P&S Obligations definition

P&S Obligations means all Obligations outstanding under the Credit Agreement and the other P&S Documents, and shall in any event include: (a) all interest accrued or accruing (or which would, absent commencement of an Insolvency or Liquidation Proceeding (and the effect of provisions such as Section 502(b)(2) of the Bankruptcy Code), accrue) after commencement of an Insolvency or Liquidation Proceeding in accordance with the rate specified in the relevant P&S Document, whether or not the claim for such interest is allowed as a claim in such Insolvency or Liquidation Proceeding, (b) any and all fees and expenses (including attorneys’ and/or financial consultants’ fees and expenses) incurred by P&S after the commencement of an Insolvency or Liquidation Proceeding, whether or not the claim for fees and expenses is allowed under Section 506(b) of the Bankruptcy Code or any other provision of the Bankruptcy Code or Bankruptcy Law as a claim in such Insolvency or Liquidation Proceeding and (c) all obligations and liabilities of NWB under each P&S Document to which it is a party which, but for the automatic stay under Section 362(a) of the Bankruptcy Code, would become due.

Examples of P&S Obligations in a sentence

  • Teles and NWB agree that P&S shall have no obligation to honor, any instructions with regard to the Collateral Account or Control Agreement, including without limitation any instruction to direct the Blocked Account Bank to transfer any funds in the applicable Collateral Account, so long as the P&S Obligations shall not have been paid in full, and any such instructions shall be null and void.

Related to P&S Obligations

  • Bank Products Obligations of any Person means the obligations of such Person pursuant to any Bank Products Agreement.

  • Obligations means any principal, interest, penalties, fees, indemnifications, reimbursements, damages and other liabilities payable under the documentation governing any Indebtedness.

  • Escrow Obligations means (a) Government Obligations, (b) certificates of deposit issued by a bank or trust company which are (1) fully insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or similar corporation chartered by the United States or (2) secured by a pledge of any Government Obligations having an aggregate market value, exclusive of accrued interest, equal at least to the principal amount of the certificates so secured, which security is held in a custody account by a custodian satisfactory to the Registrar or the Registrar, as the case may be, or (c)(1) evidences of a direct ownership in future interest or principal on Government Obligations, which Government Obligations are held in a custody account by a custodian satisfactory to the Registrar pursuant to the terms of a custody agreement in form and substance acceptable to the Registrar and (2) obligations issued by any state of the United States or any political subdivision, public instrumentality or public authority of any state, which obligations are fully secured by and payable solely from Government Obligations, which Government Obligations are held pursuant to an agreement in form and substance acceptable to the Registrar and, in any such case, maturing as to principal and interest in such amounts and at such times as will insure the availability of sufficient money to make the payment secured thereby.

  • U.S. Obligations means non-redeemable securities evidencing an obligation to timely pay principal and/or interest in a full and timely manner that are direct obligations of the United States of America for the payment of which its full faith and credit is pledged.

  • DIP Obligations means “DIP Obligations” as defined in the DIP Order.

  • Borrower's Obligations means, without duplication, all of the obligations of Borrower to Lender whenever arising, under this Loan Agreement, the Notes or any of the other Loan Documents, including without limitation, all principal, interest, monies advanced on behalf of Borrower under the terms of the Loan Documents, and taxes, insurance premiums, costs and expenses, and fees and any amounts that would have accrued but for the automatic stay under the Bankruptcy Code, and any obligations under any Swap Contract between Borrower and any Swap Issuer, whenever arising.

  • Seller Obligations means all present and future indebtedness, reimbursement obligations, and other liabilities and obligations (howsoever created, arising or evidenced, whether direct or indirect, absolute or contingent, or due or to become due) of the Seller to any Purchaser Party, Seller Indemnified Party and/or any Affected Person, arising under or in connection with this Agreement or any other Transaction Document or the transactions contemplated hereby or thereby, and shall include, without limitation, all obligations of the Seller in respect of the Seller Guaranty and the payment of all Capital, Yield, Fees and other amounts due or to become due under the Transaction Documents (whether in respect of fees, costs, expenses, indemnifications or otherwise), including, without limitation, interest, fees and other obligations that accrue after the commencement of any Insolvency Proceeding with respect to the Seller (in each case whether or not allowed as a claim in such proceeding).

  • Payment Obligations means any and all obligations of the Authority to pay or reimburse the Bank contained in or evidenced by any Authority Document, including, without limitation, obligations to reimburse the Bank for all Drawings under the Letter of Credit, all obligations to repay the Bank for any Unreimbursed Amount and any Bank Loan, including all interest accrued thereon, all amounts owing under the Bank Note, the fees relating to the Letter of Credit and all other obligations of the Authority to the Bank arising under, or in relation to, or evidenced by, this GR Reimbursement Agreement or the Bank Note.

  • Derivatives Obligations of any Person means all obligations of such Person in respect of any rate swap transaction, basis swap, forward rate transaction, commodity swap, commodity option, equity or equity index swap, equity or equity index option, bond option, interest rate option, foreign exchange transaction, cap transaction, floor transaction, collar transaction, currency swap transaction, cross-currency rate swap transaction, currency option or any other similar transaction (including any option with respect to any of the foregoing transactions) or any combination of the foregoing transactions.

  • L/C Obligations means, as at any date of determination, the aggregate amount available to be drawn under all outstanding Letters of Credit plus the aggregate of all Unreimbursed Amounts, including all L/C Borrowings. For purposes of computing the amount available to be drawn under any Letter of Credit, the amount of such Letter of Credit shall be determined in accordance with Section 1.06. For all purposes of this Agreement, if on any date of determination a Letter of Credit has expired by its terms but any amount may still be drawn thereunder by reason of the operation of Rule 3.14 of the ISP, such Letter of Credit shall be deemed to be “outstanding” in the amount so remaining available to be drawn.

  • Refunded Obligations means, collectively, the Refunded Notes, if any, and the Refunded Bonds, if any, refunded by each Series.

  • Guaranty Obligations means, with respect to any Person, without duplication, any obligations of such Person (other than endorsements in the ordinary course of business of negotiable instruments for deposit or collection) guaranteeing or intended to guarantee any Indebtedness of any other Person in any manner, whether direct or indirect, and including without limitation any obligation, whether or not contingent, (i) to purchase any such Indebtedness or any Property constituting security therefor, (ii) to advance or provide funds or other support for the payment or purchase of any such Indebtedness or to maintain working capital, solvency or other balance sheet condition of such other Person (including without limitation keep well agreements, maintenance agreements, comfort letters or similar agreements or arrangements) for the benefit of any holder of Indebtedness of such other Person, (iii) to lease or purchase Property, securities or services primarily for the purpose of assuring the holder of such Indebtedness, or (iv) to otherwise assure or hold harmless the holder of such Indebtedness against loss in respect thereof. The amount of any Guaranty Obligation hereunder shall (subject to any limitations set forth therein) be deemed to be an amount equal to the outstanding principal amount (or maximum principal amount, if larger) of the Indebtedness in respect of which such Guaranty Obligation is made.

  • Program Obligations means (1) all applicable statutes and any regulations issued by the Secretary pursuant thereto that apply to the Project, including all amendments to such statutes and regulations, as they become effective, except that changes subject to notice and comment rulemaking shall become effective only upon completion of the rulemaking process, and (2) all current requirements in HUD handbooks and guides, notices, and mortgagee letters that apply to the Project, and all future updates, changes and amendments thereto, as they become effective, except that changes subject to notice and comment rulemaking shall become effective only upon completion of the rulemaking process, and provided that such future updates, changes and amendments shall be applicable to the Project only to the extent that they interpret, clarify and implement terms in this Agreement rather than add or delete provisions from such document. Handbooks, guides, notices, and mortgagee letters are available on HUD's official website: (xxxx://xxx.xxx.xxx/offices/adm/hudclips/index.cfm or a successor location to that site)).

  • Notes Obligations means Obligations in respect of the Notes, this Indenture and the Guarantees.

  • Secondary Obligations means all Obligations other than Primary Obligations.

  • Swap Obligations means with respect to any Guarantor any obligation to pay or perform under any agreement, contract or transaction that constitutes a “swap” within the meaning of Section 1a(47) of the Commodity Exchange Act.

  • Safety Obligations means all applicable obligations concerning health and safety (including any duty of care arising at common law, and any obligation arising under statute, statutory instrument or mandatory code of practice) in Great Britain;

  • Guaranty Obligation has the meaning specified in the definition of "Contingent Obligation."

  • Indemnity Obligations means all obligations of the Company to Indemnitee under this Agreement, including the Company’s obligations to provide indemnification to Indemnitee and advance Expenses to Indemnitee under this Agreement.

  • Loan Obligations means (a) the due and punctual payment by the Borrower of (i) the unpaid principal of and interest (including interest accruing during the pendency of any bankruptcy, insolvency, receivership or other similar proceeding, regardless of whether allowed or allowable in such proceeding) on the Loans made to the Borrower under this Agreement, when and as due, whether at maturity, by acceleration, upon one or more dates set for prepayment or otherwise, (ii) each payment required to be made by the Borrower under this Agreement in respect of any Letter of Credit, when and as due, including payments in respect of reimbursement of disbursements, interest thereon (including interest accruing during the pendency of any bankruptcy, insolvency, receivership or other similar proceeding, regardless of whether allowed or allowable in such proceeding) and obligations to provide Cash Collateral and (iii) all other monetary obligations of the Borrower owed under or pursuant to this Agreement and each other Loan Document, including obligations to pay fees, expense reimbursement obligations and indemnification obligations, whether primary, secondary, direct, contingent, fixed or otherwise (including monetary obligations incurred during the pendency of any bankruptcy, insolvency, receivership or other similar proceeding, regardless of whether allowed or allowable in such proceeding), and (b) the due and punctual payment of all obligations of each other Loan Party under or pursuant to each of the Loan Documents.

  • Secured Swap Obligations means all amounts and other obligations owing to any Secured Swap Party under any Secured Swap Agreement (other than Excluded Swap Obligations).

  • Permitted Swap Obligations means all obligations (contingent or otherwise) of the Company or any Subsidiary existing or arising under Swap Contracts; provided that each of the following criteria is satisfied: (a) such obligations are (or were) entered into by such Person in the ordinary course of business for the purpose of directly mitigating risks associated with liabilities, commitments or assets held or reasonably anticipated by such Person, or changes in the value of securities issued by such Person in conjunction with a securities repurchase program not otherwise prohibited hereunder, and not for purposes of speculation or taking a “market view;” and (b) such Swap Contracts do not contain any provision (“walk-away” provision) exonerating the non-defaulting party from its obligation to make payments on outstanding transactions to the defaulting party.

  • Net Obligation means the amount owed to PJMSettlement and PJM for purchases from the PJM Markets, Transmission Service, (under Tariff, Parts II and III , and other services pursuant to the Agreements, after applying a deduction for amounts owed to a Participant by PJMSettlement as it pertains to monthly market activity and services. Should other markets be formed such that Participants may incur future Obligations in those markets, then the aggregate amount of those Obligations will also be added to the Net Obligation.

  • L/C Reimbursement Obligation means, for any Letter of Credit, the obligation of the Borrower to the L/C Issuer thereof, as and when matured, to pay all amounts drawn under such Letter of Credit.

  • Monetary Obligations means Rent and all other sums payable by Tenant under this Lease to Landlord, to any third party on behalf of Landlord or to any Indemnitee.

  • Specified Obligations means Obligations consisting of the principal and interest on Loans, reimbursement obligations in respect of LC Disbursements and fees.