Secondary water definition

Secondary water means the same as that term is defined in Section 73-10-34.
Secondary water means water that is:
Secondary water means water that:

Examples of Secondary water in a sentence

  • Xxxxxx Area Secondary Water Supply System Joint Board of Management, administered by the City of St. Xxxxxx Delineation of the system ownership between the Elgin Area Primary Water Supply System and the other systems is included in the CD/DVD of supporting information that has been provided as part of the Request for Proposals for Lake Huron & Elgin Area Primary Water Supply Systems Contract Successful Proponent Procurement dated August 2, 2011, under the folder E3 -Drawings – EMPS.

  • CDRI’s performance of its property transfer and cash in lieu of construction payment obligations pursuant to this Section 4.10 shall fully satisfy CDRI’s above-described Well Site, Water Storage, and Secondary Water Supply obligations, whereupon CDRI and its successors may continue to request Building Permits and the City shall continue to issue such Permits irrespective of whether the City has completed construction of the Water Improvements and/or made them operational.

  • Developer shall, consistent with governmental requirements as of the date hereof, design and build onsite and offsite secondary water facilities, including water sources and storage and distribution facilities, of sufficient size to serve the Project, in accordance with the Secondary Water Master Plan.

  • The PROJECT is described as follows: Culinary and Secondary Water Master Plan.

  • Developer shall be entitled to a dollar for dollar credit against Secondary Water Impact Fees upon platting each lot within the Project for Developer’s costs to construct any secondary water-related infrastructure which the parties mutually agree constitutes System Improvements.

More Definitions of Secondary water

Secondary water. The District requires a secondary source of water for all irrigation and outside use. The District does not allow sprinkler systems to be connected to the culinary water line. If the District becomes aware that a sprinkler system has been connected to the culinary line, water service will be suspended until the illegal connection has been disconnected and inspect by District personnel. Secondary Water Source:
Secondary water means water that is not used for culinary or on Farmland Assessment Act lands (i.e., “Greenbelt” tax lands)
Secondary water means non-potable or non-culinary, untreated water that is designated for irrigation

Related to Secondary water

  • Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Management Program or "MS4 Program" means a management program covering the duration of a state permit for a municipal separate storm sewer system that includes a comprehensive planning process that involves public participation and intergovernmental coordination, to reduce the discharge of pollutants to the maximum extent practicable, to protect water quality, and to satisfy the appropriate water quality requirements of the CWA and regulations and the Act and attendant regulations, using management practices, control techniques, and system, design and engineering methods, and such other provisions that are appropriate.

  • Virginia Stormwater Management Program or “VSMP” means a program approved by the State Board after September 13, 2011, that has been established by a locality to manage the quality and quantity of runoff resulting from land-disturbing activities and shall include such items as local ordinances, rules, permit requirements, annual standards and specifications, policies and guidelines, technical materials, and requirements for plan review, inspection, enforcement, where authorized in this article, and evaluation consistent with the requirements of this article and associated regulations.

  • Secondary emissions means emissions which occur as a result of the construction or operation of a major stationary source or major modification, but do not come from the major stationary source or major modification itself. For the purposes of this chapter, “secondary emissions” must be specific, well-defined, and quantifiable, and must impact the same general areas as the stationary source modification which causes the secondary emissions. “Secondary emissions” includes emissions from any offsite support facility which would not be constructed or increase its emissions except as a result of the construction or operation of the major stationary source or major modification. “Secondary emissions” does not include any emissions which come directly from a mobile source, such as emissions from the tailpipe of a motor vehicle, from a train, or from a vessel.

  • Public water supply means all mains, pipes and structures through which water is obtained and distributed to the public, including wells and well structures, intakes and cribs, pumping stations, treatment plants, reservoirs, storage tanks and appurtenances, collectively or severally, actually used or intended for use for the purpose of furnishing water for drinking or general domestic use and which serve at least 15 service connections or which regularly serve at least 25 persons at least 60 days per year. A public water supply is either a "community water supply" or a "non-community water supply".

  • Small municipal separate storm sewer system or "small MS4" means all separate storm sewers that are (i) owned or operated by the United States, a state, city, town, borough, county, parish, district, association, or other public body (created by or pursuant to state law) having jurisdiction over disposal of sewage, industrial wastes, stormwater, or other wastes, including special districts under state law such as a sewer district, flood control district or drainage district, or similar entity, or an Indian tribe or an authorized Indian tribal organization, or a designated and approved management agency under § 208 of the CWA that discharges to surface waters and (ii) not defined as "large" or "medium" municipal separate storm sewer systems or designated under 4VAC50-60-380 A 1. This term includes systems similar to separate storm sewer systems in municipalities, such as systems at military bases, large hospital or prison complexes, and highway and other thoroughfares. The term does not include separate storm sewers in very discrete areas, such as individual buildings.

  • Stormwater management plan means the set of drawings and other documents that comprise all the information and specifications for the programs, drainage systems, structures, BMPs, concepts and techniques intended to maintain or restore quality and quantity of stormwater runoff to pre-development levels.

  • Fresh water means water, such as tap water, that has not been previously used in a process operation or, if the water has been recycled from a process operation, it has been treated and meets the effluent guidelines for chromium wastewater.

  • Potable water means water which meets the requirements of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 604 for drinking, culinary, and domestic purposes.

  • Ground water means water below the land surface in a zone of saturation.