Series L3R General and Administrative Expenses definition

Series L3R General and Administrative Expenses means, for any period, the cash general and administrative expenses attributable to the Series L3R Assets determined by applying an allocation methodology substantially consistent with past practice and determined to be reasonable by the Managing General Partner of the Series L3R.

Related to Series L3R General and Administrative Expenses

  • General and Administrative Costs means reasonable, normal and customary expenses and costs paid or payable that are classified as general and administrative costs, including salaries and all other compensation to the management of the Borrower, consulting fees, salary, rent, supplies, travel and entertainment, insurance, accounting, legal, engineering and broker related fees, required to manage the affairs of the Borrower.

  • Notice and Administration Expenses means all costs, fees, and expenses incurred in connection with providing notice to the Settlement Class and the administration of the Settlement, including but not limited to: (i) providing notice of the proposed Settlement by mail, publication, and other means to Settlement Class Members; (ii) receiving and reviewing claims; (iii) applying the Plan of Allocation; (iv) communicating with Persons regarding the proposed Settlement and claims administration process; (v) distributing the proceeds of the Settlement; and (vi) fees related to the Escrow Account and investment of the Settlement Fund.

  • Notice and Administration Costs means the costs, fees, and expenses that are incurred by the Claims Administrator and/or Lead Counsel in connection with: (i) providing notices to the Settlement Class; and (ii) administering the Settlement, including but not limited to the Claims process, as well as the costs, fees, and expenses incurred in connection with the Escrow Account.

  • Administrative Expenses means (i) all administrative and operating costs and expenses incurred by the Partnership, (ii) those administrative costs and expenses of the General Partner, including any salaries or other payments to directors, officers or employees of the General Partner, and any accounting and legal expenses of the General Partner, which expenses, the Partners have agreed, are expenses of the Partnership and not the General Partner, and (iii) to the extent not included in clause (ii) above, REIT Expenses; provided, however, that Administrative Expenses shall not include any administrative costs and expenses incurred by the General Partner that are attributable to Properties or partnership interests in a Subsidiary Partnership that are owned by the General Partner directly.

  • Administrative Expense Cap An amount equal on any Payment Date (when taken together with any Administrative Expenses paid during the period since the preceding Payment Date or in the case of the first Payment Date, the period since the Closing Date), to the sum of (a) 0.025% per annum (prorated for the related Interest Accrual Period on the basis of a 360-day year and the actual number of days elapsed) of the Fee Basis Amount on the related Determination Date and (b) U.S.$250,000 per annum (prorated for the related Interest Accrual Period on the basis of a 360-day year consisting of twelve (12) 30-day months); provided that (1) in respect of any Payment Date after the third Payment Date following the Closing Date, if the aggregate amount of Administrative Expenses paid pursuant to Section 11.1(a)(i)(A), Section 11.1(a)(ii)(A) and Section 11.1(a)(iii)(A) (including any excess applied in accordance with this proviso) on the three immediately preceding Payment Dates and during the related Collection Periods is less than the stated Administrative Expense Cap (without regard to any excess applied in accordance with this proviso) in the aggregate for such three preceding Payment Dates, then the excess may be applied to the Administrative Expense Cap with respect to the then-current Payment Date; and (2) in respect of the third Payment Date following the Closing Date, such excess amount shall be calculated based on the Payment Dates preceding such Payment Date.

  • Administrative Expense means (a) any cost or expense of administration of the Reorganization Cases under section 503(b) of the Bankruptcy Code including, but not limited to (1) any actual and necessary post-petition cost or expense of preserving the Estates or operating the Debtors' assets and businesses, (2) any payment to be made under the Plan to cure a default on an assumed executory contract or unexpired lease, (3) any post-petition cost, indebtedness or contractual obligation duly and validly incurred or assumed by the Debtors in the ordinary course of business, and (4) compensation or reimbursement of expenses of professionals to the extent allowed by the Bankruptcy Court under section 327, 328, 330(a), 331, 503(b) or 1103 of the Bankruptcy Code, including, without limitation, the Futures Representative and its Representatives and (b) any fee or charge assessed against the Estates under 28 U.S.C. ss. 1930.

  • General Administrative Claim means any Administrative Claim, including Cure Claims, other than a Professional Fee Claim.

  • Medical Expenses means those expenses that an Insured Person has necessarily and actually incurred for medical treatment on account of Illness or Accident on the advice of a Medical Practitioner, as long as these are no more than would have been payable if the Insured Person had not been insured and no more than other hospitals or doctors in the same locality would have charged for the same medical treatment.

  • Administrative Expense Claim means any right to payment constituting a cost or expense of administration of the Chapter 11 Cases under sections 503(b) and 507(a)(2) of the Bankruptcy Code including, without limitation, (a) any actual and necessary costs and expenses of preserving the Estates, (b) all compensation and reimbursement of expenses to the extent Allowed by the Bankruptcy Court under section 330 or 503 of the Bankruptcy Code, (c) any fees or charges assessed against the Estates under section 1930 of chapter 123 of Title 28 of the United States Code, (d) all Claims arising under section 503(b)(9) of the Bankruptcy Code, and (e) the Prepetition Lenders Adequate Protection Claims.

  • Claim Expenses means reasonable documented attorneys’ fees and all other reasonable documented out-of-pocket costs, expenses and obligations (including experts’ fees, travel expenses, court costs, retainers, transcript fees, duplicating, printing and binding costs, as well as telecommunications, postage and courier charges) paid or incurred in connection with investigating, defending, being a witness in or participating in (including on appeal), or preparing to investigate, defend, be a witness in or participate in, any Claim, including any Action relating to a claim for indemnification or advancement brought by an Indemnified Party as contemplated in Section 7.5.

  • Insurance Costs means the sums described in paragraph 1.1 of Part 5 of the Schedule;

  • Legal Expenses means the fees, costs and expenses of any kind incurred by any Person indemnified herein and its counsel in investigating, preparing for, defending against or providing evidence, producing documents or taking other action with respect to any threatened or asserted Claim.

  • Indemnification Expenses shall have the meaning set forth in Section 6.11(a).

  • Cumulative Insurance Payments As defined in the Series Supplement.

  • Travel Expenses means any costs incurred by Licensor associated with the transportation, storage or lodging of equipment, supplies, Licensor employees and other items necessary for business use from Licensor headquarters to Licensee’s facilities. Travel expenses may include, but are not limited to airfare, hotel costs, and meals if applicable. Any travel expenses paid by the Licensee shall be paid at allowable government travel rates consistent with Management Directive 230.10, unless otherwise first approved by the Licensee’s authorized representative.

  • Reimbursable Expenses means all assignment-related costs [such as travel, translation, report printing, secretarial expenses, subject to specified maximum limits in the Contract].

  • Class Counsel Fees means the fees of Class Counsel, and any applicable taxes or charges thereon, including any amounts payable as a result of the Settlement Agreement by Class Counsel or the Settlement Class Members to any other body or Person, including the Fonds d’aide aux actions collectives in Quebec.

  • Insurance Expenses means any Insurance Proceeds (i) applied to the repair of the related Leased Vehicle, (ii) released to the related Lessee in accordance with applicable law or the Customary Servicing Practices or (iii) representing other related expenses incurred by the Servicer that are not otherwise included in Liquidation Expenses or Disposition Expenses and recoverable by the Servicer under any applicable Servicer Basic Documents.

  • Operation and Maintenance Expenses or ‘O&M expenses' means the expenditure incurred on operation and maintenance of the project, or part thereof, and includes the expenditure on manpower, repairs, spares, consumables, insurance and overheads;

  • Organizational and Offering Expenses means any and all costs and expenses, including Selling Commissions and the Marketing Support Fee incurred by the Company or any of its Affiliates in connection with the formation, qualification and registration of the Company and the marketing and distribution of Equity Shares in an Offering, including, without limitation, the following: legal, accounting and escrow fees; due diligence expenses; printing, amending, supplementing, mailing and distributing costs; personnel costs associated with processing investor subscriptions and the preparation and dissemination of organizational and offering documents and sales materials; telecopy and telephone costs; charges of transfer agents, registrars, trustees, depositories, and experts; and fees, expenses and taxes related to the filing, registration and qualification of the Equity Shares under federal and state laws.

  • Operation and Maintenance Costs means the costs of:

  • Crew Support Costs means all expenses of a general nature which are not particularly referable to any individual vessel for the time being managed by the Managers and which are incurred by the Managers for the purpose of providing an efficient and economic management service and, without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, shall include the cost of crew standby pay, training schemes for officers and ratings, cadet training schemes, sick pay, study pay, recruitment and interviews.

  • Connection Income Taxes means Other Connection Taxes that are imposed on or measured by net income (however denominated) or that are franchise Taxes or branch profits Taxes.