with this VET Funding Contract following a request from an individual made to the Department.

  • Restriction on Disclosure and Use of Confidential Information and Trade Secrets Executive understands and agrees that the Confidential Information and Trade Secrets constitute valuable assets of the Company and its affiliated entities, and may not be converted to Executive’s own use. Accordingly, Executive hereby agrees that Executive shall not, directly or indirectly, at any time during the Restricted Period reveal, divulge, or disclose to any Person not expressly authorized by the Company any Confidential Information, and Executive shall not, directly or indirectly, at any time during the Restricted Period use or make use of any Confidential Information in connection with any business activity other than that of the Company. Throughout the term of this Agreement and at all times after the date that this Agreement terminates for any reason, Executive shall not directly or indirectly transmit or disclose any Trade Secret of the Company to any Person, and shall not make use of any such Trade Secret, directly or indirectly, for himself or for others, without the prior written consent of the Company. The parties acknowledge and agree that this Agreement is not intended to, and does not, alter either the Company’s rights or Executive’s obligations under any state or federal statutory or common law regarding trade secrets and unfair trade practices. Anything herein to the contrary notwithstanding, Executive shall not be restricted from disclosing or using Confidential Information that is required to be disclosed by law, court order or other legal process; provided, however, that in the event disclosure is required by law, Executive shall provide the Company with prompt notice of such requirement so that the Company may seek an appropriate protective order prior to any such required disclosure by Executive.

  • Confidentiality; Access to Information (a) The parties acknowledge that Company and Parent have previously executed a mutual nondisclosure agreement, dated as of March 5, 2000 (the "CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT"), which Confidentiality Agreement will continue in full force and effect in accordance with its terms; provided, that nothing in this Agreement or the Confidentiality Agreement will restrict communications with parties to the Related Agreements.

  • Confidentiality and Creative Work Section 1. Non-disclosure. The Members, Managers and officers of the Company covenant and agree not to reveal to any Person any Confidential Information of any nature concerning the Company, Bank, FSFG or their Affiliates, including their business, or anything connected therewith. The Limited Members recognize that FSFG is a publicly listed company on a national securities exchange and therefore, any discussions regarding the business operations and potential sale of the Company is Confidential Information and shall be handled in accordance with policies and procedures of the Bank and FSFG.

  • Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure The Executive hereby agrees at all times during the term of the Employment and after his termination, to hold in the strictest confidence, and not to use, except for the benefit of the Company, or to disclose to any person, corporation or other entity without prior written consent of the Company, any Confidential Information. The Executive understands that “Confidential Information” means any proprietary or confidential information of the Company, its affiliates, or their respective clients, customers or partners, including, without limitation, technical data, trade secrets, research and development information, product plans, services, customer lists and customers, supplier lists and suppliers, software developments, inventions, processes, formulas, technology, designs, hardware configuration information, personnel information, marketing, finances, information about the suppliers, joint ventures, franchisees, distributors and other persons with whom the Company does business, information regarding the skills and compensation of other employees of the Company or other business information disclosed to the Executive by or obtained by the Executive from the Company, its affiliates, or their respective clients, customers or partners, either directly or indirectly, in writing, orally or otherwise, if specifically indicated to be confidential or reasonably expected to be confidential. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Confidential Information shall not include information that is generally available and known to the public through no fault of the Executive.

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