Principal Debts definition

Principal Debts means the part of the Debts that is due to the Provider at any time in respect of principal/capital; and

Examples of Principal Debts in a sentence

  • The Bank shall transfer the principal and interest of the financial assets entitled by the borrower/debtor/financier of the Disposed Assets (the “Principal Debts”), the security debts, mortgage rights, pledge rights and other ancillary rights (the “Security Rights”) related to the Principal Debts and other rights arising or in connection thereof to Tianjin Capital Investment.

  • Therefore, as at the Benchmark Date, the net amount of Principal Debts of the Disposed Assets, net of the impairment provision made, was approximately RMB8,140 million.

  • The Borrower declares that he is legally and unconditionally indebted to the Lender for the Principal Debts as well as the interest and charges stipulated per Schedule “A”.

  • Payment of Listing Fees:Annual listing fees as applicable has been paid by the Company to the BSE.

  • In the event of the moneys available for distribution being insufficient to pay to each of the Joint Mortgagees the full amount of the Principal Debts and other due to each of the Joint Mortgagees, be applied Pari Passu as nearly as may be practicable towards payment to each of them first towards the Principal Debts.

  • If we consider water law reform as the other major area of public policy and economic structural reform that has utilised market mechanism then it seems the prospects for a trading scheme to address sustainability goals beyond the relatively narrow view of ‘efficiency’ will be limited.