SpinCo Percentage definition

SpinCo Percentage means the quotient of (i) the SpinCo Post-Distribution Stock Value, divided by (ii) the Total Post-Distribution Stock Value, rounded to the nearest cent.
SpinCo Percentage means 15%.
SpinCo Percentage means (a) 100%, minus (b) the Hanover Percentage.

Examples of SpinCo Percentage in a sentence

  • The parties agree to work in good faith to determine the appropriate methodology for calculating the SpinCo Percentage and Comcast Shareholder Percentage.

  • For illustrative purposes only, were the Transactions effected as of the date hereof using the outstanding shares of Comcast as of 3/31/14 and TWC as of 2/10/14, it is estimated that the SpinCo Percentage would be approximately 33% (not giving effect to the 355(e) Look-Through Rule).

Related to SpinCo Percentage

  • PO Percentage As to any Discount Mortgage Loan, a fraction (expressed as a percentage) the numerator of which is the excess of the Required Coupon over the Adjusted Net Mortgage Rate of such Discount Mortgage Loan and the denominator of which is such Required Coupon. As to any Non-Discount Mortgage Loan, 0%.

  • Non-PO Percentage As to any Discount Mortgage Loan, a fraction (expressed as a percentage) the numerator of which is the Adjusted Net Mortgage Rate of such Discount Mortgage Loan and the denominator of which is the Required Coupon. As to any Non-Discount Mortgage Loan, 100%.

  • Sharing Percentage means, with respect to any Partner and any Portfolio Investment, a fraction, expressed as a percentage: the numerator of which is the aggregate amount of Capital Contributions made by such Partner and used to fund the cost of such Portfolio Investment; and the denominator of which is the aggregate amount of Capital Contributions made by all Partners and used to fund the cost of such Portfolio Investment.

  • Shift Percentage As to any Distribution Date occurring during the five years beginning on the first Distribution Date, 0%. For any Distribution Date occurring on or after the fifth anniversary of the first Distribution Date as follows: for any Distribution Date in the first year thereafter, 30%; for any Distribution Date in the second year thereafter, 40%; for any Distribution Date in the third year thereafter, 60%; for any Distribution Date in the fourth year thereafter, 80%; and for any Distribution Date thereafter, 100%.

  • Retained Percentage means, with respect to any Excess Cash Flow Period, (a) 100% minus (b) the Applicable ECF Percentage with respect to such Excess Cash Flow Period.

  • Allocable Percentage means, on any date of determination thereof, a fraction the denominator of which shall be equal to the number of Borrowers who are parties to this Agreement on such date and the numerator of which shall be 1; provided, however, that such percentages shall be modified in the event that contribution from a Borrower is not possible by reason of insolvency, bankruptcy or otherwise by reducing such Borrower’s Allocable Percentage equitably and by adjusting the Allocable Percentage of the other Borrowers proportionately so that the Allocable Percentages of all Borrowers at all times equals 100%.

  • Funded Percentage means, with respect to any Lender at any time, a percentage equal to a fraction the numerator of which is the amount actually disbursed and outstanding to Borrower by such Lender at such time and the denominator of which is the total amount disbursed and outstanding to Borrower by all of the Lenders at such time.

  • NOLV Percentage the net orderly liquidation value of Inventory, expressed as a percentage, expected to be realized at an orderly, negotiated sale held within a reasonable period of time, net of all liquidation expenses, as determined from the most recent appraisal of Borrowers’ Inventory performed by an appraiser and on terms satisfactory to Agent.

  • Class B Percentage Any one of the Class B-1 Percentage, Class B-2 Percentage, Class B-3 Percentage, Class B-4 Percentage, Class B-5 Percentage or Class B-6 Percentage.

  • Group I Allocation Percentage With respect to any Distribution Date, the percentage equivalent of a fraction, the numerator of which is (i) the Group I Principal Remittance Amount for such Distribution Date, and the denominator of which is (ii) the Principal Remittance Amount for such Distribution Date.

  • Contribution Percentage means the percentage obtained by dividing (x) the Adjusted Net Worth (as defined below) of such Guarantor by (y) the aggregate Adjusted Net Worth of all Guarantors; (ii) the “Adjusted Net Worth” of each Guarantor shall mean the greater of (x) the Net Worth (as defined below) of such Guarantor and (y) zero; and (iii) the “Net Worth” of each Guarantor shall mean the amount by which the fair saleable value of such Guarantor’s assets on the date of any Relevant Payment exceeds its existing debts and other liabilities (including contingent liabilities, but without giving effect to any Guaranteed Obligations arising under this Guaranty or any guaranteed obligations arising under any guaranty of any Permitted Additional Indebtedness) on such date. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained above, any Guarantor that is released from this Guaranty pursuant to Section 17 hereof shall thereafter have no contribution obligations, or rights, pursuant to this Section 18, and at the time of any such release, if the released Guarantor had an Aggregate Excess Amount or an Aggregate Deficit Amount, same shall be deemed reduced to $0, and the contribution rights and obligations of the remaining Guarantors shall be recalculated on the respective date of release (as otherwise provided above) based on the payments made hereunder by the remaining Guarantors. All parties hereto recognize and agree that, except for any right of contribution arising pursuant to this Section 18, each Guarantor who makes any payment in respect of the Guaranteed Obligations shall have no right of contribution or subrogation against any other Guarantor in respect of such payment until the Termination Date. Each of the Guarantors recognizes and acknowledges that the rights to contribution arising hereunder shall constitute an asset in favor of the party entitled to such contribution. In this connection, each Guarantor has the right to waive its contribution right against any Guarantor to the extent that after giving effect to such waiver such Guarantor would remain solvent, in the determination of the Required Lenders.

  • Average Contribution Percentage means the average of the Contribution Percentages of the Eligible Participants in a group.

  • Specified Percentage means, as to any Lender, the percentage indicated beside its name on the signature pages hereof, or if applicable, specified in its most recent Assignment Agreement.

  • Grandfathered Percentage means, with respect to any Grandfathered Person, the percentage of the outstanding shares of Common Stock of the Company that such Grandfathered Person, together with all Affiliates and Associates of such Grandfathered Person, Beneficially Owns as of the Grandfathered Time, plus an additional 1/2%; provided, however, that, in the event any Grandfathered Person shall sell, transfer, or otherwise dispose of any outstanding shares of Common Stock of the Company after the Grandfathered Time, the Grandfathered Percentage shall, subsequent to such sale, transfer or disposition, mean, with respect to such Grandfathered Person, the lesser of (i) the Grandfathered Percentage as in effect immediately prior to such sale, transfer or disposition or (ii) the percentage of outstanding shares of Common Stock of the Company that such Grandfathered Person Beneficially Owns immediately following such sale, transfer or disposition, plus an additional 1/2%.

  • Class C Percentage means at any time the percentage equivalent of a fraction, the numerator of which is the Outstanding Amount of the Class C Notes and the denominator of which is the sum of the Outstanding Amount of all the Notes.

  • Total Percentage means, with respect to any Lender at any time, the ratio (expressed as a percentage) of such Lender’s Aggregate Exposure at such time to the Aggregate Exposure of all Lenders at such time.

  • controlling percentage means the ownership of, and the right to vote, stocks or interests possessing at least fifty percent (50%) of the total combined voting power of the limited liability company or, in the case of a corporation, of all classes of Tenant's stock issues, outstanding and permitted to vote for the election of directors of the corporation;

  • Group II Allocation Percentage With respect to any Distribution Date, the percentage equivalent of a fraction, the numerator of which is (i) the Group II Principal Remittance Amount for such Distribution Date, and the denominator of which is (ii) the Principal Remittance Amount for such Distribution Date.

  • Proportionate Percentage means the percentage that expresses the ratio of (x) the number of issued and outstanding shares of capital stock of the Company (on an as converted basis) then owned of record by such stockholder over (y) the aggregate number of outstanding shares of capital stock of the Company (on an as converted basis).

  • Vesting Percentage means the percentage by which the Target Total Award is multiplied as set forth in the chart in Section II below.

  • Allocation Percentage means, with respect to any Monthly Period, the percentage equivalent of a fraction:

  • Target Percentage means those percentages assigned to Participants pursuant to Section 3.2 hereof.

  • Invested Percentage means, with respect to any Series of Notes, the percentage specified in the applicable Series Supplement.