Renewables portfolio standard definition

Renewables portfolio standard means the specified percentage of electricity generated by eligible renewable energy resources that a retail seller or a local publicly owned electric utility is required to procure pursuant to this article.
Renewables portfolio standard or “RPS” means the standard adopted by the State of California pursuant to Senate Bill 2 1st Extraordinary Session (SBX1 2, Chapter 1, Statutes 2011-12), and California Public Utilities Code Sections 399.11through 399.31, inclusive, as may be amended, setting minimum renewable energy targets for local publicly owned electric utilities.
Renewables portfolio standard means the specified percentage of electricity generated by eligible renewable energy resources that a retail seller is required to procure pursuant to this article.

Examples of Renewables portfolio standard in a sentence

  • Seller shall, at its sole expense, take all actions and execute all documents or instruments necessary to ensure that all WREGIS Certificates associated with all Renewable Energy Credits corresponding to all Generating Facility Energy are issued and tracked for purposes of satisfying the requirements of the California Renewables Portfolio Standard and transferred in a timely manner to Buyer for Buyer’s sole benefit.

  • Seller and, if applicable, its successors, represents and warrants that throughout the Delivery Term of this Agreement the Renewable Energy Credits transferred to Buyer conform to the definition and attributes required for compliance with the California Renewables Portfolio Standard, as set forth in California Public Utilities Commission Decision 00-00-000, and as may be modified by subsequent decision of the California Public Utilities Commission or by subsequent legislation.

  • Seller, and, if applicable, its successors, represents and warrants that throughout the Delivery Term of this Agreement that: (i) the Project qualifies and is certified by the CEC as an Eligible Renewable Energy Resource as such term is defined in Public Utilities Code Section 399.12 or Section 399.16; and (ii) the Project’s electrical energy output delivered to Buyer qualifies under the requirements of the California Renewables Portfolio Standard.

  • Boulder, Colorado June 9, 2011 Introduction and Background This Independent Evaluation Report addresses a renewable energy credit (REC) transaction/contract associated with Pacific Gas & Electric’s (PG&E) Renewables Portfolio Standard (RPS) efforts.

More Definitions of Renewables portfolio standard

Renewables portfolio standard or “RPS” means the renewable energy program and policies established by California State Senate Bills 1078, X1 - 2 and 350, codified in California Public Utilities Code Sections 399.11 through 399.32 and California Public Resources Code Sections 25740 through 25751, as such provisions are amended or supplemented from time to time.
Renewables portfolio standard means the procurement targets for eligible renewable energy resources Buyer is required to implement under Section 399.30 of the Public Utilities Code or any successor thereto.
Renewables portfolio standard means the specified percentage of electricity generated by eligible renewable energy resources that a retail seller is required to procure pursuant to Sections 399.13 and 399.15.
Renewables portfolio standard or “RPS” means the California renewables portfolio standard, as set forth in California Public Utilities Code §§ 399.11 et seq. and California Public Resources Code §§ 25740-25751, and as administered by the CEC as set forth in the CEC RPS Eligibility Guidebook (7th Ed.), as may be subsequently modified by the CEC, and the California Public Utilities Commission (“CPUC”) and as may be modified by subsequent decision of the CPUC or by subsequent legislation, and regulations promulgated with respect thereto.
Renewables portfolio standard or “RPS” means the specified percentage of electricity generated by eligible renewable energy resources that a retail seller is required to procure pursuant to California Public Utilities Code, section 387 (California Public Utilities Code, section 399.11, et seq.).
Renewables portfolio standard means the specified percentage
Renewables portfolio standard means the specified percentage of electricity generated by eligible renewable energy resources that a retail seller or a local publicly owned electric utility is required to procure pursuant to this article. (§ 399.12(i), underline and italic added.)