Abandonment and Substitution of Targets Sample Clauses

Abandonment and Substitution of Targets. From time to time during the Option Term, the JRC may determine in good faith that the Discovery Program has not yielded sufficient progress with respect to one or more Targets (e.g., because such Target is found to be intractable, modulation of such Target does not yield a therapeutically relevant outcome or modulation of such Target presents unwanted side effects), and that research and/or development activities with respect to such Target should be discontinued. If such activities are [ * ], then Celgene may propose, after discussion with the JRC, and subject to the mutual written agreement of the Parties, another molecular target as a substitute for such discontinued Target. In such case, (i) the discontinued Target shall cease to be a Target, the substitute target shall be deemed a Target for the purposes of this Agreement and Schedule 1.38 shall be deemed to be updated accordingly; and (ii) the Option Term for the substitute Target shall commence on the date that Parties agree on the substitute Target (i.e., such date shall be deemed the Effective Date for such Target for purposes of Section 4.1.1(a)); provided, however, that if research and/or development activities with respect to such substitute Target, or with respect to a substitute Target selected pursuant to Section 3.5.1, are subsequently discontinued pursuant to this Section 3.2.2, the discontinued substitute Target shall not be replaced with a new molecular target.
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Abandonment and Substitution of Targets. The JRC may decide to discontinue research activities with respect to one or more Targets (each a "De-Selected Target"). In such event, any Compound directed to a De-Selected Target and any chemical entity in the same Chemical Class as such Compound directed to a De-Selected Target shall remain subject to this Agreement; provided, however, that if during the Research Term research activities are discontinued with respect to a particular De-Selected Target because Vertex elects to cease all research and development activities with respect to such De-Selected Target (an "Abandoned Target"), then (i) Vertex shall so notify Array in writing, and (ii) Arrays' obligations under Section 2.9 below with respect to such Abandoned Target shall terminate [***] after the effective date of the written notice to discontinue research activities with respect to such Abandoned Target. No chemical entity synthesized by Array directed to such De-Selected Target after the effective date of the written notice to discontinue research activities with respect to such De-Selected Target shall be deemed to be a Compound or Inactive Chemical Entity under this Agreement. In the event that research activities are discontinued with respect to any De-Selected Target pursuant to this Section 2.2.2, then Vertex may substitute, upon consultation with the JRC and mutual agreement of the Parties, such agreement not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed, another target in its place as a Target for purposes of this Agreement (a "Substitute Target"). The Substitute Target(s) may be a phosphatase Target, or a Target outside the phosphatase class of enzymes. Such Substitute Target(s) shall be deemed to be a Target for the purposes of this Agreement upon the consent of Array. Array shall not be obligated to substitute more than two (2) such Substitute Targets during the Research Term, except as the parties may otherwise agree in writing.
Abandonment and Substitution of Targets. The Research Management Committee may decide to discontinue research activities with respect to one or more Active Targets, in which event (i) such Active Target shall not after the effective date of such decision be, or be deemed to be, an Active Target for purposes of this Agreement. In the event that research activities are discontinued with respect to any Active Target pursuant to this Section 2.2(b), then ICOS may substitute, after discussion with the Research Management Committee and mutual agreement of the Parties, another Drug Development Target in its place as an Active Target for purposes of this Agreement.

Related to Abandonment and Substitution of Targets

  • Restoration of Rights on Abandonment of Proceedings In case the Trustee shall have proceeded to enforce any right under this Indenture and such proceedings shall have been discontinued or abandoned for any reason, or shall have been determined adversely to the Trustee, then and in every such case the Issuer and the Trustee shall be restored respectively to their former positions and rights hereunder, and all rights, remedies and powers of the Issuer, the Trustee and the Securityholders shall continue as though no such proceedings had been taken.

  • POSSESSION OF COLLATERAL AND RELATED MATTERS Until the commencement of a foreclosure or liquidation to realize upon the Collateral, Borrower shall have the right, except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, in the ordinary course of Borrower's business, to (a) sell, lease or furnish under contracts of service any of Borrower's Inventory normally held by Borrower for any such purpose; and (b) use and consume any raw materials, work in process or other materials normally held by Borrower for such purpose; provided, however, that a sale in the ordinary course of business shall not include any transfer or sale in satisfaction, partial or complete, of a debt owed by Borrower.

  • Remedies; Disposition of the Collateral If any Event of Default shall have occurred and be continuing, then any Collateral repossessed by the Collateral Agent under or pursuant to Section 7.1 hereof and any other Collateral whether or not so repossessed by the Collateral Agent, may be sold, assigned, leased or otherwise disposed of under one or more contracts or as an entirety, and without the necessity of gathering at the place of sale the property to be sold, and in general in such manner, at such time or times, at such place or places and on such terms as the Collateral Agent may, in compliance with any mandatory requirements of applicable law, determine to be commercially reasonable. Any of the Collateral may be sold, leased or otherwise disposed of, in the condition in which the same existed when taken by the Collateral Agent or after any overhaul or repair at the expense of the relevant Assignor which the Collateral Agent shall determine to be commercially reasonable. Any such disposition which shall be a private sale or other private proceedings permitted by such requirements shall be made upon not less than 10 days' prior written notice to the relevant Assignor specifying the time at which such disposition is to be made and the intended sale price or other consideration therefor, and shall be subject, for the 10 days after the giving of such notice, to the right of the relevant Assignor or any nominee of such Assignor to acquire the Collateral involved at a price or for such other consideration at least equal to the intended sale price or other consideration so specified. Any such disposition which shall be a public sale permitted by such requirements shall be made upon not less than 10 days' prior written notice to the relevant Assignor specifying the time and place of such sale and, in the absence of applicable requirements of law, shall be by public auction (which may, at the Collateral Agent's option, be subject to reserve), after publication of notice of such auction (where required by applicable law) not less than 10 days prior thereto. The Collateral Agent may, without notice or publication, adjourn any public or private sale or cause the same to be adjourned from time to time by announcement at the time and place fixed for the sale, and such sale may be made at any time or place to which the sale may be so adjourned. To the extent permitted by any such requirement of law, the Collateral Agent may bid for and become the purchaser of the Collateral or any item thereof, offered for sale in accordance with this Section without accountability to the relevant Assignor. If, under mandatory requirements of applicable law, the Collateral Agent shall be required to make disposition of the Collateral within a period of time which does not permit the giving of notice to the relevant Assignor as hereinabove specified, the Collateral Agent need give such Assignor only such notice of disposition as shall be reasonably practicable in view of such mandatory requirements of applicable law. Each Assignor agrees to do or cause to be done all such other acts and things as may be reasonably necessary to make such sale or sales of all or any portion of the Collateral valid and binding and in compliance with any and all applicable laws, regulations, orders, writs, injunctions, decrees or awards of any and all courts, arbitrators or governmental instrumentalities, domestic or foreign, having jurisdiction over any such sale or sales, all at such Assignor's expense.

  • ABANDONMENT OF PREMISES Tenant agrees not to abandon or vacate the Premises during the Term of this Lease. If Tenant does abandon or vacate the Premises for more than ninety (90) days, Landlord may terminate this Lease, by written notice to Tenant at any time prior to Tenant reoccupying the Premises, but such termination shall not entitle Landlord to pursue any other remedies unless an uncured Event of Default then exists, in which case Landlord may pursue any and all remedies provided by this Lease, at law or in equity.

  • Reports of Foreclosures and Abandonment of Mortgaged Property The Master Servicer or the Subservicers shall file information returns with respect to the receipt of mortgage interests received in a trade or business, the reports of foreclosures and abandonments of any Mortgaged Property and the information returns relating to cancellation of indebtedness income with respect to any Mortgaged Property required by Sections 6050H, 6050J and 6050P, respectively, of the Code, and deliver to the Trustee an Officers' Certificate on or before March 31 of each year stating that such reports have been filed. Such reports shall be in form and substance sufficient to meet the reporting requirements imposed by Sections 6050H, 6050J and 6050P of the Code.

  • Possession and Use 10 Section 8.3 Sublease................................................................. 10

  • Removal of Improvements Except as otherwise expressly agreed to by Lessor and Lessee, Lessee shall have the right to remove all Tank Farm Assets and other improvements, fixtures, equipment, materials, supplies and personal property installed by Lessee from the Premises upon the termination or expiration of this Lease, but in no event later than the date that is 120 days following the expiration or termination of this Lease (the “Removal Date”) and Lessor shall provide Lessee with access to the Premises at reasonable times until expiration of the Removal Date for the purpose of removing such items. Lessee shall provide Lessor with written notice of its election to remove the Tank Farm Assets and other improvements, fixtures, equipment, materials, supplies and personal property from the Premises at least 60 days prior to the expiration of the Lease. If Lessee elects to remove the Tank Farm Assets and Improvements from the Premises after such removal Lessee shall restore any damage to the Premises and clean the Premises so as to eliminate therefrom any accumulation (other than any de minimis and non-hazardous accumulation) of foreign substances, materials, or debris, in addition to any Environmental Cleanup that may be required under Article 10. Lessee shall pay Lessor pro rata Rent (based on the amount of Rent applicable during the last month prior to the termination or expiration) through the date of Lessee’s complete removal of all such items. During the period of such removal and clean-up, all terms and conditions of this Lease, including, the indemnity and insurance provisions shall continue in full force and effect. If Lessee elects not to remove all of the Tank Farm Assets and Improvements from the Premises on or before the Removal Date, and provided that such facilities are in good working condition at the expiration of the Term (ordinary wear and tear excepted) then, such Tank Farm Assets and Improvements shall be deemed permanently abandoned to Lessor’s sole ownership, and Lessor may remove and dispose of such facilities in any manner which Lessor may deem appropriate, without any liability whatsoever to Lessee. If Lessee elects not to remove all of the Tank Farm Assets and Improvements from the Premises on or before the Removal Date and such facilities are not in good working condition at the expiration of the term (ordinary wear and tear excepted), or Lessee fails to so remove any or all of the Tank Farm Assets and Improvements from the Premises before the Removal Date, then, in addition to all rights and remedies available at law or in equity, without any prior notice, Lessor may (but shall be under no obligation), at Lessor’s option, deem such Tank Farm Assets and Improvements to be permanently abandoned to Lessor’s sole ownership, and Lessor may remove and dispose of such facilities in any manner which Lessor may deem appropriate, without any liability whatsoever to Lessee, and Lessee shall reimburse Lessor for all costs of such removal and disposal upon demand from Lessor. If requested by Lessor, Lessee shall execute any and all documents necessary to evidence that title to the Tank Farm Assets and Improvements that Lessee does not remove by the Removal Date is in Lessor and to extinguish and remove any cloud or potential cloud on the title to the Premises and/or such facilities created by Lessee.

  • Possession and Use of Collateral Subject to the provisions of the Security Documents, the Issuer and the Guarantors shall have the right to remain in possession and retain exclusive control of and to exercise all rights with respect to the Collateral (other than monies or U.S. government obligations deposited pursuant to Article VIII, and other than as set forth in the Security Documents and this Indenture), to operate, manage, develop, lease, use, consume and enjoy the Collateral (other than monies and U.S. government obligations deposited pursuant to Article VIII and other than as set forth in the Security Documents and this Indenture), to alter or repair any Collateral so long as such alterations and repairs do not impair the creation or perfection of the Lien of the Security Documents thereon, and to collect, receive, use, invest and dispose of the reversions, remainders, interest, rents, lease payments, issues, profits, revenues, proceeds and other income thereof.

  • Title to, Liens on, and Sale and Use of Collateral Each Loan Party represents and warrants to the Agent and the Lenders and agrees with the Agent and the Lenders that: (a) all of its and its Subsidiaries' Collateral is and will continue to be owned by such Loan Party or the relevant Subsidiary, as applicable, free and clear of all Liens whatsoever, except for Permitted Liens; (b) the Agent's Liens in such Collateral will not be subject to any prior Lien other than (x) in the case of the Agent's Liens encumbering Collateral not consisting of Inventory, Accounts, and the proceeds thereof, to Permitted Liens described in clauses (c), (d), (e), (g), (h) and (i) of the definition thereof and (y) in the case of the Agent's Liens encumbering Collateral consisting of Inventory, Accounts, and the proceeds thereof, the Liens set forth on Schedule 9.16, and in each case under clauses (x) and (y) above shall be prior to all other Liens, now existing or hereafter arising, in favor of any other creditor or other Person; (c) such Loan Party will (and will cause each of its Subsidiaries to) use, store, and maintain such Collateral with all reasonable care and will use such Collateral for lawful purposes only; and (d) such Loan Party will not (and will cause each of its Subsidiaries not to) except as otherwise permitted by this Agreement, without the Agent's prior written approval, sell, or dispose of or permit the sale or disposition of any of such Collateral except for sales of Inventory in the ordinary course of business, the use of cash to the extent not prohibited herein, and sales of Equipment as permitted by Section 6.10. The inclusion of proceeds in the Collateral shall not be deemed to constitute the Agent's or any Lender's consent to any sale or other disposition of the Collateral except as expressly permitted herein.

  • Maintaining Records; Access to Properties and Inspections; Maintenance of Ratings (a) Keep proper books of record and account in which full, true and correct entries in conformity with GAAP and all requirements of law are made of all dealings and transactions in relation to its business and activities. Each Loan Party will, and will cause each of its subsidiaries to, permit any representatives designated by the Administrative Agent or any Lender to visit and inspect the financial records and the properties of such Person at reasonable times and as often as reasonably requested and to make extracts from and copies of such financial records, and permit any representatives designated by the Administrative Agent or any Lender to discuss the affairs, finances and condition of such Person with the officers thereof and independent accountants therefor.

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