Value of the Settlement definition

Value of the Settlement means the Settlement Fund plus the Uncollected Overdraft Fees.
Value of the Settlement means the Settlement Fund plus the Uncollected Fees, which is a total of One Million Five Hundred Seventy Thousand Three Hundred Forty Two Dollars ($1,570,342.00).
Value of the Settlement means the Settlement Fund plus the value of the Uncollected Amounts.

Examples of Value of the Settlement in a sentence

  • After paying attorneys’ fees to Class Counsel of up to 33% of the Value of the Settlement and Court-approved Service Awards of up to $5,000.00 to the Plaintiffs for their participation in the lawsuit, the remaining cash relief (the “Net Settlement Fund”) will be distributed among the Settlement Classes.

More Definitions of Value of the Settlement

Value of the Settlement means the amount of Thirty-Two Million Two Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars ($32,225,000.00) comprised of the Settlement Payment Amount plus the Overdraft Forgiveness Amount.
Value of the Settlement means the amount of the Settlement Fund plus the amount of the Forgiven Charge Offs.
Value of the Settlement means the Settlement Fund plus the value of the prospective relief described in Section 8 below, including the value of the Uncollected Fees as defined in Section 1(ee).
Value of the Settlement means the sum of six million four hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($6,450,000.00), comprised of the value of the Settlement Fund plus the value of the Uncollected Amounts.
Value of the Settlement means the sum of $7,500,000, comprised of the amount of the Settlement Fund plus the amount of the Fee Forgiveness.
Value of the Settlement means the Settlement Fund plus the Uncollected
Value of the Settlement means the amount of the Settlement Fund, plus the