Billing Basis Sample Clauses

Billing Basis. 1) The Capital Cost Allocation to customers is determined each time a water rate analysis is prepared by the City and is set for the ensuing rate period (usually 3 to 5 years). Each customer’s “committed” volume used to calculate the Capital Cost for the rate period shall be agreed upon between the City and the Customer based upon current usage and estimated increased water requirements during the rate period. The current Capital Cost is shown in Exhibit B.
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Billing Basis. Customer will be billed by us for Services for the hours spent at the prior agreed upon hourly rate (subject to revision at least once a year), or agreed fixed fee, as specified in our offer or quotation. Deliverables will be billed as quoted by us.
Billing Basis. MRP per Package will be defined and include the-

Related to Billing Basis

  • Billing Rates The Contractor shall be reimbursed for the services performed by its employees under the terms of this Agreement at the lesser of employee’s billing rate set forth in the Budget or the employee’s billing rate applicable at the time the Work is performed. Such billing rates shall be inclusive of actual Cash-based Expenses in the form of wages paid the employee, fringe benefits, overhead, general and administrative (G&A), and other indirect costs. Contractor hereby warrants and guarantees that the billing rates charged herein are Contractor’s customary billing rates for performance of work of the type described in the Statement of Work attached hereto.

  • Monthly Billing Statements The Engineer shall request reimbursement of costs incurred by submitting the original and one copy of an itemized billing statement in a form acceptable to the State. The Engineer is authorized to submit requests for reimbursement no more frequently than monthly and no later than ninety (90) days after costs are incurred.

  • Billing Cycle The billing on each matter shall be submitted on a calendar month basis (30 day cycle). A final bill for all outstanding charges should be forwarded immediately by the Firm upon the conclusion of each matter. Citizens has sole discretion to consider billing for work performed which is submitted late to Citizens. Late is defined as billed events that occurred more than 60 days prior to it being initially submitted to Citizens for payment. Citizens will not honor interest fees or other late fees assessed by any Firm or Vendor for any invoice submitted for payment. Billing submitted late to Citizens will not be given priority review.

  • CAISO Monthly Billed Fuel Cost [for Geysers Main only] The CAISO Monthly Billed Fuel Cost is given by Equation C2-1. CAISO Monthly Billed Fuel Cost Equation C2-1 = Billable MWh ◆ Steam Price ($/MWh) Where: • Steam Price is $16.34/MWh. • For purposes of Equation C2-1, Billable MWh is all Billable MWh Delivered after cumulative Hourly Metered Total Net Generation during the Contract Year from all Units exceeds the Minimum Annual Generation given by Equation C2-2. Equation C2-2 Minimum Annual Generation = (Annual Average Field Capacity ◆ 8760 hours ◆ 0.4) - (A+B+C) Where: • Annual Average Field Capacity is the arithmetic average of the two Field Capacities in MW for each Contract Year, determined as described below. Field Capacity shall be determined for each six-month period from July 1 through December 31 of the preceding calendar year and January 1 through June 30 of the Contract Year. Field Capacity shall be the average of the five highest amounts of net generation (in MWh) simultaneously achieved by all Units during eight-hour periods within the six-month period. The capacity simultaneously achieved by all Units during each eight-hour period shall be the sum of Hourly Metered Total Net Generation for all Units during such eight-hour period, divided by eight hours. Such eight-hour periods shall not overlap or be counted more than once but may be consecutive. Within 30 days after the end of each six-month period, Owner shall provide CAISO and the Responsible Utility with its determination of Field Capacity, including all information necessary to validate that determination. • A is the amount of Energy that cannot be produced (as defined below) due to the curtailment of a Unit during a test of the Facility, a Unit or the steam field agreed to by CAISO and Owner. • B is the amount of Energy that cannot be produced (as defined below) due to the retirement of a Unit or due to a Unit’s Availability remaining at zero after a period of ten Months during which the Unit’s Availability has been zero. • C is the amount of Energy that cannot be produced (as defined below) because a Force Majeure Event reduces a Unit’s Availability to zero for at least thirty (30) days or because a Force Majeure Event reduces a Unit’s Availability for at least one hundred eighty (180) days to a level below the Unit Availability Limit immediately prior to the Force Majeure Event. • The amount of Energy that cannot be produced is the sum, for each Settlement Period during which the condition applicable to A, B or C above exists, of the difference between the Unit Availability Limit immediately prior to the condition and the Unit Availability Limit during the condition.

  • Billing Statement The billing statement shall show the work authorization number for each work authorization included in the billing, the total amount earned to the date of submission, and the amount due and payable as of the date of the current billing statement for each work authorization. The billing statement shall indicate if the work has been completed or if the billing is for partial completion of the work. The fixed fee will be paid in proportion to the percentage of work completed per work authorizations.

  • Billing All invoices are mailed by the Commission on a semiannual basis 45 days prior to the due date. Payments are due on the last business day in January and on July 1st of each year. • The loan may be paid in full at any time; however, the OPWC does not accept loan payments over the invoiced amount if the loan is not being paid in full. • Should the repayment amount equal $5,000 or less, it must be paid in two equal payments according to the billing cycle described above. • We do not accept electronic funds transfers or lock box deposits. Questions Call Xxxxx XxXxxx, Loan Officer, at 614.728.2466 or e-mail her at xxxxx.xxxxxx@xxx.xxxxx.xx.xx. Additional information is located on the loan page of our web site at xxxx:// PROMISSORY NOTE $26,069 Greenwich Township January 1, 2016 CI41S FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned (the "Recipient") promises to pay to the order of the Ohio Public Works Commission (hereinafter the "Lender," which term shall include any holder hereof), at its office located at 00 X. Xxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxx 000, Xxxxxxxx, XX 00000, or at such other place as the holder hereof may, from time to time, designate in writing, the principal sum of Twenty-Six Thousand, Sixty-Nine Dollars (US$26,069), or so much thereof as shall be advanced by Lender and remain unpaid, together with all costs herein provided and interest from the first day in January or July following project completion and thereon until said amounts have been paid in full at a rate equal to Zero percent (0.00%) per annum, or the "Default Rate" (as hereinafter defined), as the case may be. Principal and interest due under this Note shall be payable as follows: The first payment due hereunder shall be made on the last business day in January or the first day in July following the date of project completion, whichever date first occurs, which date shall be referred to herein as the "Initial Payment Date." After the Initial Payment Date, principal and interest shall be due and payable in equal consecutive semi-annual installments commencing on the last business day in January or July 1 following the Initial Payment Date (the "Second Payment Date") and continuing on the last business day in January and July 1 thereafter until maturity. Subject to adjustment as provided herein, the amount of each such semi-annual installment of principal and interest shall be the amount which would fully amortize the unpaid principal balance of the indebtedness evidenced by this Note as of the Second Payment Date, such amortization to be based upon (i) an amortization period of Sixteen years (16) commencing on the Second Payment date, except for a zero (0) percent loan which would commence on the Initial Payment Date and (ii) interest being calculated on the basis of thirty (30) day calendar months in a 360 day year; provided that in the event the Lender makes additional disbursements following the Second Payment Date, the amount of the semi-annual installments of principal and interest required hereunder shall be increased to the amount it would take to fully amortize this Note based upon (i) the new principal balance and (ii) the above-referenced amortization period, less the number of years (or parts thereof) which have elapsed since the Second Payment Date. The unpaid principal sum of this Note and all accrued and unpaid interest and other charges hereunder shall be payable in full on the Maturity Date which would be either the last business day in January or July 1 following the loan term. The Recipient acknowledges that if the semi-annual payments set forth above do not fully amortize this Note, the payment due on the Maturity Date will be a balloon payment, consisting of (i) all accrued and unpaid interest and other charges and (ii) the entire unpaid principal balance hereof. If Recipient shall fail to make any payment hereunder when due, and the same is not corrected within thirty (30) days, then the amount of such default shall bear interest thereafter at the rate of eight percent (8%) per annum (the "Default Rate") from the date of the default until the date of the payment thereof, and the entire principal hereof then remaining unpaid, together with all accrued interest and other charges, shall, at the Lender's option, become immediately due and payable and/or the Lender by and through its Director may, in the Director's sole and complete discretion and in accordance with Section 164.05 of the Ohio Revised Code, direct the county treasurer of the county in which the Recipient is located to pay the amount due hereunder from funds which would otherwise be appropriated to the Recipient from such county's undivided local government fund pursuant to Section 5747.51 to 5747.53 of the Revised Code. The Lender may exercise this option to direct the county treasurer to pay the amount due from the local government fund without any notice or demand during any default by Recipient regardless of any prior forbearance. The lender shall be entitled to collect all costs incurred by the Lender in curing such default, including, but not limited to court costs and reasonable attorney fees from a suit brought to collect this Note. In addition, if the Lender exercises its option to direct the county treasurer to pay the amount due from the local government fund, the Lender shall be entitled to collect all reasonable costs and expenses of any efforts by the Lender to collect the amount due from the local government fund, including but not limited to reasonable attorneys' fees. Lender may, at its option, delay in or refrain from exercising some or all of its rights and remedies without prejudice thereto and regardless of any prior forbearance. The Recipient and any endorser, guarantor and surety now or hereafter liable for the payment of the principal or interest due on this Note, or any part thereof, does hereby expressly agree that any renewal, extension or modification of the terms of the Project Agreement including the terms or the time for the payment of any part of this Note may be made or extended without notice and without releasing or otherwise affecting liability of said parties on this Note.

  • Monthly Billing The electric service charge shall be computed in accordance with the monthly billing in the applicable standard service tariff. Customers receiving electric service under residential and small nonresidential schedules 1, 2, 3, 15, 23 or 23B shall be financially credited for such net energy with a cumulative kilowatt-hour credit. The credit will be deducted from the customer’s kilowatt-hour usage on the customer’s next monthly bill thus offsetting the customer’s next monthly bill at the full retail rate of the customer’s rate schedule. Customers receiving electric service under large nonresidential schedules 6, 6A, 6B, 8 or 10 must elect a compensation method to receive cumulative credits for the upcoming annualized billing period from one of the following options (large nonresidential customers must initial desired credit election): an average energy price, a seasonally differentiated energy price, or an average retail rate.

  • Billing Period The calendar month shall be the standard period for all charges and payments under this Agreement. On or before the fifteenth (15th) day following the end of each month, Seller shall render to Buyer an invoice for the payment obligations incurred hereunder during the preceding month, based on the Energy Delivered in the preceding month, and any RECs deposited in Buyer’s GIS account or a GIS account designated by Buyer to Seller in writing in the preceding month. Such invoice shall contain supporting detail for all charges reflected on the invoice, and Seller shall provide Buyer with additional supporting documentation and information as Buyer may request.

  • Gross Revenue 16.1.1 For the purposes of this PPP Agreement and its Schedules, Gross Revenue shall be defined as:

  • BILLING STATEMENTS Attorney will send Client periodic statements for fees and costs incurred. Each statement will be payable within days of its mailing date. Client may request a statement at intervals of no less than 30 days. If Clients requests, Attorney will provide one within 10 days. The statements shall include the amount, rate, basis of calculation or other method of determination of the fees and costs, which costs will be clearly identified by item and amount.

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