Servitude Agreement definition

Servitude Agreement means the Servitude Agreement to be entered into at the date of the Separation between PPG and Splitco;
Servitude Agreement means the Servitude Agreement entered into at the date of the Separation between PPG and Eagle Spinco;
Servitude Agreement means the agreement attached as Exhibit N.

Examples of Servitude Agreement in a sentence

  • The barge cover station was built after execution of the Servitude Agreement.

  • Objecting to the Corps of Engineers on a basis prohibited by the Servitude Agreement would tend to diminish or make more inconvenient the use of the servitude.

  • The district court held, and we have affirmed, that PH is entitled under the Servitude Agreement to construct its dock notwithstanding interference with CHS’s barge cover station operations.

  • Based on this provision, the district court imposed two different obligations on CHS: (1) CHS must assist PH in obtaining a permit to construct its dock (provided the other requirements of the Servitude Agreement are satisfied); and (2) CHS is prohibited from objecting to the Corps of Engineers that any proposed dock by PH would interfere with CHS’s barge cover station operations.The Court agrees with CHS that it did not assume the obligation to assist.

  • Thus, upon proper request by PH, Omega’s refinery will constitute the “Plant,” and by the terms of section 15.1, Omega will be entitled to access to CHS’s property (to the extent authorized by the Servitude Agreement) for its legitimate needs in operating the Plant.

  • Both section 9 and the Louisiana Civil Code provide that PH’s rights under the Servitude Agreement cannot be diminished by the later construction of the barge cover station.

  • The Servitude Agreement designates an approximately 409 feet area adjacent to CHS’s dock on the downriver side for construction of the PH Property dock (the “Servitude Area”).The CHS dock was used as follows at the time of the Servitude Agreement: Grain would arrive from upriver in barges.

  • In the district court, CHS argued that the Servitude Agreement applied only to transport of ethanol.

  • The district court correctly held that under section 9 of the Servitude Agreement, the construction of the barge cover station cannot limit PH’s exercise of its rights under the Servitude Agreement to construct a dock.

  • The Servitude Agreement expressly defines “Invitee” to include “any lessee.” RE 46.

Related to Servitude Agreement

  • servitude shall be deemed to include “easement”, (p) “priority” shall be deemed to include “prior claim”, (q) “survey” shall be deemed to include “certificate of location and plan”, (r) “fee simple title” shall be deemed to include “absolute ownership”, and (s) “forclosure” shall be deemed to include the “exercise of a hypothecary right”. The parties hereto confirm that it is their wish that this Agreement and any other document executed in connection with the transactions contemplated herein be drawn up in the English language only (except if another language is required under any applicable law) and that all other documents contemplated thereunder or relating thereto, including notices, may also be drawn up in the English language only. Les parties aux présentes confirment que c’est leur volonté que cette convention et les autres documents de crédit soient rédigés en langue anglaise seulement et que tous les documents, y compris tous avis, envisagés par cette convention et les autres documents peuvent être rédigés en la langue anglaise seulement (sauf si une autre langue est requise en vertu d’une loi applicable).

  • Concession Agreement means the Concession Agreement referred to in Recital (A) above and annexed hereto as Annex-A, and shall include all of its Recitals and Schedules and any amendments made thereto in accordance with the provisions contained in this behalf therein;

  • industrial agreement means an agreement registered by the Commission under this Act as an industrial agreement;

  • Transportation Agreement means an agreement pursuant to the Tariff under which Transporter provides Transportation or other contract services to a Shipper.

  • Licence Agreement means an agreement (whether or not in writing) between the owner of student accommodation and a student giving a licence to the student;

  • Easement means an acquired legal right for the specific use of land owned by others.

  • Trade Agreements means any applicable trade agreement to which Ontario is a signatory.

  • Licensing Agreement means the Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures in Annex 1A to the WTO Agreement;

  • Use Agreement means the use agreement by and between HDFC and HUD which commences on or before the Effective Date, runs with the land, binds all subsequent owners and creditors of the Exemption Area, and requires that the housing project on the Exemption Area continue to operate on terms at least as advantageous to existing and future tenants as the terms required by the original Section 202 loan agreement or any Section 8 rental assistance payments contract or any other rental housing assistance contract and all applicable federal regulations.

  • Offtake Agreement means any refining, smelting, brokering, sale, marketing and/or processing agreement entered into by the Owner or its Affiliates with respect to Minerals produced from the Property;

  • Farm-Out Agreement means a Farm-In Agreement, viewed from the standpoint of the party that transfers an ownership interest to another.

  • leasing agreement means an agreement by which one person (the lessor) grants a right to possession or control of an object (with or without an option to purchase) to another person (the lessee) in return for a rental or other payment;

  • mortgage agreement ’ means the note or debt instrument and the mortgage instrument, deed of trust instrument, trust deed, or instru- ment or instruments creating the mortgage, including any instrument incorporated by ref- erence therein (including any applicable regu- latory agreement), and any instrument or agreement amending or modifying any of the foregoing;

  • Reservation agreement means a written contract entered into between MBOH and the taxpayer to provide for a Reservation and setting forth the terms and conditions under which the taxpayer may obtain a Carryover Commitment or Final Allocation.

  • Retail charge agreement means that term as defined in section 2 of the retail installment sales act, MCL 445.852.

  • SCM Agreement means the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures in Annex 1A to the WTO Agreement;

  • Dining club license means a license issued in accordance with Chapter 5, Retail

  • Training Agreement means an agreement registered under the provisions of the Industrial and Commercial Training Act 1985.

  • Royalty Agreement means the amended royalty agreement between the Partnership, Vermilion, 1209963 Alberta Ltd. and the Trust dated January 22, 2003 providing for the creation of the Royalty;

  • Cooperation Agreement means that certain Mortgage Loan Cooperation Agreement, dated as of the Closing Date, among Borrower, Lender and Sponsor, as the same may from time to time be amended, restated, replaced, supplemented or otherwise modified in accordance herewith.