Bids Clausole campione

Bids. 2.1 Bids for the purchase of lots may be submitted in person in the room during the auction, in a written offer before the auction begins, by phone or via the internet (in the latter case only if the specific auction admits this possibility).
Bids. 2.1 Bids may be submitted in person in the room during the auction, in a written offer before the auction begins, by phone or via the internet (in the latter case only if the specific auction admits this possibility).
Bids. Bidding will be in accordance with the lot numbers listed in the catalogue. Xxxxxx Xxxxx & associés is free to set the order of the progression of the lots, and bidders are required to conform to this. The auctioneer and the bailiff have the right to raise the bidding, separate, join or withdraw any lot, and at their complete discretion. The highest and last bidder shall be the Buyer. Should Xxxxxx Xxxxx & associés recognise two simultaneous bids on an object, the lot will be put up for sale again, and all those present in the saleroom may participate in the second opportunity to bid. For the Buyer’s guidance, a currency converter will be operated at some auctions showing rates of conversation applying on the date immediately preceding the date of sale, as notified to Xxxxxx Xxxxx & associés by a major bank. Xxxxxx Xxxxx & associés shall accept no responsibility in this respect, in particular for any mistakes in the conversion into Swiss Francs and / or foreign currencies. If the reserve price is not reached, the auctioneer can refuse the last bid and fix a new price of that of the reserve price. In the event of there being no offer equal or higher than the reserve price, Xxxxxx Xxxxx & associés will withdraw the lot from the auction. In this case, Xxxxxx Xxxxx & associés reserves the right to sell the piece by mutual agreement after the closure of the auction. The price at this point will not be below the reserve point, unless with the prior agreement of the Seller.

Related to Bids

  • Indicatori 1. Fermo restando quanto previsto dal Protocollo del 23 luglio 1993, per l'acquisizione delle informazioni necessarie per la misurazione dei risultati previsti ai fini della contrattazione territoriale, le parti opereranno prioritariamente riferimento alle fonti ufficiali disponibili. In subordine, le parti stipulanti gli accordi territoriali potranno affidare alla rete degli Enti bilaterali il compito di acquisire ed elaborare le suddette informazioni, fermo restando che i risultati di tali elaborazioni saranno resi noti unicamente in forma aggregata e comunque tale da garantire il rispetto della riservatezza dei dati aziendali e personali.

  • Pubblicità Il presente bando è pubblicato all'Albo Ufficiale del Politecnico, sul sito Internet del Politecnico, del MIUR e dell'Unione Europea. Il Direttore del Dipartimento Xxxx. Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxx. Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx Firmato digitalmente ai sensi del CAD - D.Lgs 82/2005 e s.m.i.. 30.04.2015, 3398 of 29.07.2016, 8268 of 20.12.2017 and n. 6605 of 27.09.2018, 3983 of 29.05.2019 and further amended by Rectoral Decree no. 9232 of 23/12/2020; A public selection is hereby organized to grant n° 1 temporary research fellowship to grant research activity, on a fixed-term basis:

  • Ente aggiudicatore I.1) Denominazione e indirizzi

  • Requisiti per l’ammissione 1. I requisiti devono essere posseduti alla data di scadenza del termine utile per la presentazione della domanda di ammissione alla selezione. I titoli di studio conseguiti all'estero saranno valutati dalla Commissione giudicatrice, che li potrà riconoscere equivalenti ai fini dell'ammissione.