Nonperforming definition

Nonperforming means as of the close of business on the Closing Date any Loan with respect to which any principal or interest shall be due and unpaid by the borrower thereunder for more than one hundred and twenty (120) days prior to the Closing Date.
Nonperforming means any Loan with respect to which, on the day such Loan is being purchased by Purchaser pursuant to the terms hereof, any principal or interest shall be due and unpaid by the borrower thereunder for more than ninety (90) days prior to the day such Loan is purchased by Purchaser pursuant to the terms hereof.

Examples of Nonperforming in a sentence

  • Non-performing assets consist of non-performing loans and real estate owned.

  • Nonperforming assets consist of nonperforming loans and repossessed assets.

  • Non-performing assets consist of non-performing loans and other real estate owned.

  • Nonperforming loans consist of non-accrual loans and restructured loans.

  • Non-performing assets include non-accrual loans, loans past due 90 days and still accruing, non-performing investment securities and OREO and other repossessed assets.

  • Nonperforming loans and leases include both nonaccruing and accruing loans and leases delinquent more than 90 days.

  • Nonperforming loans are included in average balance computations.

  • Nonperforming loan rate is calculated by dividing nonperforming loans as of the end of the period by period-end loans held for investment for the specified loan category.

  • Non-performing loans consist of all non-accruing loans and accruing loans 90 days or more past due.

  • Non-performing loans consist of non-accrual loans and guaranteed loans 90 days or more past due but still accruing interest.

Related to Nonperforming

  • Force Majeure means an event beyond the control of the supplier and not involving the supplier’s fault or negligence and not foreseeable. Such events may include, but is not restricted to, acts of the purchaser in its sovereign capacity, wars or revolutions, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions and freight embargoes.

  • Force Majeure Event means any event due to any cause beyond the reasonable control of the Party, including, without limitation, unavailability of any communication system, sabotage, fire, flood, explosion, acts of God, civil commotion, strikes or industrial action of any kind, riots, insurrection, war or acts of government.

  • Force Majeure Delay means with respect to the Servicer, any cause or event which is beyond the control and not due to the negligence of the Servicer, which delays, prevents or prohibits such Person’s delivery of the reports required to be delivered or the performance of any other duty or obligation of the Servicer under the Indenture, as the case may be, including, without limitation, computer, electrical and mechanical failures, acts of God or the elements and fire; provided, that no such cause or event shall be deemed to be a Force Majeure Delay unless the Servicer shall have given the Indenture Trustee written notice thereof as soon as practicable after the beginning of such delay.

  • Performing Party As defined in Section 11.12.

  • Force Majeure Period has the meaning specified in Section 13.1.

  • Force Majeure Delays means any actual delay in the construction of the Tenant Improvements, which is beyond the reasonable control of Landlord or Tenant, as the case may be, as described in Paragraph 33 of the Lease.

  • Force Majeure Notice means a notice to be given by the Affected Party to the other party stating that a Force Majeure Event has occurred;

  • Unavoidable Delay means an event which delays Closing which is a strike, fire, explosion, flood, act of God, civil insurrection, act of war, act of terrorism or pandemic, plus any period of delay directly caused by the event, which are beyond the reasonable control of the Vendor and are not caused or contributed to by the fault of the Vendor. “Unavoidable Delay Period” means the number of days between the Purchaser’s receipt of written notice of the commencement of the Unavoidable Delay, as required by paragraph 5(b), and the date on which the Unavoidable Delay concludes.

  • Force Majeure Events means acts of war, domestic and/or international terrorism, civil riots or rebellions, quarantines, embargoes and other similar unusual governmental actions, extraordinary elements of nature or acts of God.

  • Persistent Breach means a Default which has occurred on three or more separate occasions with a continuous period of six (6) months.

  • Force Majeure Exception means any failure or delay in the performance of the Fund’s reporting obligation pursuant to Section 2.3 arising out of or caused, directly or indirectly, by circumstances beyond its reasonable control, including, without limitation, acts of God; earthquakes; flood; terrorism; wars and other military disturbances; sabotage; epidemics; riots; loss or malfunctions of utilities, computer (hardware or software) or communication services; accidents; acts of civil or military authority and governmental action. The Fund shall use commercially reasonable efforts to commence performance of its obligations during any of the foregoing circumstances.

  • Malfunction means any sudden, infrequent, and not reasonably preventable failure of air pollution control equipment, process equipment, or a process to operate in a normal or usual manner. Failures that are caused in part by poor maintenance or careless operation are not malfunctions.

  • Unavoidable Delays means delays due to any of the following, and only the following, (provided that such delay is beyond Construction Manager’s reasonable control): war, insurrection, civil commotion, strikes, slowdowns, lock outs, riots, flood, earthquakes, fires, casualties, acts of God, acts of a public enemy, acts of terrorism, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, freight embargoes, lack of transportation, governmental moratoriums, unusually severe or abnormal weather conditions, failure of utilities, or a court order which causes a delay (unless resulting from a wrongful act of Construction Manager). In no event shall the application to Construction Manager of any applicable law, regulation, rule or other governmental requirement constitute an Unavoidable Delay. Contractor shall use reasonable good faith efforts to notify Owner not later than five (5) days after Construction Manager knows of the occurrence of an Unavoidable Delay. An extension of time for an Unavoidable Delay shall only be for the period of the Unavoidable Delay, which period shall commence to run from the time of the commencement of the cause of the Unavoidable Delay.

  • Excused Outage means any disruption to or unavailability of Services caused by or due to (i) Scheduled Maintenance,

  • Performing means (a) with respect to any Portfolio Investment that is debt, the issuer of such Portfolio Investment is not in default of any payment obligations in respect thereof, after the expiration of any applicable grace period and (b) with respect to any Portfolio Investment that is Preferred Stock, the issuer of such Portfolio Investment has not failed to meet any scheduled redemption obligations or to pay its latest declared cash dividend, after the expiration of any applicable grace period.

  • Force Majeure Report means a report to be given by the Affected Party to the other party following the giving of a Force Majeure Notice;

  • Excused Downtime means the number of minutes in the Charging Period, rounded to the nearest minute that the link state of Customer’s Port is ‘down’ due to:

  • Persistent means three or more defaults. After the State has notified Contractor of its third default, the State may terminate this Contract without providing Contractor with an opportunity to cure, if Contractor defaults for a fourth time. The four defaults are not required to be related to each other in anyway.

  • Excusable Delay means a delay due to acts of God, governmental restrictions, stays, judgments, orders, decrees, enemy actions, civil commotion, fire, casualty, strikes, work stoppages, shortages of labor or materials or other causes beyond the reasonable control of Borrower, but lack of funds in and of itself shall not be deemed a cause beyond the control of Borrower.

  • Tenant Delay Any event or occurrence that delays the completion of the Landlord Work which is caused by or is described as follows:

  • Unavoidable means adverse impacts that remain after all appropriate and practicable avoidance and minimization have been achieved.

  • Non-Performing Party The Party who is in breach of, or is otherwise failing to perform, its obligations under this Agreement.

  • Persistent Failure means any two (2) or more failures by the Supplier in any rolling period of twelve (12) months to comply with obligations in respect of the Contract Services under the Contract;

  • Prevention means measures taken before a substance, material or product has become waste, that reduce: