Condominium and Pud Insurance Sample Clauses

Condominium and Pud Insurance. Section 16.1 General Provisions 16.1.1. Applicability............................................... 16.1.2. Premiums.................................................... 16.1.3.
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Condominium and Pud Insurance. Section 16.1 General Provisions 79 Section 16.2 Common Area Multiple Peril Insurance 79 Section 16.3 Blanket Hazard Insurance 80 Section 16.4 Common Area Comprehensive General Liability (CGL) Insurance 80 Section 16.5 Owners’ Association Fidelity Insurance 81 Section 16.6 Blanket Flood Insurance 81 ARTICLE 17 ADVANCES
Condominium and Pud Insurance 

Related to Condominium and Pud Insurance

  • Landlord Insurance Landlord shall maintain insurance on the Project, including the Buildings (excluding the Tenant Improvements and any Alterations, which shall be insured by Tenant) and the Common Area, against fire and risks covered by “special” coverage (also known as “all risk”) (excluding earthquake and flood, though Landlord, at its sole option, may include this coverage, and Tenant acknowledges that Landlord intends to initially carry such coverage) on a 100% of “replacement cost” basis (though reasonable deductibles may be included under such coverage). Landlord’s insurance shall have a building ordinance provision, and shall provide for rental interruption insurance covering a period of twelve (12) full months. In no event shall Landlord be deemed a co‑insurer under such policy. Landlord shall also maintain commercial general liability insurance with respect to the Project on an occurrence basis in amounts not less than Ten Million Dollars ($10,000,000) per occurrence with respect to bodily CERTAIN CONFIDENTIAL PORTIONS OF THIS EXHIBIT WERE OMITTED AND REPLACED WITH “[***]”. A COMPLETE VERSION OF THIS EXHIBIT HAS BEEN FILED SEPARATELY WITH THE SECRETARY OF THE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION PURSUANT TO AN APPLICATION REQUESTING CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT UNDER RULE 406 OF THE SECURITIES ACT OF 1933. injury or death and property damage in the Project. Notwithstanding the foregoing obligations of Landlord to carry insurance, Landlord may modify the foregoing coverages if and to the extent it is commercially reasonable to do so. Tenant acknowledges that, notwithstanding any provision of this Paragraph 11(e) or this Lease, Landlord currently intends to carry earthquake insurance on the Project during the Term of this Lease.

  • Landlord’s Insurance Tenant shall not cause or permit or suffer any action or condition that would (i) invalidate or conflict with Landlord’s insurance policies which contemplate a live entertainment use for the Music Hall, (ii) violate applicable rules, regulations and guidelines of the Fire Department, Fire Insurance Rating Organization or any other authority having jurisdiction over the Center, (iii) cause an increase in the premiums for fire insurance then covering the Buildings over that payable with respect to comparable first-class office buildings or theaters, or (iv) result in insurance companies of good standing refusing to insure the Buildings or any property therein in amounts and against risks as reasonably determined by Landlord. If the fire insurance premiums increase as a result of Tenant’s failure to comply with the provisions of this Article, Tenant shall promptly cure such failure and shall reimburse Landlord for the increased fire insurance premiums paid by Landlord as a result of such failure by Tenant, provided that Landlord shall furnish reasonable supporting documentation therefor. If it is not practicable for Tenant to cure such failure and continue to operate the Premises for the Permitted Uses and the only result of such failure is an increase in Landlord’s insurance premium, then provided Tenant pays such increased premium, Tenant shall not be required to cease such action so long as the increased premium is the only effect of such failure and, provided further, in the event that (A) Landlord’s insurance carrier refuses to provide certain insurance as a result of Tenant’s failure to comply with the provisions of this Article and (B) a separate insurance carrier of comparable rating or which is otherwise satisfactory to Landlord is willing to provide such insurance, Tenant shall pay any increased cost payable by Landlord by reason of its purchase of such insurance from such separate insurance carrier. In any action or proceeding to which Landlord and Tenant are parties, a schedule or “make up” of rates for the Buildings or the Premises issued by the appropriate Fire Insurance Rating Organization, or other body fixing such fire insurance rates, shall be conclusive evidence of the fire insurance rates then applicable to the Buildings.

  • Tenant’s Compliance With Landlord’s Fire and Casualty Insurance Tenant shall, at Tenant’s expense, comply with all insurance company requirements pertaining to the use of the Premises. If Tenant’s conduct or use of the Premises causes any increase in the premium for such insurance policies then Tenant shall reimburse Landlord for any such increase. Tenant, at Tenant’s expense, shall comply with all rules, orders, regulations or requirements of the American Insurance Association (formerly the National Board of Fire Underwriters) and with any similar body.

  • Tenant Insurance Landlord shall not be liable to Tenant, Xxxxxx’s family or Xxxxxx’s invitees, licensees, and/or guests for damages not proximately caused by Landlord or Landlord’s agents. Landlord will not compensate Tenant or anyone else for damages proximately caused by any other source whatsoever, or by Acts of God, and Tenant is therefore strongly encouraged to independently purchase insurance to protect Tenant, Xxxxxx’s family, Xxxxxx’s invitees, licensees, and/or guests, and all personal property on the leased premises and/or in any common areas from any and all damages.

  • Tenant’s Insurance Tenant shall maintain the following coverages in the following amounts.

  • Tenant’s Property Insurance Tenant shall maintain at all times during the Lease Term, and during such earlier time as Tenant may be performing work in or to the Premises or have property, fixtures, furniture, equipment, machinery, goods, supplies, wares or merchandise on the Premises, and continuing thereafter so long as Tenant is in occupancy of any part of the Premises, business interruption insurance and (insurance against loss or damage covered by the so-called “all risk” type insurance coverage with respect to (i) Tenant’s property, fixtures, furniture, equipment, machinery, goods, supplies, wares and merchandise, and (ii) any other improvements which exist in the Premises as of the Lease Commencement Date (excluding the Base Building) (the “Original Improvements”), and all alterations, improvements and other modifications made by or on behalf of the Tenant in the Premises, and (iii) other property of Tenant located at the Premises (collectively “Tenant’s Property”). The business interruption insurance required by this Section shall be in minimum amounts typically carried by prudent tenants engaged in similar operations, but in no event shall be in an amount less than the Base Rent then in effect during any Lease Year, plus any Additional Rent due and payable for the immediately preceding Lease Year. The “all risk” insurance required by this Section shall be in an amount at least equal to the full replacement cost of Tenant’s Property. In addition, during such time as Tenant is performing work in or to the Premises, Tenant, at Tenant’s expense, shall also maintain, or shall cause its contractor(s) to maintain, builder’s risk insurance for the full insurable value of such work. Landlord and such additional persons or entities as Landlord may reasonably request shall be named as loss payees, as their interests may appear, on the policy or policies required by this section. In the event of loss or damage covered by the “all risk” insurance required by this section, the responsibilities for repairing or restoring the loss or damage shall be determined in accordance with Article 11 of this Lease, below. To the extent that Landlord is obligated to pay for the repair or restoration of the loss or damage covered by the policy, Landlord shall be paid the proceeds of the “all risk” insurance covering the loss or damage. To the extent Tenant is obligated to pay for the repair or restoration of the loss or damage, covered by the policy, Tenant shall be paid the proceeds of the “all risk” insurance covering the loss or damage. If both Landlord and Tenant are obligated to pay for the repair or restoration of the loss or damage covered by the policy, the insurance proceeds shall be paid to each of them in the pro rata proportion of their obligations to repair or restore the loss or damage. If the loss or damage is not repaired or restored (for example, if the Lease is terminated pursuant to Section 11.2 of this Lease, below), the insurance proceeds shalt be paid to Landlord and Tenant in the pro rata proportion of their relative contributions to the cost of the leasehold improvements covered by the policy.

  • Improvements to Premises Lessee shall take the Premises in its "as-is" condition for the Extended Term except for certain Leasehold Improvements (herein so called) to the Premises which shall be completed in accordance with the specifications attached hereto as Exhibit A (the "Approved Plans"), which have been approved by both Lessor and Lessee. Lessor shall cause the Leasehold Improvements to be installed or constructed in accordance with the Approved Plans by Lessor's contractor. So long as no Event of Default (or event which with notice or lapse of time could become an Event of Default) has occurred under the Lease, Lessor agrees to provide Lessee an allowance equal to One Hundred Fifty-Three Thousand One Hundred Nineteen and No/100 Dollars ($153,119.00) (the "Improvement Allowance"), which allowance is to be used solely for completion of the Leasehold Improvements in accordance with the Approved Plans, and an additional allowance equal to Three Thousand Two Hundred and No/100 Dollars ($3,200.00) (the "Architectural Allowance"), which allowance is to be used solely for space planning and design services for the Premises. In the event that any alterations or modifications to the Premises are required in order to comply with applicable law, including, without limitation, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended, or the State of Texas equivalent laws and regulations, the cost of any such alterations or modifications shall be satisfied out of the Improvement Allowance. The cost of the Leasehold Improvements and the space planning and design fees is to be paid by Lessor out of the Improvement Allowance and the Architectural Allowance, respectively. Any completed work (labor or materials) outside the scope of the Approved Plans or the cost of which is in excess of the Improvement Allowance or the Architectural Allowance, as the case may be, shall be at Lessee's sole cost and will be billed to Lessee by Lessor and will be due and payable within ten (10) days after Lessee's receipt of an invoice therefor. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Lessee will not be liable for work outside the scope of the Approved Plans or excess costs over the amount of the Improvement Allowance or the Architectural Allowance unless Lessee has consented in writing to such work outside the scope of the Approved Plans or excess costs prior to the commencement of such work or the incurring of such excess costs. Any portion of the Improvement Allowance or the Architectural Allowance remaining upon the completion of the Leasehold Improvements shall be deemed forfeited by Lessee. Lessor further acknowledges and agrees that Section 4.07 of the Lease is hereby amended to provide that Lessee shall not be required to surrender possession of the Premises to Lessor "in the same condition as when received", but rather shall be entitled to surrender possession of the Premises in the same condition as exists upon the completion of the Leasehold Improvements described in Paragraph 3 above, subject to any and all other requirements set forth in Section 4.07 of the Lease.

  • Property Insurance Building Improvements and Rental Value 9.2.1 Lessor shall obtain and keep in force a policy or policies of insurance in the name of Lessor, with loss payable to Lessor, any ground-lessor, and to any Lender insuring loss or damage to the Premises. The amount of such insurance shall be equal to the full insurable replacement cost of the Premises, as the same shall exist from time to time, or the amount required by any Lender, but in no event more than the commercially reasonable and available insurable value thereof. If the coverage is available and commercially appropriate, such policy or policies shall insure against all types of direct physical loss or damage (except the perils of flood and/or earthquake unless required by a Lender), including coverage for debris removal and the enforcement of any Applicable Requirements requiring the upgrading, demolition, reconstruction or replacement of any portion of the Premises as the result of a covered loss. Said policy or policies shall also contain an agreed valuation provision in lieu of any coinsurance clause, waiver of subrogation, and inflation guard protection causing an increase in the annual property insurance coverage amount by a factor of not less than the adjusted U.S. Department of Labor Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers for the city nearest to where the Premises are located. Lessee Owned Alterations and Utility Installations, Trade Fixtures, and Lessee’s personal property shall be insured by Lessee not by Lessor unless the item in question has become the property of Lessor under the terms of this Lease.

  • Landlord Repairs Notwithstanding anything contrary herein, Landlord shall repair, replace and restore the foundation, exterior and interior load-bearing walls, roof structure and roof covering and tuckpointing of the Property; provided, however, that (i) all costs and expenses so incurred by Landlord to repair, replace and restore the above items shall constitute Operating Expenses; provided, however, that with respect to any costs incurred in the replacement context, those costs shall not constitute an Operating Expense except to the extent that such costs so qualify under SECTION 3.1.1(vii); and (ii) notwithstanding (i) above, in the event that any such repair, replacement or restoration is necessitated by any or all of the matters set forth in SECTIONS 13.1(a) through (d) above (collectively, "TENANT NECESSITATED REPAIRS"), then Tenant shall be required to reimburse Landlord for all costs and expenses that Landlord incurs in order to perform such Tenant Necessitated Repairs, and such reimbursement shall be paid, in full, within 10 days after Landlord's delivery of demand therefor. Landlord agrees to commence the repairs, replacements or restoration described in this SECTION 13.2 within a reasonable period of time after receiving from Tenant written notice of the need for such repairs.

  • Landlord Improvements Landlord shall substantially complete the Landlord Improvements prior to Tenant’s taking occupancy of the Expansion Space. Landlord shall use commercially reasonable efforts to complete the Landlord Improvements by May 1, 2014. “Substantial Completion” shall mean the Landlord Improvements have been constructed in material accordance with the above referenced drawing, save and except for minor “punch list” items such that Tenant can occupy the Expansion Space and conduct its business, Landlord has obtained all approvals from the applicable governmental authorities for the legal occupancy of the Expansion Space and Landlord has delivered possession of the Expansion Space to Tenant in the required condition, which date is currently anticipated to be May 1, 2014. Upon Substantial Completion, Landlord shall deliver possession of the Expansion Space to Tenant in good, vacant, broom clean condition, with all building systems in good working order and the roof water-tight, and in compliance with all laws applicable to Landlord or Tenant. In the event that construction of the Landlord Improvements is not substantially completed by May 1, 2014, then the Expansion Space Commencement Date shall be automatically amended to be that date the Expansion Space is delivered to Tenant with the Landlord Improvements substantially complete. Upon Substantial Completion of the Landlord Improvements, Landlord shall give Tenant (i) written notice (“Notice of Completion”) that the Expansion Space are ready for occupancy. Within seven (7) days following Landlord’s giving of the Notice of Completion, Landlord and Tenant shall meet at a mutually convenient time to perform a walk-through of the Expansion Space to inspect the Landlord Improvements and to prepare a punch list of minor items needing correction and Landlord shall promptly cause such items to be corrected.

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