Permitted Call Spread Hedge Swap Contracts definition

Permitted Call Spread Hedge Swap Contracts means (a) a Swap Contract pursuant to which the Company acquires a call option requiring the counterparty thereto to deliver to the Company shares of common stock of the Company from time to time upon exercise of such option and (b) a Swap Contract pursuant to which the Company issues to the counterparty thereto warrants to acquire common stock of the Company, in each case entered into by the Company in connection with the issuance of the Permitted Convertible Notes for the purpose of raising the effective conversion price thereof; provided that (i) the terms, conditions and covenants of each such Swap Contract shall be such as are typical and customary for Swap Contracts of such type (as determined by the Board of Directors of the Company in good faith) and (ii) the settlement of each such Swap Contract does not require the Company to make any payment in cash or cash equivalents (other than payment of cash in lieu of issuance of fractional shares).

Related to Permitted Call Spread Hedge Swap Contracts

  • Specified Swap Agreement any Swap Agreement entered into by the Borrower and any Qualified Counterparty (or any Person who was a Qualified Counterparty as of the Closing Date or as of the date such Swap Agreement was entered into) in respect of interest rates to the extent permitted under Section 7.13.

  • Swap Agreement means any agreement with respect to any swap, forward, future or derivative transaction or option or similar agreement involving, or settled by reference to, one or more rates, currencies, commodities, equity or debt instruments or securities, or economic, financial or pricing indices or measures of economic, financial or pricing risk or value or any similar transaction or any combination of these transactions; provided that no phantom stock or similar plan providing for payments only on account of services provided by current or former directors, officers, employees or consultants of the Borrower or the Subsidiaries shall be a Swap Agreement.

  • Hedging Agreements means, collectively, interest rate protection agreements, equity index agreements, foreign currency exchange agreements, option agreements or other interest or exchange rate or commodity price hedging agreements (other than forward contracts for the delivery of power or gas written by the Borrower to its jurisdictional and wholesale customers in the ordinary course of business).

  • Swap Agreements means any agreement with respect to any swap, forward, future or derivative transaction or option or similar agreement involving, or settled by reference to, one or more rates, currencies, commodities, equity or debt instruments or securities, or economic, financial or pricing indices or measures of economic, financial or pricing risk or value or any similar transaction or any combination of these transactions; provided that no phantom stock or similar plan providing for payments only on account of services provided by current or former directors, officers, employees or consultants of the Borrowers or the Subsidiaries shall be a Swap Agreement.

  • Currency Swap Agreement means any currency swap agreement, including all schedules and confirmations thereto, entered into by the Issuer and the Currency Swap Counterparty, as the same may be amended, supplemented, renewed, extended or replaced from time to time.

  • Secured Swap Agreement means a Swap Agreement between (a) any Loan Party and (b) a Secured Swap Provider.

  • Cap Contracts means (i) the Cap Contract between the Trustee and the counterparty named thereunder, for the benefit of the Holders of the Class A-1 Certificates, the Mezzanine Certificates and the Class B Certificates (the "Group I Cap Contract") and (ii) the Cap Contract between the Trustee and the counterparty thereunder, for the benefit of the Class A-2 Certificates, the Mezzanine Certificates and the Class B Certificates (the "Group II Cap Contract").

  • Swap Contracts means (a) any and all rate swap transactions, basis swaps, credit derivative transactions, forward rate transactions, commodity swaps, commodity options, forward commodity contracts, equity or equity index swaps or options, bond or bond price or bond index swaps or options or forward bond or forward bond price or forward bond index transactions, interest rate options, forward foreign exchange transactions, cap transactions, floor transactions, collar transactions, currency swap transactions, cross-currency rate swap transactions, currency options, spot contracts, or any other similar transactions or any combination of any of the foregoing (including any options to enter into any of the foregoing), whether or not any such transaction is governed by or subject to any master agreement, and (b) any and all transactions of any kind, and the related confirmations, which are subject to the terms and conditions of, or governed by, any form of master agreement published by the International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc., any International Foreign Exchange Master Agreement, or any other master agreement (any such master agreement, together with any related schedules, a “Master Agreement”), including any such obligations or liabilities under any Master Agreement.

  • Swap Contract means (a) any and all rate swap transactions, basis swaps, credit derivative transactions, forward rate transactions, commodity swaps, commodity options, forward commodity contracts, equity or equity index swaps or options, bond or bond price or bond index swaps or options or forward bond or forward bond price or forward bond index transactions, interest rate options, forward foreign exchange transactions, cap transactions, floor transactions, collar transactions, currency swap transactions, cross-currency rate swap transactions, currency options, spot contracts, or any other similar transactions or any combination of any of the foregoing (including any options to enter into any of the foregoing), whether or not any such transaction is governed by or subject to any master agreement, and (b) any and all transactions of any kind, and the related confirmations, which are subject to the terms and conditions of, or governed by, any form of master agreement published by the International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc., any International Foreign Exchange Master Agreement, or any other master agreement (any such master agreement, together with any related schedules, a “Master Agreement”), including any such obligations or liabilities under any Master Agreement.

  • Permitted Asset Swap means the concurrent purchase and sale or exchange of assets used or useful in a Similar Business or a combination of such assets and cash, Cash Equivalents between the Company or any of its Restricted Subsidiaries and another Person; provided that any cash or Cash Equivalents received in excess of the value of any cash or Cash Equivalents sold or exchanged must be applied in accordance with Section 3.5 hereof.

  • Interest Rate Swap Agreement means the agreement(s) (including any further replacement agreements) entered into between the Guarantor LP and the Interest Rate Swap Provider(s) in the form of an ISDA Master Agreement, as the same may be amended, varied, supplemented, restated or extended from time to time, including a schedule and confirmations in relation to each Tranche or Series of Covered Bonds;

  • Commodity Hedging Agreements means, in respect of a Person, any commodity purchase contract, commodity futures or forward contract, commodities option contract or other similar contract (including commodities derivative agreements or arrangements), to which such Person is a party or a beneficiary.

  • Permitted Bond Hedge Transaction means any call or capped call option (or substantively equivalent derivative transaction) on the Parent’s common Equity Interests purchased by the Parent in connection with the issuance of any Convertible Indebtedness; provided that the purchase price for such Permitted Bond Hedge Transaction does not exceed the net proceeds received by the Parent from the sale of such Convertible Indebtedness issued in connection with the Permitted Bond Hedge Transaction.

  • Forward Hedge Amount means, for any Forward, the amount specified as such in the Placement Notice for such Forward (as amended by the corresponding Acceptance, if applicable), which amount shall be the target Aggregate Sales Price of the Forward Hedge Securities to be sold by the Forward Seller or an Alternative Forward Seller in respect of such Forward, subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement or the Alternative Distribution Agreement, as applicable.

  • Permitted Hedging Agreement means a Hedging Agreement made by a Loan Party or its Subsidiary in the ordinary course of its business in accordance with the reasonable requirements of its business, and not for speculative purposes, and in any such case, if the counterparty to such Permitted Hedging Agreement is not a Lender or an Affiliate of a Lender, such Permitted Hedging Agreement shall be unsecured (except for Permitted Liens of the type described in clause (xii) of the definition thereof).

  • Specified Hedging Agreement means any Interest Rate/Currency Hedging Agreement entered into by the Borrower or any Subsidiary Guarantor and any Qualified Counterparty.

  • Hedging Arrangements means, with respect to any Person, any agreements or other arrangements (including interest rate swap agreements, interest rate cap agreements and forward sale agreements) entered into to protect that Person against changes in interest rates or the market value of assets.

  • Specified Cash Management Agreement any agreement providing for treasury, depositary or cash management services, including in connection with any automated clearing house transfers of funds or any similar transactions between the Borrower or any Guarantor and any Lender or affiliate thereof or any Agent or affiliate thereof, which has been designated by such Lender and the Borrower, by notice to the Administrative Agent not later than 90 days after the execution and delivery by the Borrower or such Guarantor, as a “Specified Cash Management Agreement”.

  • Hedge Collateral Defined in Section 5.3(b).

  • Eligible Swap Counterparty means an entity, which may be an affiliate of a remarketing agent, engaged in the business of entering into derivative instrument contracts that satisfies the Rating Agency Condition.

  • Interest Rate Hedging Agreement means any interest rate protection agreement or other interest rate hedging arrangement.

  • Rate Hedging Agreement means an agreement, device or arrangement providing for payments which are related to fluctuations of interest rates, exchange rates or forward rates, including, but not limited to, dollar-denominated or cross-currency interest rate exchange agreements, forward currency exchange agreements, interest rate cap or collar protection agreements, forward rate currency or interest rate options, puts and warrants.

  • Specified Hedge Agreement any Hedge Agreement entered into by the Borrower or any Subsidiary Guarantor and any Qualified Counterparty.

  • Commodity Hedging Agreement means any forward contract, swap, option, hedge or other similar financial agreement or arrangement designed to protect against fluctuations in commodity prices.

  • Hedge Transaction means each interest rate swap, index rate swap or interest rate cap transaction or comparable derivative arrangement between the Borrower and a Hedge Counterparty that is entered into pursuant to Section 10.6 and is governed by a Hedging Agreement.