Examples of Pesticide container in a sentence
Pesticide, container, and product label disposal issues briefing.
Pesticide container labels regulated by EPA satisfy this requirement.
Pesticide and pesticide container disposal program - Pesticide container management - Compensation.
Pesticide container disposal is offered to agricultural, professional, and commercial pesticide applicators who hold a NJDEP pesticide license as well as state, county, and municipal government agencies.
At the 22nd SPREP Annual Meeting (Apia, Samoa September 13 – 15) the following agreements were reached linked to the implementation of the two components:Component 2: Pesticide container managementAn initial review of container management challenges has been completed in Samoa.
Pesticide container and bottles should not be piled up on the sales counter where they can be easily knocked over.e. Customers should not be allowed to open containers to smell contents to avoid being poisoned through inhalation.
Pesticide container rinse water shall be added to batches of pesticide for application.
Pesticide container limit can be expanded by expanding the capacity of the tank and heavy lifting motors.
Promotes Farm*A*Syst, Crop*A*Syst, Livestock*A*Syst, Forest Wetlands Habitat*A*Syst, Clean Sweep, Pesticide container recycling, equipment calibration and other stewardship practices through displays, and newsletters.
FT-IR spectra were taken in the transmittance mode in the middle-IR (MIR) region.