Services supply зразки пунктів

Services supply. 5.1. Terms and conditions to supply services are stipulated in Client’s orders which comply with the form provided in the Annex 2 to this Agreement as an integral part after being signed and sealed by both Parties (hereinafter – the “Order”). 5.2. The provision of services by Client’s is formed by a Certificate of Delivery and Acceptance of Rendered Services and signed by both Parties. 5.3. The Certificate of Delivery and Acceptance of Rendered Services is drawn up by the Contractor and then transferred to the Client in two copies being signed by an authorized representative and sealed by the Contractor and along with the list of the documents defined in the Order. 5.4. The Client shall sign all copies of the Certificate Delivery and Acceptance of Rendered Services and put a seal within two business days from the date of receiving and then transfer one copy to the Contractor. 6. Rights and obligations of the Parties 6.1. The Cient shall: 6.1.1. provide the Contractor with all documents and information required to provide services, accept the services rendered by the Contractor and pay for them; 6.1.2. pay all customs charges according to the current legislation of Ukraine. 6.2. The Client shall have right : 0.0.0.xx reject to accept the services in case of their noncompliance with the terms of the Agreement, current legislation of Ukraine and notify the Contractor of this in writing; 6.2.2. to bring the Agreement to an early termination in case of any changes in tariff for services or in case of nonfulfillment of its obligations by the Contractor with a 30 days’ written notice prior to the given day of the Agreement termination; 6.2.3. to stay within the bounds of the Agreement and current legislation of Ukraine 6.3. The Contractor shall: 6.3.1. obtain a license required to provide the services established by the Agreement on its own responsibility. 6.3.2. provide services in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement and the Orders. 6.4. The Contractor shall have right: 6.4.1. to receive payments for rendered services under the Agreement in full and in a timely manner; 6.4.2. to prescribe tariff rates for the services; 0.0.0.xx demand the information and documents from the Client required to supply the services. 6.4.4. to deny service provision to the Client and/or to bring the Agreement to an early termination in case of nonfulfillment of its obligations by the Client. 7. Liability of the Parties 7.1. The Parties shall bear liability for failure to...

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