Without further preparation definition

Without further preparation means that the product does not require boiling, frying, grilling, baking or cooking. “Further preparation” does not include toasting, microwaving, or otherwise heating a product for palatability (rather than for the purpose of cooking the product).
Without further preparation means that the product does not require boiling, frying, grilling, baking or cooking of any kind or is not mixed with other products before being boiled, fried, grilled, baked or cooked and “further preparation” does not include toasting, microwaving or otherwise heating a product for palatability rather than for the purpose of cooking the product.

Related to Without further preparation

  • Preparation Each Approved Service Order will be in substantially the form specified in Exhibit A. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Master Agreement, the Consultant and the City will negotiate the specific requirements of each Approved Service Order.

  • Reasonable further progress means such annual incremental reductions in emissions of the relevant air pollutant as are required by the applicable implementation plan or may reasonably be required by the Director for the purpose of ensuring attainment of the applicable ambient air quality standard by the applicable date.

  • Negotiation means a transfer of possession, whether voluntary or involuntary, of an instrument by a person other than the issuer to a person who thereby becomes its holder.

  • Site preparation means those activities associated with the removal of slash in preparing a site for planting and shall include scarification and/or slash burning.

  • Term of this Agreement means the term of the current collective agreement between the Board and the Association;

  • Begin actual construction means, in general, initiation of physical on-site construction activities on an emissions unit which are of a permanent nature. Such activities include, but are not limited to, installation of building supports and foundations, laying of underground pipework, and construction of permanent storage structures. With respect to a change in method of operation, this term refers to those on-site activities, other than preparatory activities, which mark the initiation of the change.

  • Trial preparation record means any record that contains information that is specifically compiled in reasonable anticipation of, or in defense of, a civil or criminal action or proceeding, including the independent thought processes and personal trial preparation of an attorney.

  • Written application or "written election" means a written instrument, prescribed by the board

  • External means communications with places outside Hong Kong;

  • Coal preparation plant means a facility where coal is crushed, screened, sized, cleaned, dried, or otherwise prepared and loaded for transit to a consuming facility. “Coal preparation plant associated areas” means the coal preparation plant yards, immediate access roads, coal refuse piles, and coal storage piles and facilities. “Coal preparation plant water circuit means all pipes, channels, basins, tanks, and all other structures and equipment that convey, contain, treat, or process any water that is used in coal preparation processes within a coal preparation plant.

  • Program Preparation Advance (renamed as such pursuant to subparagraph 8 (c) above) is modified to read “Preparation Advance” and its definition is modified to read as follows:

  • Reasonable Costs means the reasonable actual costs and expenses incurred by us in carrying out any further Audit under this Contract, including, but not limited to, reasonable travel and subsistence costs;

  • Project Preparation Advance is modified to read “Preparation Advance” and its definition is modified to read as follows:

  • Reasonable notice means, at a minimum:

  • Reasonable Additional Expenses means expenses for meals, taxi fares, essential telephone calls, local transportation, and lodging which are necessarily incurred as the result of Trip Delay and which are not provided by the Common Carrier or any other party free of charge.

  • Reasonable Distance means a distance that has regard to the Employee’s original work location, current home address, capacity of the Employee to travel, additional travelling time, effects on the personal circumstances of the affected Employee, including family commitments and responsibilities and other matters raised by the Employee, or assistance provided by their Employer.

  • Concurrent review means utilization review conducted during

  • Program Expenses means all UHC’s expenses of administering the Program under the Indenture and the Act and shall include without limiting the generality of the foregoing; salaries, supplies, utilities, labor, materials, office rent, maintenance, furnishings, equipment, machinery and apparatus, including information processing equipment; software, insurance premiums, credit enhancement fees, legal, accounting, management, consulting and banking services and expenses; Fiduciary Expenses; remarketing fees; Costs of Issuance not paid from proceeds of Bonds; and payments to pension, retirement, health and hospitalization funds; and any other expenses required or permitted to be paid by UHC.

  • Concurrent enrollment means the simultaneous enrollment of a qualified student in a district high school and in one or more postsecondary courses at an institution of higher education. Concurrent enrollment does not include a student’s simultaneous enrollment in: a district high school and in one or more secondary career and technical education courses, advanced placement courses, or international baccalaureate courses; an early college course and a postsecondary course; a p-tech school and a postsecondary course; or a district high school and a postsecondary course that does not fall within the definition of concurrent enrollment.

  • Date of this Agreement means the date first written above.

  • the other party means, with respect to the Company, Parent and means, with respect to Parent, the Company.

  • Commercial cannabis activity means the production, cultivation,

  • Closing of the Books Method means the apportionment of items between portions of a taxable period based on a closing of the books and records on the Distribution Date (as if the Distribution Date was the end of the taxable period), provided that any items not susceptible to such apportionment (such as real or personal property taxes imposed on a periodic basis) shall be apportioned on the basis of elapsed days during the relevant portion of the taxable period.

  • Instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) means routine activities performed around the home or in the community and includes the following: