To Tender definition

To Tender means to make an offer to sell or buy.

Examples of To Tender in a sentence

  • We have not qualified or changed any of the provisions of your Invitation To Tender.

  • Our Tender is fully consistent with and does not contradict or derogate from anything in your Invitation To Tender.

  • Without prejudice to any other obligations in this Contract you must immediately notify us of any event which changes your response to the Rejection Criteria in the Invitation To Tender Documents.

  • The following elements are as stated in the Invitation To Tender (ITT) and response unless annotated otherwise.

  • The bidder who comply with the above Minimum Eligibility Criteria will be eligible further for consideration of bid(s) only if their available bid capacity is more than the Estimated Cost Put To Tender for the work mentioned in this Notice Inviting Tender.

  • We offer and undertake on your acceptance of our Tender to provide the above mentioned services in accordance with your Invitation To Tender.

  • The Invitation To Tender (ITT) notice or the notice to pre-qualify Tenderers, as the case may be, issued by the Procuring Entity is not part of this tendering document.

  • The Contract will incorporate the Conditions of Contract included in the Invitation To Tender documentation and any subsequent variations to these made and agreed during the Invitation to Tender procurement process.

  • Yours faithfully, ..................................Bank Manager ..................................DateAnnex To Tender Guarantee Form – Not Applicable for this tender Contact Details of Tenderer Name of Tenderer/JointVenture/Consortium ......................................................................

  • Please confirm your acceptance of the terms and conditions included in this Invitation To Tender which are included as Appendix 2a and 2b.

Related to To Tender

  • e-Tender means Bids / Quotation / Tender received from a Firm / Tenderer / Bidder online.

  • Invitation to Tender or "ITT" means the Invitation to Tender issued by the Authority on 14/11/2012;

  • Appendix to Tender means the appendix comprised in the form of Tender annexed to these Conditions.

  • The Tenderer means the individual or firm supplying the Goods under this Contract.

  • Bid/Tender means the Techno Commercial and the Price Bid submitted by the Bidder along with all documents/credentials/attachments, formats, etc., in response to this Bid Document, in accordance with the terms and conditions hereof.

  • Legal tender means a medium of exchange, including specie, that is authorized by the United States Constitution or Congress for the payment of debts, public charges, taxes and dues.

  • Optional Tender means any tender of VRDP Shares by a Beneficial Owner or its Agent Member to the Tender and Paying Agent, other than a Mandatory Tender, for Remarketing or, in the event (i) no Remarketing occurs on or before the Purchase Date, or (ii) pursuant to an attempted Remarketing VRDP Shares remain unsold and the Remarketing Agent does not purchase for its own account the unsold VRDP Shares tendered to the Tender and Paying Agent for Remarketing (provided that the Remarketing Agent may seek to sell such VRDP Shares in a subsequent Remarketing prior to the Purchase Date), for purchase by the Liquidity Provider pursuant to Section 1 of Part II of this Statement and the VRDP Purchase Agreement.

  • Notice of Tender means, in connection with an Optional Tender, a notice, substantially in the form attached to the Tender and Paying Agent Agreement, delivered by a Beneficial Owner or its Agent Member to the Tender and Paying Agent, indicating an intention to tender VRDP Shares for sale on a Purchase Date pursuant to Section 1 of Part II of this Statement.

  • Form of Tender means the form of tender in Part C – Form of Tender to this ITT on which Tenderers are to complete their Tenders;

  • open tendering means a procurement method whereby all interested suppliers may submit a tender;

  • Bidder/Tenderer means the interested Firm/ Company that may provide or provides related goods / services to any of the public/ private sector organization under the contract and have registered for the relevant business thereof.

  • U.S. Legal Tender means such coin or currency of the United States of America as at the time of payment shall be legal tender for the payment of public and private debts.

  • Open Tenders means the tenders invited in open and public manner and with adequate notice.

  • Request for Tender means the Request for Tender given to prospective tenderers inviting offers to tender for the supply of the Services of which these General Conditions of Contract form part.

  • Successful Tenderer means the Tenderer declared technically and financially successful for the Project and with whom, the Contract Agreement shall be signed.

  • Notice Inviting Tender means the notice issued by a SNDB through publication in the newspapers or through electronic means for the purpose of inviting bids, or applications for pre-qualifications, or expression of interests, which may include Tender Notice, Invitation for Bids, Notice for Pre- qualifications or Request for Expression of Interests;

  • Acceptance of Tender means the letter or memorandum communicating to the supplier the acceptance of his offer (Tender) and shall include advance acceptance of his offer i.e. Letter of Intent or Rate Contract.

  • Request for Tender (RFT means the document(s) containing or referring to the Conditions of Tendering and Contract, the Annexure, Special Conditions of Contract (if any), Northern Territory Procurement Code, Scope of Services, Response Schedules, Drawings or Diagrams (if any) and any other document issued for the purposes of inviting tenders for the Services.

  • Mandatory Tender with respect to a Mandatory Tender Event, means the mandatory tender of all VRDP Shares by Holders for Remarketing, or, in the event (i) no Remarketing occurs on or before the Purchase Date or (ii) pursuant to an attempted Remarketing, VRDP Shares remain unsold and the Remarketing Agent does not purchase for its own account the unsold VRDP Shares tendered to the Tender and Paying Agent for Remarketing (provided, that the Remarketing Agent may seek to sell such VRDP Shares in a subsequent Remarketing prior to the Purchase Date), for purchase by the Liquidity Provider at the Purchase Price pursuant to Section 2 of Part II of the Articles Supplementary and the VRDP Shares Purchase Agreement.

  • OJEU Notice means the contract notice published in the Official Journal of the European Union.

  • Letter of Tender means the document entitled letter of tender or letter of tender, which was completed by the Contractor and includes the signed offer to the Procuring Entity for the Works.

  • Approved tenderer means the tenderer who is approved by the Employer.

  • Limited Tenders means tenders invited from all or some Contractors on the approved or select list of Contractors with the Railway.

  • Animal control officer means any person employed by a city, county, or city and county for the purpose of enforcing animal control laws or regulations.

  • Youthful offender means any person regardless of age, transferred to Circuit Court under the provisions of KRS Chapter 635 or 640 and who is subsequently convicted in Circuit Court.

  • FIPPA means the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (Ontario) and the regulations made under it as it and they may be amended from time to time;