Post-Confirmation Expense definition

Post-Confirmation Expense means any fees, costs and expenses (including, without limitation, United States Trustee fees, Liquidating Trustee fees, attorneys’ fees, the fees of other professionals, and any taxes imposed on the Fairfield Trust or in respect of the Liquidating Assets and/or the Reorganized Fairfield Assets) necessary to complete the reorganization of the Debtors, their Estates and the liquidation of the Liquidating Assets and Fairfield Trust after the Effective Date.
Post-Confirmation Expense means any fees, costs and expenses including fees due pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §1930, fees of the Responsible Person, attorneys’ fees, the fees of other professionals employed by the Responsible Person in connection with the post-Effective Date liquidation of the Debtors after the Effective Date.
Post-Confirmation Expense means any fees, costs and expenses (including, without limitation, United States Trustee fees, Liquidating Trustee fees, attorneys’ fees, the fees of other professionals, and any taxes imposed on the Liquidating Trust or in respect of its Assets) necessary to complete the liquidation and winding up of the Debtors, their Estates and the Liquidating Trust after the Effective Date.

More Definitions of Post-Confirmation Expense

Post-Confirmation Expense means any fees, costs and expenses (including, without limitation, United States Trustee fees, Liquidating Trustee fees, Disbursing Agent fees, attorneys’ fees, the fees of other professionals, and any taxes imposed on the Vion Liquidating Trust or in respect of its Assets) necessary to complete the liquidation and winding up of the Debtor, its Estate and the Vion Liquidating Trust after the Effective Date. -11-
Post-Confirmation Expense means all expenses reasonably incurred subsequent to the Confirmation Date in consummating the Plan.
Post-Confirmation Expense means all expenses reasonably incurred subsequent to the entry of the confirmation order in consummating the Plan, including, but not limited to, fees and expenses of counsel and accountants retained by the Debtor pursuant to 327 and 1103(a) of the Code.

Related to Post-Confirmation Expense

  • Transition Expenses The reasonable costs (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) of the Backup Servicer incurred in connection with the transferring the servicing obligations under this Agreement and amending this Agreement to reflect such transfer in an amount not to exceed $100,000.

  • Litigation Expense means any expenses reasonably incurred in connection with investigating, defending or asserting any claim, action, suit or proceeding incident to any matter indemnified against under this Agreement, including, without limitation, court filing fees, court costs, arbitration fees or costs, witness fees, and fees and disbursements of legal counsel, investigators, expert witnesses, accountants and other professionals.

  • Transaction Expenses means any fees, costs, or expenses incurred or paid by Holdings, the Borrower, or any of their respective Affiliates in connection with the Transactions, this Agreement, and the other Credit Documents, and the transactions contemplated hereby and thereby.

  • Administration Expenses Payment means the amount the Administrator will be paid from the Gross Settlement Amount to reimburse its reasonable fees and expenses in accordance with the Administrator’s “not to exceed” bid submitted to the Court in connection with Preliminary Approval of the Settlement.

  • Distribution Expenses means the reasonable costs, excluding overhead, incurred by ZIOPHARM that are directly and reasonably allocable to the distribution of a ZIOPHARM Product with respect to a particular country where such ZIOPHARM Product has been launched, excluding any costs included as a deduction in calculating Net Sales.

  • Estimated Transaction Expenses has the meaning set forth in Section 2.3(a).

  • Notice and Administration Expenses means all costs, fees, and expenses incurred in connection with providing notice to the Settlement Class and the administration of the Settlement, including but not limited to: (i) providing notice of the proposed Settlement by mail, publication, and other means to Settlement Class Members; (ii) receiving and reviewing claims; (iii) applying the Plan of Allocation; (iv) communicating with Persons regarding the proposed Settlement and claims administration process; (v) distributing the proceeds of the Settlement; and (vi) fees related to the Escrow Account and investment of the Settlement Fund.

  • Litigation Expenses means costs and expenses incurred in connection with commencing, prosecuting and settling the Action (which may include the costs and expenses of Plaintiffs directly related to their representation of the Settlement Class), for which Lead Counsel intends to apply to the Court for reimbursement from the Settlement Fund.

  • Settlement Administration Expenses means the Settlement Administrator’s fee, and the expenses incurred by the Settlement Administrator in providing Notice, processing claims, exclusions, and objections, responding to inquiries from members of the Settlement Class, mailing checks for Approved Claims, and related services, paying taxes and tax expenses related to the Settlement Fund (including all federal, state or local taxes of any kind and interest or penalties thereon, as well as expenses incurred in connection with determining the amount of and paying any taxes owed and expenses related to any tax attorneys and accountants).

  • Election expenses means expenses incurred, whether before, during or after the election, on account of, or in respect of, the conduct or management of the election.

  • Unpaid Transaction Expenses has the meaning specified in Section 2.4(c).

  • Transportation Expense means the cost of Medically Necessary conveyance, personnel, and services or supplies.

  • Administration Expenses means all fees, disbursements, expenses, costs, taxes and any other amounts incurred or payable by the Plaintiffs, Class Counsel or otherwise for the approval, implementation and operation of this Settlement Agreement, including the costs of notices, but excluding Class Counsel Fees and Class Counsel Disbursements.

  • Restructuring Expenses means losses, expenses and charges incurred in connection with restructuring by U.S. Borrower and/or one or more of its Subsidiaries, including in connection with integration of acquired businesses or persons, disposition of one or more Subsidiaries or businesses, exiting of one or more lines of businesses and relocation or consolidation of facilities, including severance, lease termination and other non-ordinary-course, non-operating costs and expenses in connection therewith.

  • Closing Transaction Expenses means the Transaction Expenses as set forth on the Closing Statement.

  • Non-Cash Compensation Expense means any non-cash expenses and costs that result from the issuance of stock-based awards, partnership interest-based awards and similar incentive based compensation awards or arrangements.

  • Program Expenses means all UHC’s expenses of administering the Program under the Indenture and the Act and shall include without limiting the generality of the foregoing; salaries, supplies, utilities, labor, materials, office rent, maintenance, furnishings, equipment, machinery and apparatus, including information processing equipment; software, insurance premiums, credit enhancement fees, legal, accounting, management, consulting and banking services and expenses; Fiduciary Expenses; remarketing fees; Costs of Issuance not paid from proceeds of Bonds; and payments to pension, retirement, health and hospitalization funds; and any other expenses required or permitted to be paid by UHC.

  • Final Transaction Expenses has the meaning set forth in Section 3.2(b).

  • Seller Transaction Expenses means all unpaid fees, costs, charges, expenses, obligations, payments and awards that are incurred by the Sellers or their Affiliates in connection with, relating to or arising out of the preparation, negotiation, execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement and the Transaction Documents and the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby and thereby, including all Taxes.

  • Covered Expenses means expenses actually incurred by or on behalf of a Covered Person for treatment, services and supplies covered by the Policy. Coverage under the Participating Organization’s Policy must remain continuously in force from the date of the Covered Accident or Sickness until the date treatment, services or supplies are received for them to be a Covered Expense. A Covered Expense is deemed to be incurred on the date such treatment, service or supply, that gave rise to the expense or the charge, was rendered or obtained.

  • Acquisition Expenses means any and all expenses, exclusive of Acquisition Fees, incurred by the Company, the Operating Partnership, the Advisor or any of their Affiliates in connection with the selection, evaluation, acquisition, origination, making or development of any Investments, whether or not acquired, including, without limitation, legal fees and expenses, travel and communications expenses, brokerage fees, costs of appraisals, nonrefundable option payments on property not acquired, accounting fees and expenses, title insurance premiums and the costs of performing due diligence.

  • Liquidation Expenses With respect to a Mortgage Loan in liquidation, unreimbursed expenses paid or incurred by or for the account of the Master Servicer or the related Servicers, such expenses including (a) property protection expenses, (b) property sales expenses, (c) foreclosure and sale costs, including court costs and reasonable attorneys’ fees, and (d) similar expenses reasonably paid or incurred in connection with liquidation.

  • Indemnification Expenses shall have the meaning set forth in Section 6.11(a).

  • Insured Expenses Expenses covered by an Insurance Policy or any other insurance policy with respect to the Mortgage Loans.

  • Pass-Through Expenses means reasonable and actual out-of-pocket expenses incurred by Contractor for equipment, materials, supplies or other Services provided to LAUSD, but not including Contractor’s overhead costs, administrative expenses or other mark-ups.